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  1. I've been using mindbeast quite successfully with my game and I wanted to know if the maker planned to update it or if anybody had the contact info for the maker I might actually bankroll development on it or atleast pay for a source of it.
  2. I tried to download the eclipse 2.8 files and it turned out to be 2.7 again, is it mislabled in link or mislabled in file or just the wrong file? please help!
  3. I remember hearing the IPhone was compatible with eclipse or something is the LG versa the same ? lol
  4. ScriptErrors=0 Custom=0 Level=0 SellCommand=0 OneHouseOnly=0 PresetHousing=0 Have almost no clue what those do.
  5. What are the dimensions of the scrolling and non scrolling eclipse maps?
  6. Is it possible that when 3.0 is released there will be index's for NPC's and Items so the items and NPCs can return values like attack dmg and str added from items? ie ; getnpcstr(npcindex) getitemstrA(itemindex) or something like that
  7. I'm paying for original tileset works that I can use in a game. I'm not looking for maps I'm looking for peices that I can use to create the maps as I prefer. Contact with email and past projects, or projects you're willing to sell.
  8. I'm looking for people to do sprite graphics for me. I have sprite images that I've made or worked on atleast and I want a spriter willing to remake into an original sprite. Contact me with your email and past projects and we'll discuss payment soon as you contact me.
  9. +1 Kudos on coming out and saying it. To be honest, I used to be tired of waiting simply because of the statements about it coming soon lol, now I'm developing the game and don't even care about 3.0 anymore. To be honest 2.7 really does work very well I will say that.
  10. I think forums are just about the very best way to communicate via the internet but let's face it a community that is also on mIRC and forums is a tightly knit community, plus it gives relatively new members to communicate directly with advanced members more easily. How about we create a Touch Of Death mIRC channel or something?
  11. You have a contest for everything except source edits. Myself personally I've been getting real into the source editing and even I can throw out some interesting source ideas, I won't be able to win seeing the other edits people are doing but I think it could open up people to more ideas and get more people into the source editing.
  12. I want to edit the source to increase max items to a larger number or the max everything I guess.
  13. Holy Hell! haha I never heard about mindbeast, I'm definately messing around with it now though. I would suggest mindbeast gets a bunch of commands to retrieve the info on the item and NPC stats now too =P
  14. Can we get an index for every item created and sadscript commands to edit the item stats using itemindex#. I.E. call SetItemSTR(itemindex#, value) call SetItemDMG(itemindex#, value) call SetItemDEF(itemindex#, value) call SetItemMAGI(itemindex#, value) call SetItemEXPMod(itemindex#, value) call SetItemSpeed(itemindex#, value) call SetItemAttackSpeed(itemindex#, value) call SetItemValue(itemindex#, value)
  15. I wanted to make RangeX equal to any numbers between 1 and 10 and I thought this seemed like an easy way to do it I'm trying to make a ranged class but I'm having trouble calling up the checks on each tile infront of me for NPC or players. -.- Dim RangeX RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 1 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 2 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 3 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 4 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 5 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 6 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 7 RangeX = Int(IndexX) + 8
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