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Everything posted by Kusy

  1. Kusy

    My 3D Workz :)

    @Zopto, trust me, first thing I did when seen this post was a reverse image search. Unless you find an exact place from where he could take it - you have to assume it's legit. Saismic, stop doing screen shots and render your graphics. Not many people are really that interested in seeing a wireframe and grid. Geometry seems slightly ducked up at some, if not many places, generally avoid ultra stretched and triangular surfaces. What program and tutorial were you using?
  2. ¿qué coño estoy viendo? Google translator.
  3. Kusy

    My 3D Workz :)

    If you can model a formula 1 bolide, why would you even post something as trivial as a flat screen TV 10 minute model?
  4. @Rusher: > Lazy robots do. Or Robots who need maintenance, every day. Robots who talk and blabber about things they shouldn't have, every day… > > ... > > Yeah I get your point. STFU Rusher! You can't voxel! It's a scam!
  5. @Anna: > No, Google's job is to think for other people. The how do you call someone who can't figure out he can google?
  6. @Robin: > Google 'pixel font'. You feeling generous enough to think for other people today Robin?
  7. Kusy

    IPhone Game

  8. @Thorn: > Wait… what? I don't think I anywhere said that FiM isn't silly. Well if you didn't say it, that point most likely did not refer to what you said Thorn. I'm not taking you for a retard here. I am hover weighting my decision about taking someone here as such. @Justn: > Lol I'm posting here again Wtf… Because you're crypto-gay.
  9. Kusy

    IPhone Game

    @Wyz: > Does that even make any sense? Wow. It does. Wow. However it's impossible to tell if that is a valid worry since slym did not tell us anything about the game's character. Why don't you slym?
  10. Ok, my post was a bit harsh and offensive, in a bit too trollish manner. We can do a serious discussion here. Families in mind, ok… now, can we stick to arguments even slightly touching reality? I understand that the author say that, he might even mean it. Problem is - it's not reality. How many parents you know that watch cartoons with their kids? And now how many parents you know that use the TV as an electric shepherd? I know we all would like to live in a world, where every family with children looks like it was taken straight out of a Wii commercial, where parents are sitting with their children on a black, leather couch in a ducking huge and sterile living room in front of a big ass flat-screen. Well, it's not the case, children watch cartoons by themselves. And while you can and do appreciate references to movies, books and other media you grown up with, the target of any given cartoon will not. Because the show that was referenced stopped being aired 10 years before they were born. It's a really common problem right now, let's say Rango. Rango was a really good movie. But not that successful. My theory about it is that it was targeted at children and possibly, like you mentioned - families. Thing is, if you went to that movie and seen a few families there, it were the dads who were laughing while moms and kids had no idea what the hell is going on... because that's what happens if you build the entire movie around western references. Those movies have too many references that kids can't possibly catch. When children see Shrek (any part actually) they are laughing because the situation is silly, not because they understand it. And there are extremes... like Adventure Time... Adventure Time is my favorite cartoon at the moment, I haven't seen anything that would make me laugh that hard and that often in a long while... but if I had a kid, I'm not sure I'd like it to watch it, with me or without me. Adventure Time is a pretty straightforward, soft-core parody of Conan. And while some cartoons refer to things children don't or can't know, this particular one refers to things they shouldn't know. As much as I enjoy it, I'm pretty surprised someone allowed it to be aired, because it's obviously not for small children that OBVIOUSLY watch it. Your argument about Friendship is Magic not being silly (as a positive thing) is completely out of place. Cartoons should be silly, they should have silly humor in them, because that is what children like. When you were 5, you didn't watch The Simpsons because of it's political and social commentary - you watched it because it was colorful and silly. If you expect children cartoons to challenge you intellectually and you fail to find that challenge, the problem lays in you looking for entertainment in the wrong place, not in the cartoon being bad - again, it's like saying that rattles are inferior to toy cars. And this is to the defense of the original My Little Pony cartoons - those that I loved to watch when I was 3 years old, along with Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry and Disney Movies. I can find few things that are disturbing for me in Friendship is Magic... and by disturbing I mean it. For example, I don't really understand why all the characters are so feminine, and you can't possibly deny that they are. All those ponies have more in common with fashion models than they have with actual horses, and I find it somewhat wrong. Maybe I'm looking a bit too deep into it, but I think our culture is already revolving around being pretty, I don't think we need to lower the age at witch girls feel bad about themselves anymore. And few words on animation. I have no respect or sympathy towards any cartoon that is obviousl made in flash. Maybe it does look pleasant, but I don't find it any better than stuff found on newgrounds. It's a mass production and it's silly to think otherwise. People do parodies that are impossible to tell apart from the original by just following lines and copy pasting vector graphics. There was more effort put into drawing original Scooby Doo, and that shit was drawn pretty bad.
  11. @Rainbow: > interesting and well-written and isn't actually feminine or silly. ![](http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp241/C-Money017/My_little_pony_ass.jpg) Now seriously. While I honestly thought this is an overused meme, a long dead joke that some people feel necrophilic about and generally a trolling trend… now I think you guys need to get your fucking shit together, because when you start defending a cartoon made with ducking 4 years olds in mind, you know there's something fishy going on. I watch all cartoons, I watch whatever is playing on TV at the moment with few exceptions where I can't stand whatever's being projected upon me, and while I can agree that the new face of my little pony is not really bad for what it is… ...when I see people being serious about it, and when I see any kind of serious community, that is above the age of 10, I can't help imagining a bunch of grown ups discussing witch dummy nipple feels better against their gums. Consult a fucking doctor. Unless you are parents, actually considering what is good for your children to watch. Otherwise, keep your fetishes in your bedroom.
  12. Kusy

