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Everything posted by BlooCat

  1. I come back here every couple years to see if the place still exists and the people are always different :0 The random homophobia is always there though.
  2. Nice work. I'm actually doing matrices in maths right now so I might even use it.
  3. If Eclipse is anything like I remember it being then all of the games are retardedly similar anyway.
  4. BlooCat

    The Game

    I think you might have come upon this a little late. I can't believe you people are still writhing around here, what are you up to now-a-days?
  5. BlooCat

    Just a note

    I still hate you for being mean to me so long ago.
  6. er yer your downloads dont seem to be working. also I seem to dissapear for a long time and comeback to find that everythings changed and it gets annoying. also marsh took away my picture rights cos it was 'too big' which shows how much of a jerk he really is. a genius, but a jerk. (but a genius) :?
  7. Is my mapping any good? plz tell me! ![](http://img108.imageshack.us/img108/46/smap0cn.png)
  8. could you like make it so that like instead of all the items all jumbled up and stuff you could have sub directories on the Item placer maker thingy so you like expand the "keys" thing and then a list of all the keys branches out type thing so people dont have to click 2 bizillion times to find that Furious Fire Sword +1.
  9. BlooCat

    Pitch In

    Do you know? marsh probably has to do this all on his own. what if people contributed with sprites, scripts, and everything else the could become awsome. imagine in the future if this is the only MMORPG creator that lasted for more than a few years simply becouse there was allways something new added by 100+ people daily. thats all it needs to break the barrier to 3D. if people could make helper programs and stuff the the learning curve could go way way down. (if it even exists anyway apart from scripting) wait maybe marsh should be saying that XD
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