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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey I haven't been on here since 2009\. Glad to see things still running. Might help with a game or two on the side. Anyone want to catch me up??? :D
  2. well ive spent alot of time in frmnewchar latly but im thinking if you edit wherever it loads gui/heads then just add a if above that stateing like if frmNewChar.cmbClass = "Orc" Then "gui/heads2" ElseIf frmNewChar.cmbClass = "Human" Then "gui/heads" End if. Of course that not how your gonna write it, its just a example to help you out.
  3. Thanks it helped. Wells here what i got in my game. **Client side** **frmnewchar** I added 2 combo boxes named one cmbPath and cmbElement Private Sub Form_Load() 'Add this to the bottom of this ``` cmbElement.addItem "Fire" cmbElement.addItem "Wind" cmbElement.addItem "Water" cmbElement.addItem "Earth" cmbElement.addItem "Lightning" ``` Private Sub picAddChar_Click() 'Add this right under where you dim i As Long ``` If cmbElement = "" Then MsgBox "You need to choose an element." Exit Sub End If If cmbPath = "" Then MsgBox "You need to choose a ninja path to follow." Exit Sub End If ``` Private Sub cmbClass_Click() 'add at the botom above end sub ``` If cmbClass = "Konoha" Then cmbPath.Clear cmbPath.addItem "Naruto's Goal" cmbPath.addItem "Uchiha Destiny" cmbPath.addItem "Lee's Path" ElseIf cmbClass = "Suna" Then cmbPath.Clear cmbPath.addItem "Puppeteer" cmbPath.addItem "Fan User" cmbPath.addItem "Sand Controller" End If ``` **Modgamelogic** Sub MenuState(ByVal State As Long) "changed the 1st to the second ``` Case MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR frmNewChar.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Creating Character...") If frmNewChar.optMale.Value Then Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 0, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.HScroll1.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll2.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll3.Value) Else Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 1, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.HScroll1.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll2.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll3.Value) End If End If ``` replaced with this ``` Case MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR frmNewChar.Visible = False If ConnectToServer Then Call SetStatus("Connected. Creating Character...") If frmNewChar.optMale.Value Then Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 0, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.HScroll1.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll2.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll3.Value, frmNewChar.cmbPath.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.cmbElement.ListIndex + 1) Else Call SendAddChar(frmNewChar.txtName, 1, frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex, frmChars.lstChars.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.HScroll1.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll2.Value, frmNewChar.HScroll3.Value, frmNewChar.cmbPath.ListIndex + 1, frmNewChar.cmbElement.ListIndex + 1) End If End If ``` **Modhandledata** Sub HandleData(ByVal Data As String) ' :::::::::::::::::::::::: ' :: Player data packet :: ' :::::::::::::::::::::::: 'Iadded this at the botom of the packets ``` Call SetPlayerClass2(i, Val(parse(18))) Call SetPlayerElement(i, Val(parse(19))) ``` **ModclientTCP** Changed ``` Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal slot As Long, ByVal HeadC As Long, ByVal BodyC As Long, ByVal LegC As Long) Call SendData("addchar" & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(Name) & SEP_CHAR & Sex & SEP_CHAR & ClassNum & SEP_CHAR & slot & SEP_CHAR & HeadC & SEP_CHAR & BodyC & SEP_CHAR & LegC & END_CHAR) End Sub ```'to ``` Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal slot As Long, ByVal HeadC As Long, ByVal BodyC As Long, ByVal LegC As Long, ByVal Class2Num As Long, ByVal ElementNum As Long) Call SendData("addchar" & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(Name) & SEP_CHAR & Sex & SEP_CHAR & ClassNum & SEP_CHAR & slot & SEP_CHAR & HeadC & SEP_CHAR & BodyC & SEP_CHAR & LegC & END_CHAR & Class2Num & END_CHAR & ElementNum & END_CHAR) End Sub ``` **Moddatabase** ``` Function GetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerClass2 = Player(Index).Path End Function Sub SetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).Path = ClassNum End Sub Function GetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerElement = Player(Index).element End Function Sub SetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).element = ClassNum End Sub ```'I added these at the bottom. **ModTypes** I added this at Type PlayerRec at the end ``` Path As Long Element As Long ``` –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------**Serverside**–------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **ModTypes** Add this at the end of PlayerRec ``` Path As Integer Element As Integer ``` **ModDatabase** Sub AddChar 'Ichanged ``` Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Byte, ByVal CharNum As Long, ByVal headc As Long, ByVal bodyc As Long, ByVal logc As Long) ```to ``` Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Byte, ByVal CharNum As Long, ByVal headc As Long, ByVal bodyc As Long, ByVal logc As Long, ByVal Class2Num As Byte, ByVal ElementNum As Byte) ``` 'I added ``` Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Path = Class2Num Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Element = ElementNum ```under Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Class = ClassNum Post at the bottom of maddatabase ``` Function GetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerClass2 = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Path End Function Sub SetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Path = ClassNum End Sub Function GetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerElement = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element End Function Sub SetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element = ClassNum End Sub ``` **clsCommands** Add this at the bottom ``` Function GetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerClass2 = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Path End Function Sub SetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Path = ClassNum End Sub Function GetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerElement = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element End Function Sub SetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal CharNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element = CharNum End Sub ``` 'At the bottom of Sub SendPlayerData(ByVal Index As Long) add these 2 below packet = packet & GetPlayerPaperdoll(Index) & SEP_CHAR ``` packet = packet & GetPlayerClass2(Index) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & GetPlayerElement(Index) & SEP_CHAR ``` **modServerTCP** Under Sub SendJoinMap(ByVal Index As Long) Change this ``` packet = packet & GetPlayerLevel(I) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & END_CHAR ```to ``` packet = packet & GetPlayerLevel(I) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & GetPlayerClass2(Index) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & GetPlayerElement(Index) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & END_CHAR ``` 'At the bottom of Sub SendPlayerData(ByVal Index As Long) add these 2 below packet = packet & GetPlayerPaperdoll(Index) & SEP_CHAR ``` packet = packet & GetPlayerClass2(Index) & SEP_CHAR packet = packet & GetPlayerElement(Index) & SEP_CHAR ``` **ModHandleData** Under Sub HandleData(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Data As String) I changed ``` Case "addchar" Call Packet_AddCharacter(Index, Parse(1), Val(Parse(2)), Val(Parse(3)), Val(Parse(4)), Val(Parse(5)), Val(Parse(6)), Val(Parse(7))) Exit Sub ```to ``` Case "addchar" Call Packet_AddCharacter(Index, Parse(1), Val(Parse(2)), Val(Parse(3)), Val(Parse(4)), Val(Parse(5)), Val(Parse(6)), Val(Parse(7)), Val(Parse(8)), Val(Parse(9))) Exit Sub ``` At Public Sub Packet_AddCharacter I changed ``` Public Sub Packet_AddCharacter(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal Class As Long, ByVal CharNum As Long, ByVal Head As Long, ByVal Body As Long, ByVal Leg As Long) ```to ``` Public Sub Packet_AddCharacter(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal Class As Long, ByVal CharNum As Long, ByVal Head As Long, ByVal Body As Long, ByVal Leg As Long, ByVal Class2 As Long, ByVal Element As Long) ``` then i changed ``` Call AddChar(Index, Name, Sex, Class, CharNum, Head, Body, Leg) ```to ``` Call AddChar(Index, Name, Sex, Class, CharNum, Head, Body, Leg, Class2, Element) ``` –--------------------------------------------- Anywho after doing all of this everytime i click add character at the character screen it stays in Status "Connected. Creating Character..." which means my problems start at Clint side Sub MenuState but i just cant seem to figure it out sorry id like some help....like i said im a source newbie
  4. ``` frmNewChar.cmbClass.Clear For i = 0 To Max_Classes If Class(i).Locked = 0 Then frmNewChar.cmbClass.addItem Trim$(Class(i).Name) End If Next i frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex = 0 frmNewChar.lblClassDesc = Class(0).desc If ClassesOn = 1 Then frmNewChar.cmbClass.Visible = True frmNewChar.lblClassDesc.Visible = True ElseIf ClassesOn = 0 Then frmNewChar.cmbClass.Visible = False frmNewChar.lblClassDesc.Visible = False End If ``` in that code im wondering if ``` frmNewChar.cmbClass.addItem Trim$(Class(i).Name) ```is putting out a number or the name? ok second question what is it doing here ``` frmNewChar.cmbClass.ListIndex = 0 ```don't tell me its giving it a val i understand that, i mean why they add it here
  5. okay im trying to change ``` cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 1 ``` to ``` Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).Class2 = 1 ``` but im having problems ``` Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).Class2 = 1 ```wouldn't work cause the Char(Player(index).CharNum) wasn't defind so VB6 wouldn't let me even make a client. ``` Player(Index).Class2 = 1 ```Same problem so tried this ``` Player(NewIndex).Class2 = 1 ```I ended up with a RTE 9 ``` Player(cmbClass2.Index).Class2 = 1 ```Now im geting a RTE 343 which says "Object not an array Im confused on how to set the data in mod type –---------------------------------------------------- for now i went bk to the method of storeing data by cmbClass2.itemdata blah blah blah way but when creating a newchar it freezes so look below to help me copy what they do in class combobox
