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Everything posted by Eviltyphoon

  1. Marsh has shoes while he goes away from your mom from your plowing the front of Canada. Then, he banned you for double posting about me, which caused a huge scandal between pokemon and yugioh because your father accidentally killed a hippopotamus with a toothbrush. Meanwhile, fireflies were unreal because Eclipse won the fight between various lepers whose pants died. Cancer, unable to sustain proper dehydration, began drooling all over a picture of Ninja-Tech who died because a giant ate god. Kreator stopped pixel art, and the world ended! This topic is neverending. Meanwhile Renzo was returning to Eclipse, and screamed I AM BACK! But
  2. It's postless? So I can stop hiding?
  3. We have to hide!!!! Quick, change you're name to hide!!!
  4. @The: > ^ > Which were totally pointless Nope: bugfixing.
  5. @Kreator: > I'm chill. You can make me moderator again. xD Why aren't you a mod anymore?
  6. OMG, it's a conspiracy!!!!
  7. I remember fixing a bug with your chest script :P Those were good times, but times change and I have to say this isn't a pretty bad time either. As you can see there are a lot of promising project starting (and enough noobish projects to bash on :P), and even a few "finished" ones that even has a pretty large userbase. And with this big amount of eclipsers there is always something to do on the forums, and always someone to help you or someone that needs help. My conclusion: Times change, and you shouldn't compare the past to the present day, but you can look back at the past and hold on to it.
  8. So, you think that long fights aren't repetitive? Basicly, the best you could do with eclipse is this: Player A and Player B are standing next to eachother while they are beating the crap out of the other person. They both have the best gear, because it's easy to come by. Then what? Simple, they just hold down the control key and the person who has the most healing items wins… Long fights not repetitive you say? Think again...
  9. Hmm, this is the second script I write, and it is the second script I fix by rewriting it 0_0. Anyway, problem solved, just rewrote it and it work, but thx for the help anyways.
  10. Go to your server map, open date.ini and change these values ScrollX=30 ScrollY=30
  11. Hey slym, won't you also need his passport, his credit card, his pin number, his drivers license and his shoe size?
  12. Eviltyphoon

    THE Cult

    Ofcourse… I should have known there would be something stopping us...
  13. Eviltyphoon

    THE Cult

    We should make a new gnome army, in honor of draken… And then if he decides to come back some time he'll be like OMG, the gnome army, it still exists, I'm never going to leave these guys again...
  14. Another thing: You didn't declare x, y, map, level, points Try this: ``` ' Executes when a player presses the CONTROL key. Sub OnAttack(Index, Damage) Dim Target Dim x Dim y Dim map Dim level Dim points If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) map = GetPlayerMap(Index) x = GetNpcX(map, Target) y = GetNpcY(map, Target) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Call SpellAnim(1, map, x, y) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) map = GetPlayerMap(Index) x = GetNpcX(map, Target) y = GetNpcY(map, Target) level = GetPlayerLevel(Index) points = GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) Call SpellAnim(1, map, x, y) Call WeaponSkill(Index) Call PutVar("scripts\characters\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TEMP", "level", "" & level & "") Call PutVar("scripts\characters\" & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".ini", "TEMP", "points", "" & points & "") End If End If End Sub ```
  15. I don't have a clua whats wrong, but somehow, if I remove the else then the it works. ``` Player = GetVar("players.ini", "players", Response & "") If Player = 1 Then Call PutVar("bounty.ini", "hasbounty", Response & "", "1") Call playerquerybox(index, "How much do you want the bounty to be?", 1) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "That player doesn't exist.", 15) End if ```
  16. @Emblem: > I remember it like it was yesterday. > I forget my job >_> There was a job called Marsh's bodyguard, I remember that :P
  17. But I like my body :( You will get sliced 47 time by a real ninja.
  18. Did you add this command``` Call WeaponSkill(Index) ```? Because it doesn't normally exist. And, as DarkMazer said: Change``` "" & level & "" ```into``` level ```
  19. You will get pwnd by 2 tanks, 1 Witch, 3 boomer, 2 hunters and 4 smokers. L4D anyone?
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