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Dastyruck's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sure! Say if you have sub Blah; ``` Sub Blah(Index, Blah) If Blah 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Blah!", Black) End If ``` You may call it in say a scripted tile case; ``` Case 0 Call Blah(Index, 1) Exit Sub ``` Works just like that!
  2. LOTS of syntax errors, but, they are all gone, I didnt look through all of it, but your syntax is fixed… ``` ' Eclipse Evolution 2.7 Scripting File ' Global Variables Public GameName Public MAX_MAPS Public MOTD ' Color Constants Public Const BLACK = 0 Public Const BLUE = 1 Public Const GREEN = 2 Public Const CYAN = 3 Public Const RED = 4 Public Const MAGENTA = 5 Public Const BROWN = 6 Public Const GREY = 7 Public Const DARKGREY = 8 Public Const BRIGHTBLUE = 9 Public Const BRIGHTGREEN = 10 Public Const BRIGHTCYAN = 11 Public Const BRIGHTRED = 12 Public Const PINK = 13 Public Const YELLOW = 14 Public Const WHITE = 15 ' Admin Constants Public Const ADMIN_MONITER = 1 Public Const ADMIN_MAPPER = 2 Public Const ADMIN_DEVELOPER = 3 Public Const ADMIN_CREATOR = 4 ' Executes when the server initially loads. Sub OnServerLoad() GameName = GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName") MAX_MAPS = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub ' Executes when the scripts are reloaded. Sub OnScriptReload() GameName = GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName") MAX_MAPS = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub ' Executes the MOTD is changed by the client. Sub ChangeMOTD() MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub ' Executes when a new character is created. Sub OnNewChar(Index, CharNum) If GetPlayerClass(index) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 1 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 2 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 3 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 2, 2) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 4 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 5 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If If GetPlayerClass(index) = 6 Then Call SetPlayerSpell(index, 1, 1) End If End Sub ' Executes every second, based on the server time. Sub TimedEvent(Hours, Minutes, Seconds) If Minutes = 0 Then If Seconds = 0 Then Call AdminMsg("Visit www.fused-creations.com/Viri/Games for more of my games", YELLOW) End If End If End Sub ' Executes when a player presses the CONTROL key. Sub OnAttack(Index, Damage) Dim Target If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) End If End If End Sub Sub OnArrowHit(Index, Damage) Dim Target If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) End If End If End Sub Sub PlayerHit(Index, NPCNum, Damage) If Damage > 0 Then Call NPCAttack(NPCNum, Index, Damage) End If End Sub ' Executes when a hotkey is pressed client-side. Sub HotScript(Index, KeyID) Select Case KeyID ' Executes when any player presses the PageUp key. Case 1 ' Executes when any player presses the Delete key. Case 2 ' Executes when players press the End key. Case 3 ' Executes when players press the PageDown key. Case 4 End Select End Sub ' Executes when something on a custom menu is clicked. Sub MenuScripts(Index, Clicked_Index, Menu_Type) Dim MenuTitle Dim FieldMessage MenuTitle = getplayermenuclicktitle(Index) FieldMessage = getplayermenuclickmsg(Index) Select Case Menu_Type Case 3 If Clicked_Index = 21 Then If GetVar("Scripts\Minigames.ini", "SLYMEHUNTER", "Game1Used") = 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, 99, 1, 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\Minigames.ini", "SLYMEHUNTER", "Game1Used", 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "MINIGAMES", "Game1", 1) Call PutVar("Scripts\Minigames.ini", "SLYMEHUNTER", "Game1Timer", 60) Call SetTimer("SlymeHunterTimer " & index, 1000) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You joined Slyme Hunter!", GREEN) Call CustomMenuClose(Index) ElseIf GetVar("Scripts\Minigames.ini", "SLYMEHUNTER", "Game1Used") = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Somebody has already joined Slyme Hunter!", GREEN) End If End If End Select End Sub ' Executes when a player logs into the game. Sub JoinGame(Index) If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", GREY) Else Call GlobalMsg("Administrator " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", YELLOW) End If Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Welcome to " & GameName & "!", WHITE) If LenB(MOTD) 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "MOTD: " & MOTD, BRIGHTCYAN) End If Call SendWhosOnline(Index) End Sub ' Executes when a player logs out of the game. Sub LeftGame(Index) If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", GREY) Else Call GlobalMsg("Administrator " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", YELLOW) End If End Sub ' Executes when a players experience exceeds the next level requirement. Sub PlayerLevelUp(Index) Dim TotalExp Do While GetPlayerExp(Index) >= GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) TotalExp = GetPlayerExp(Index) - GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) Call SetPlayerLevel(Index, GetPlayerLevel(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerExp(Index, TotalExp) Loop Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) & " stat points.", BRIGHTBLUE, 0) End Sub ' Executes when a player uses one of the points given on an attribute to level up. Sub UsingStatPoints(Index, PointType) Select Case PointType Case 0 If GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your strength!