  6. ``` Function GetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerClass2 = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Class End Function Sub SetPlayerClass2(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Class2 = ClassNum End Sub ``` ``` Function GetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long) As Long GetPlayerElement = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element End Function Sub SetPlayerElement(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal ElementNum As Long) Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element = ElementNum End Sub ``` i placed that in clsCommands server side ``` Class2 As Long Element As Long ``` I placed that below PlayerRec ``` If cmbClass = "Warrior" Then cmbClass2.Clear cmbClass2.addItem "Knight" cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 1 cmbClass2.addItem "Samuria" cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 2 ElseIf cmbClass = "Mage" Then cmbClass2.Clear cmbClass2.addItem "White Mage" cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 3 cmbClass2.addItem "Black Mage" cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 4 cmbClass2.addItem "Red Mage" cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.NewIndex) = 5 End If ``` I placed that under Private Sub cmbClass_Click() ``` cmbElement.addItem "Fire" cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.NewIndex) = 1 cmbElement.addItem "Wind" cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.NewIndex) = 2 cmbElement.addItem "Water" cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.NewIndex) = 3 cmbElement.addItem "Earth" cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.NewIndex) = 4 cmbElement.addItem "Lightning" cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.NewIndex) = 5 ``` i placed that under Private Sub Form_Load() ``` If cmbElement = "" Then MsgBox "You need to choose an element." Exit Sub End If If cmbClass2 = "" Then MsgBox "You need to choose a Primary Class." Exit Sub End If ``` in add character section ``` cmbClass2.ItemData(cmbClass2.ListIndex) = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Class2 cmbElement.ItemData(cmbElement.ListIndex) = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Element ``` the line above Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_ADDCHAR) In the add character button area. anything looking wrong?
  7. Balliztik yea that would be the smart way to go. but if i do that id need a command to retrive that value for me and a command to change that value. As i stated im not that good in source and if i went the putvar and getvar route i already have those to commands and id rather script over source anyday. but ill try it the source way first and see if i can make a command to go along with the data.
  8. ok so i found out the easy way to add choices to the combo box. I just use .additem in form load , anywho wil putvar work in source i don't think it will ``` Private Sub cmbElement_Click() If cmbElement = "Fire" Then End If End Sub ``` i don't know what to put in there to store the data to my ini file?
  9. Sorry my computer wouldn't let me modify…so srry for double post anyways heres an example to show what i need help with ![](http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s233/killermniko/example-1.jpg)
  10. no i don't need to know how to make an ini file i know that read what i wrote "newchar form" the page where you make a new character i want to know how to add a bar like the class bar where you choose the element and the data is sent to the ini file i put up there above.
  11. I have tried to learn source and cant so im sticking with sadscript, anyways like the class bar, i want 2 more bars one to choose elemnt type and the other to choose like a second class, but i want the choice to be sent as a``` putvar(index, "scripts/char/" & getplayername(index) & ".ini" , "STATS", element, 1-5) ``` ``` putvar(index, "scripts/char/" & getplayername(index) & ".ini" , "STATS", class2, 1-20) ``` how can this be done?
  12. Yeah i cant seem to get it to work but I'm gonna play with it a little longer to see if i can, anyways thanks for the help though.
  13. so as you can tell im not a great at this but could you point me in a direction to try and figure it out? like what modules to look in and such, i at least what to try.
  14. its ok what im doing now work well it just means more pictures but im alright with that now.
  15. ok yea i really don't need the alignment all i really need is the anim,ation num and the coordinates so when i post it on a custom menu its where you want it, i don't think i need alignment or picture_index, but let me post the two commands im working with. This is call custom menu picture ``` Sub CustomMenuPicture(ByVal player_index As Long, ByVal picture_index As Long, ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Left As Long, ByVal top As Long) Dim packet As String If picture_index < 0 Or player_index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub End If packet = "loadpiccustommenu" & SEP_CHAR & picture_index & SEP_CHAR & FileName & SEP_CHAR & Left & SEP_CHAR & top & END_CHAR Call SendDataTo(player_index, packet) End Sub ``` this is too call spellanim ``` Sub SpellAnim(ByVal SpellNum As Long, ByVal mapper As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) Call SendDataToMap(mapper, "scriptspellanim" & SEP_CHAR & SpellNum & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellTime & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellDone & SEP_CHAR & X & SEP_CHAR & Y & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).Big & END_CHAR) End Sub ``` So i tried to combine the 2 ``` Sub CustomMenuanime(ByVal SpellNum As Long, ByVal Left As Long, ByVal top As Long) Dim packet As String packet = "scriptspellanim" & SEP_CHAR Left & SEP_CHAR & top & END_CHAR Call SendDataTo(player_index, packet) End Sub ```
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