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Everything posted by AdrianC

  1. Umm, I'm not sure in #3 what image are you talking about?
  2. K, my bad, I meant non scrolling are easier to map, srry.
  3. Scrolling is easier to map and creates less lag.
  4. AdrianC

    NoName game

    The issue is the tree is under the pathway at one pt and over it at another.
  5. AdrianC

    NoName game

    For one the tree is messed up. Next, the cliffs are lacking a bottom And finally its lacking detail. 3/10
  6. @Corey: > what do u mean what am i talking about? Everyone has to like restart making logos and crap and some arent even making fan games any more Whats your point? Why should this thread be locked?
  7. @Corey: > lock this thread, its screwed to many good games What are you talking about?…
  8. Its how far in tiles the NPC can actually see.
  9. AdrianC

    NoName game

    Look in tileset 10 (Client\GFX)
  10. @Starlight: > Server online… > Apparently I just needed to give my computer some time to accept the program...? I doubt it… Dunno, at least it works now.
  11. I'm guessing you want: Sub hpPot(index, addhp) SetPlayerHP(index, int(GetPlayerHP(index) + addhp)) End Sub I didn't check the commands to make sure that all the parameters are correct, but if they are, this should work.
  12. AdrianC

    NoName game

    The blue night looks horrible (although its not your fault, its like that by default). Anyway, you should try changing that. Other then that, well I can't really see the map that well.
  13. AdrianC


    You attack with Ctrl. Note that you won't be able to attack the first NPC you create, for some reason. Its a bug I guess. Just make another one and you should be fine. Also, if you set the NPC to "Attack on sight" he still won't do that to you because you're an admin. He should attack regular players correctly, however. Also(2), make sure that the NPC doesn't have too high stats, or else you will just hit 0s on him.
  14. Lol, I never heard of anything like this. I just think you somehow don't have the server on. Are you suuuure its on? Do you have the small window with the server control panel and all of that stuff open?
  15. Lol, sweet, sorta makes me want to start playing rs again… I'm not playing without members tho, and I don't have a credit card atm so...
  16. Did you install the library files? Again, did you turn on the server?
  17. I'm assuming you've already declared some of those variables beforehand. First start_msg=getvar("scripts\mapextras\" & npcnum & ".ini", "QUEST", "Start_Msg") Make sure that the .ini file exists. Second Try: Call putvar("scripts\charextras\" & GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "QUEST", int(npcnum), 1 )
  18. Umm, did you open the server? The wording of your phrase wasn't that great. Also, try port 4001.
  19. Pretty much anything… I'm working on a small bridge right now, this is what I have so far: ![](http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7092/20878570.png) By [adrianko](http://profile.imageshack.us/user/adrianko) at 2009-03-16
  20. We already have grass, and I'm not sure if that one tiles anyway. But thanks for attempting! I'm actually workin on something right now.
  21. K, I've been busy lately, so I didn't really work on this in the last few weeks. Anyway, I've updated the first post with a few more accepted items. Ghost, the tree fits in pretty well with the ones we already have, gj. I've accepted a few other small things. I'll probably start pixeling stuff again in the next few days, if I have the time. Thx for the help people, and continue submitting!
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