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSTR(Index, GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more strength!", WHITE, 0) Case 1 If GetPlayerDEF(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your defence!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerDEF(Index, GetPlayerDEF(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more defense!", WHITE, 0) Case 2 If GetPlayerMAGI(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your magic!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerMAGI(Index, GetPlayerMAGI(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more magic!", WHITE, 0) Case 3 If GetPlayerSPEED(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your speed!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSPEED(Index, GetPlayerSPEED(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more speed!", WHITE, 0) End Select ' Remove one point after the sub in question is done Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) - 1) End Sub ' Executes when a player steps onto a scripted tile. Sub ScriptedTile(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted tile has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case 1 If GetPlayerLvl(index) >= 5 Then Call SetBlock(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map, X, Y) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot become a Heavy Blade Adept Rouge yet![lvl 5 + needed]", 15) Else If GetPlayerLvl(index) = 10 Then Call SetBlock(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map, X, Y) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot become a Wavemaster Adept Rouge yet![lvl 10 + needed]", 15) Else If GetPlayerLvl(index) = 15 Then Call SetBlock(map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(map, X, Y) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot become a Pole Arm Adept Rouge yet![lvl 15 + needed]", 15) Else If GetPlayerLvl(index) 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Social Commands:", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, """msghere = Global Admin Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "=msghere = Private Admin Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Available Commands: /admin, /loc, /mapeditor, /warpmeto, /warptome, /warpto, /setsprite, /mapreport, /kick, /ban, /edititem, /respawn, /editnpc, /motd, /editshop, /ban, /editspell", WHITE) End If Exit Sub Case "/warpmeto" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then PlayerID = FindPlayer(TextSay(1)) If PlayerID > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetPlayerMap(PlayerID), GetPlayerX(PlayerID), GetPlayerY(PlayerID)) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(PlayerID) & ".", BROWN) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Player is not online.", WHITE) End If End If Exit Sub Case "/warptome" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then PlayerID = FindPlayer(TextSay(1)) If PlayerID > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(PlayerID, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)) Call PlayerMsg(PlayerID, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".", BROWN) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Player is not online.", WHITE) End If End If Exit Sub Case "/warpto" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then MapNum = TextSay(1) If MapNum > 0 And MapNum 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerRingSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerRingSlot(Index), 0) End If If GetPlayerNecklaceSlot(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMapDropItem(Index, GetPlayerNecklaceSlot(Index), 0) End If End Sub ' Executes whenever somebody dies outside of an arena. Sub OnDeath(Index) Dim MapNum Dim ClassID Dim X Dim Y If GetMapBootMap(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetMapBootMap(Index), GetMapBootX(Index), GetMapBootY(Index)) Else ClassID = GetPlayerClass(Index) MapNum = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "Map") X = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "x") Y = GetVar("Classes\Class" & ClassID & ".ini", "CLASS", "y") Call PlayerWarp(Index, MapNum, X, Y) End If End Sub ' Executes whenever a scripted item is used or double clicked. Sub ScriptedItem(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted item has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case 1 Case 2 Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No item script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ' Map Attributes Sub SetBlank(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetBlock(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetWarp(Map, X, Y, WarpMap, WarpX, WarpY) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 2, WarpMap, WarpX, WarpY, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetItem(Map, X, Y, ItemID, ItemValue) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 3, ItemID, ItemValue, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetNPCAvoid(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 4, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetKeY(Map, X, Y, KeyID, KeyTake) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 