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Starlight Pharah

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. xD My "K" key doesn't like to work sometimes. I guess I didn't notice it until you pointed it out. Oops.
  2. I thin my art is okay. Lots of room for improvement. But thank you. ^^
  3. Thank you. And I hope you get your files back. ^^
  4. I feel like such a newb and beggar, but I'm in need of things I know I can not do myself. I know there are very talented and kind people here, so it doesn't hurt to ask, right? [Please forgive if I am doing something wrong. D:] Well, I've been working on a game for some time now, took a little break due to final exams and my grades sucking. Now that its summer, I have more free time. But I've been encountering the same problem since day one of having Eclipse :: I cant make sprites or items. That's common among newbs, right? [Or am I completely alone…?] I didn't know there was this request board here, so here I am. Asking for some sprites. I'm not looking for high quality material, or grade A stuff. Cause, I know I wont be getting that for free. xD [Though its still nice to have. http://starlightpharah.deviantart.com/journal/23006188/ ---Forgive the character sketches for any anatomy problems or if they look funky. [Sketch = sketch] –-My official artwork: http://starlightpharah.deviantart.com/gallery/#Nabeu ---My art + others: http://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/starlightpharah/Nabeu/ ---You can choose the skin tone~ ---I am willing to wait a long time for these sprites to be done if you choose to do them.
  5. No I did not. I should try that~ Edit- Nope. Didn't work. Edit2- Okay. It worked. Yet, only the head is showing…And the sprite is set to 64x32...
  6. [Yay. Screenshots.] ![](http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/starlightpharah/ScreenShot002-1.png) Did everything you guys said. Edited canvas, copied the sprites. ![](http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/starlightpharah/ScreenShot003.png) Saved to BMP format. ![](http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j97/starlightpharah/ScreenShot004.png) Then this happens. [Sorry for the watermarks on the screenshots.]
  7. Still not working. D: Now I'm seeing the pre-made sprites already on the .BMP files.
  8. Well I tried it, but it only expands the top part, not the bottom of the .BPM file. Is that a problem?
  9. Hmm. I see, I'll try that. Hopefully it works. Thanks!
  10. I'm using Photoshop to edit my sprites, and I drag the sprites I want to use from a separate image onto the Sprite.BPM. When I save, it doesn't seem to work.
  11. I figured out what "Slot free" means, its for spells. But another question: Can I add sprites to the Sprite.BMP? [And not by means of editing, just drag and drop on the Sprite.BMP]
  12. I feel like such a newb for asking all these questions, but I'm just so lost. -How do I create new maps? [For interior buildings and other area's] -How do I put my own sprite into the game? -How do I put my own items into the game? -What does "Slot Free" mean? I may have more questions at some point~
  13. Server online… Apparently I just needed to give my computer some time to accept the program...? [Or something like that.] My problem seemed to have fixed itself…Very weird.
  14. Yes. Server is turned on, but when I open the client, server is offline…? I installed them, yes.
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