    New Edit

    It'sa not blocked.
  13. ![](http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/5278/479416-brucie2.jpg) ALPHA! BE GENETICALLY DIFFERENT!
  14. ![](http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af140/kusygames/trololololbeau.jpg) Voices made me do this.
  15. @MrMiguu: > Maybe if you were more like [this guy…](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T8HxKzKSOA) "Being born black was the worst thing that happened in my life!" Fuck boy! You started early!
  16. @[ThePirate: > Fuu link=topic=10034.msg835283#msg835283 date=1327880721] > Naw, white people are stubborn, and most of them can't use their brains properly. > It's sad, really. I'd never find a white person attractive(lol) At least they don't build all their houses out of corrugated sheet mate. ![](http://st.deviantart.net/ayamekenoshi/trollface_template1.jpg)
  17. Dude. You're like a… black hipster?
  18. ![](http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/5/25/8ca46edb-5fd4-46a4-8e73-6cadb9240047.jpg)
  19. Such is life. ![](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/101/781/Y0UJC.png)
  20. dafuq did I just read? ![](http://www.memes.at/pics/happy-smile.png)
  21. Honestly, both SOPA and ACTA are one of hundreds or thousands aggressive acts that are voted and passed by governments around the world each year, SOPA was too offensive, ACTA is not really. It's just that nobody cares about most of them anyways, but this one is popular because of reasons. Poland for example - we sign ACTA but it doesn't even require us to change any laws or add new legislation. Because everything in it is a) already present in our country (and to be frank, in most countries that will sign it) or b) does not apply. Single user piracy is still legal here. Nothing changes LITERALLY. ACTA is only writing down an summarizing laws that already exist and already are enforced to uniform them for the entire UE and other countries. Governments and big companies already had the ability to close websites on demand. @Justn: > Oh wow…. Us Americans aren't the only world police..... I'm sure they will still blame it on us.... God, do you try to sound dumb? Or it comes naturally? You country came out with this treaty, ACTA was made by USA and Japan. So yeah. You are to blame if someone should be.
  22. [The best website on the internet](http://www.amishrakefight.org/gfy/) >! fucking weeaboos
  23. Anonymous > any real power. You can't do shit about it. My country is signing this on Thursday, and yours will do it too. And wetting your pants about few hackers taking down a gov website that NOBODY visits anyways only makes you look funny. Nothing is going to hell, nothing will happen, none of this is important in any way. In 5 years from now you will barely remember this because that's how much is going to change because of it. Nothing. I'm honestly tired of this shit, people who normally give zero ducks about politics, legislation and whatsoever suddenly all wave hands and run around yelling suddenly so popular slogans, because they woke up and learned today about something that was made public somewhere in 2008. 3 fucking years of discussion. It figures nobody will do anything until 3 fucking days are left.
  24. Kusy

    IPhone Game

    @Moonflower: > Did you make it..because if you did im wondering how??? With fucking magic. Stencyl. Google it.
  25. @Robin: > Single-resolution systems are pointless when there are so many monitor sizes. Let the user decide. This is your new avatar: ![](http://www.destructoid.com/elephant/ul/96553-Captain%20Obvious.jpg) @Jungle: > I'm currently at a point in my small game's development where I need to choose a window size. I'm only making a simple RPG-ish game to get a grasp on C++ and SDL, so nothing too big or serious gameplay-wise. > > Anothony suggested fullscreen or 800x600, although I prefer dimensions divisible by 32 for tiling purposes. What are your ideal window sizes for games? This is your new avatar: ![](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbKcAqU0g064_U0j2SJKxIoOXBwWAEA3diNpL4QwF11BPke8ezqfPDyh7y)
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