5, KeyID, KeyTake, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetKeYOpen(Map, X, Y, KeyX, KeyY, Message) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 6, KeyX, KeyY, 0, Message, "", "") End Sub Sub SetHeal(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 7, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetKill(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 8, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetShop(Map, X, Y, ShopID) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 9, ShopID, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetClassBlock(Map, X, Y, Allow1, Allow2, Allow3) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 10, Allow, Allow2, Allow3, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetArena(Map, X, Y, MapID, NewX, NewY) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 11, MapID, NewX, NewY, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetSound(Map, X, Y, FileName) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 12, 0, 0, 0, FileName, "", "") End Sub Sub SetSpriteChange(Map, X, Y, SpriteID, ItemID, Cost) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 13, SpriteID, ItemID, Cost, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetSign(Map, X, Y, Line1, Line2, Line3) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 14, 0, 0, 0, Line1, Line2, Line3) End Sub Sub SetDoor(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 15, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetNotice(Map, X, Y, Title, Text, FileName) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 16, 0, 0, 0, Title, Text, FileName) End Sub Sub SetScripted(Map, X, Y, Script) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 18, Script, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub Sub SetBank(Map, X, Y) Call SetAttribute(Map, X, Y, 23, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "") End Sub ' Tests scripts up to the location of Sub TestMain(Index). Function GetFreeSlots(Index) Dim Slot Dim Slots Slot = 1 Slots = 0 Index = Int(Index) Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = 0 Then Slots = Slots + 1 End If Slot = Slot + 1 Loop GetFreeSlots = Slots End Function Sub GiveItem(Index, Number, Durability) Dim Slot Slot = 1 Index = Int(Index) Number = Int(Number) Durability = Int(Durability) Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot, Number) Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, Slot, Durability) Call SendInventoryUpdate(Index, Slot) Exit Sub End If Slot = Slot + 1 Loop End Sub Sub GiveCurrency(Index, Number, Amount) Dim Slot Dim CurrentAmount Slot = 1 Index = Int(Index) Number = Int(Number) Amount = Int(Amount) Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = Number Then CurrentAmount = GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot, CurrentAmount + Amount) Call SendInventoryUpdate(Index, Slot) Exit Sub End If Slot = Slot + 1 Loop Slot = 1 Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot, Number) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot, Amount) Call SendInventoryUpdate(Index, Slot) Exit Sub End If Slot = Slot + 1 Loop End Sub Function CanTake(Index, Number, Amount) Dim Slot Slot = 1 Index = Int(Index) Number = Int(Number) Amount = Int(Amount) Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = Number Then If GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot) >= Amount Then CanTake = True Exit Function End If End If Slot = Slot + 1 Loop CanTake = False End Function Sub TakeItem(Index, Number, Amount) Dim Slot Dim CurrentAmount Index = Int(Index) Number = Int(Number) Amount = Int(Amount) Slot = 1 Do While Slot < 25 If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot) = Number Then If GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot) >= Amount Then CurrentAmount = GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, Slot) If CurrentAmount
  3. I have used it in a school, we used LAN and had them connect to the internal IP, didnt matter what port, just use the IP on the top of the server.
  4. If stackable is on, you will need to have them all in one pile, otherwise, I have no idea what is wrong.
  5. As far as I know, its not really a command, but, thats just from personal testing… Not sure on the whole story.
  6. ``` If GetPlayerSPEED(Index) > 1999 Then Call SetSpeed(Index, Walk, 6) Call SetSpeed(Index, Run, 16) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerSpeed(Index) > 1499 Then Call SetSpeed(Index, Run, 12) Call SetSpeed(Index, Walk, 5) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerSpeed(Index) > 999 Then Call SetSpeed(Index, Run, 10) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerSpeed(Index) > 499 Then Call SetSpeed(Index, Run, 9) Exit Sub End If ``` You forgot the **Then** on most Ifs. EDIT: Also, put the Exit Subs INSIDE the Ifs, or it will exit after checking the top one.
  7. Got it workin now, looks all good. EDIT, VERY Jittery in-game… bouncing all over the place, but only while running, also still can't deposit stackables...
  8. I seem to be getting the eror, Cannont Read from Data.ini or Stats.ini… Not sure why....
  9. Sorry dude, quotes make it an easy read for me, next time ill post in code… What sort of de-bugger do you have, and where can I find it? Also, thanks for the help, I am a retard!
  10. I forgot to mention, yes I tested it, and no it doesnt work, so I have deducted tat the problem is the sub, however after I have had my fine share of debugging, I could not find the problem.
  11. Well, I looked into it and I cant seem to find a problem… could you try and find something? > '******************************** > Sub Craft(index, Skill, Item, Tier, Matone, Valone, Mattwo, Valtwo, Matthree, Valthree, Matfour, Valfour, Matfive, Valfive, Matsix, Valsix, Matseven, Valseven) > '******************************** > Dim matnum > Dim slot > Dim has > Dim need > Dim mathas > Dim success > Dim level > Dim times > Dim tier > > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Here we go!", Black) > If skill = 1 Then > level = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","level") > times = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","times") > ElseIf skill = 2 Then > level = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","level") > times = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","times") > ElseIf skill = 3 Then > level = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","level") > times = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","times") > ElseIf skill = 4 Then > level = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","level") > times = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","times") > ElseIf skill = 5 Then > level = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","level") > times = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","times") > End If > success = Rand(100,1) > > matnum = 0 > mathas = 0 > > If Matone = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Mattwo = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Matthree = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Matfour = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Matfive = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Matsix = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If Matseven = 0 Then > Else > matnum = matnum + 1 > End If > If matnum >= 1 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matone) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valone) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 2 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Mattwo) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valtwo) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 3 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matthree) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valthree) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 4 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matfour) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valfour) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 5 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matfive) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valfive) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 6 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matsix) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valsix) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > > End If > End If > > If matnum >= 7 Then > slot=1 > has = 0 > need = 1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=Int(Matseven) Then > If Int(getplayerinvitemvalue(index,slot))>=Int(Valseven) Then > slot=25 > has = 1 > End If > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > If Int(has) Int(need) Then > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You do not have the proper items or proper amount of items.", RED) > Exit Sub > Else > mathas = mathas + 1 > End If > End If > > If mathas >= matneed Then > If mathas >= 1 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matone, Valone) > End If > If mathas >= 2 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Mattwo, Valtwo) > End If > If mathas >= 3 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matthree, Valthree) > End If > If mathas >= 4 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matfour, Valfour) > End If > If mathas >= 5 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matfive, Valfive) > End If > If mathas >= 6 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matsix, Valsix) > End If > If mathas >= 7 Then > Call quest_Take_Item(index, Matseven, Valseven) > End If > > If success > slot=1 > > Do While slot < 25 > If Int(getplayerinvitemnum(index,slot))=0 Then > Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, slot, Item) > Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, slot, 1) > Call SendInventoryUpdate( Index, slot) > slot=25 > End If > slot=slot+1 > Loop > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You successfully created 1 " & GetItemName(Item) & "", GREEN) > > If skill = 1 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","times",Int(times) + 1) > > times = Getvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","times") > > If Tier >= level Then > If level < 20 Then > If Int(times) >= Int(level) * 50 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","level",Int( level) + 1) > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","weaponsmith","times",0) > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You gained a level in Weapon Smithing and are now level, " & Int(level) + 1 & "", GREEN) > End If > End If > End If > ElseIf skill = 2 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","times",Int(times) + 1) > > times = Getvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","times") > > If Tier >= level Then > If level < 20 Then > If Int(times) >= Int(level) * 50 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","level",Int( level) + 1) > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","armorsmith","times",0) > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You gained a level in Armor Smithing and are now level, " & Int(level) + 1 & "", GREEN) > End If > End If > End If > ElseIf skill = 3 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","times",Int(times) + 1) > > times = Getvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","times") > > If Tier >= level Then > If level < 20 Then > If Int(times) >= Int(level) * 50 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","level",Int( level) + 1) > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","cooking","times",0) > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You gained a level in Cooking and are now level, " & Int(level) + 1 & "", GREEN) > End If > End If > End If > ElseIf skill = 4 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","times",Int(times) + 1) > > times = Getvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","times") > > If Tier >= level Then > If level < 20 Then > If Int(times) >= Int(level) * 50 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","level",Int( level) + 1) > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","alchemy","times",0) > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You gained a level in Alchemy and are now level, " & Int(level) + 1 & "", GREEN) > End If > End If > End If > ElseIf skill = 5 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","times",Int(times) + 1) > > times = Getvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","times") > > If Tier >= level Then > If level < 20 Then > If Int(times) >= Int(level) * 50 Then > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","level",Int( level) + 1) > Call Putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini","bowery","times",0) > Call PlayerMsg(index, "You gained a level in Bowery and are now level, " & Int(level) + 1 & "", GREEN) > End If > End If > End If > End If > > Else > Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You failed to craft 1 " & GetItemName(Item) & "", RED) > > End If > > End If > End Sub
  12. Yes, I am… I keep having problems with perfect codes...
  13. Still not working… Not sure what the problem is...
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