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Everything posted by maxi_d_great

  1. hey man , why is your sprite is 4x5? im curious . :D
  2. maxi_d_great

    Eq position

    1st u need to edit ur char gui to make that , 2nd go to your frmMain code in Private function IsEqItem, find these line ``` With tempRec ```and below that make it look like these ``` .top = EqTop + ((EqOffsetY + 32) * ((i - 1) \ EqColumns)) .Bottom = .top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X ```and then go to ur modDD7 in BltEquipment find these line ``` With rec_pos ```below that will be look like these too ``` .top = EqTop + ((EqOffsetY + 32) * ((i - 1) \ EqColumns)) .Bottom = .top + PIC_Y .Left = EqLeft + ((EqOffsetX + 32) * (((i - 1) Mod EqColumns))) .Right = .Left + PIC_X ``` and finally go to your modConstant in ur ` Character consts make it look like these ``` Public Const EqTop As Long = 114 Public Const EqLeft As Long = 18 Public Const EqOffsetY As Long = 7 Public Const EqOffsetX As Long = 10 Public Const EqColumns As Long = 4 ``` now ur eq slot will be look like these oooo oooo oooo oooo but if u want urs, like ur requesting ooo ooo ooo just change this code ``` Public Const EqColumns As Long = 4 ```to ``` Public Const EqColumns As Long = 3 ``` and to align it just play with this code ``` Public Const EqLeft As Long = 18 ``` I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO REMOVE THE FACE
  3. maxi_d_great

    Max stats

    go try to make another accnt ,
  4. maxi_d_great

    Max stats

    dont forget ``` Sub SetPlayerStat(ByVal Index As Long, Stat As Stats, ByVal Value As Long) ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub If Value MAX_BYTE Then Value = MAX_BYTE Player(Index).Stat(Stat) = Value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "SetPlayerStat", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` change this line ``` If Value > MAX_BYTE Then Value = MAX_BYTE ``` give thanks to lightning
  5. pls before you answer , if ur not sure on ur answer , pls try it before u post it , thank you
  6. where in modconstant? i cant find anything related to the max price in item editor?
  7. how can i change the max price in the item editor ? i try setting it to 50000 but it say its invalid , in what subs i can find it? in modype the price is already set to as long.
  8. what's the matter with comin sans ?? :cheesy:
  9. my code on modGeneral: ``` ' set the paperdoll order ReDim PaperdollOrder(1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1) As Long PaperdollOrder(16) = Equipment.Weapon PaperdollOrder(15) = Equipment.Shield PaperdollOrder(14) = Equipment.Acc1 PaperdollOrder(13) = Equipment.Acc2 PaperdollOrder(12) = Equipment.Ear1 PaperdollOrder(11) = Equipment.Ear2 PaperdollOrder(10) = Equipment.Ring1 PaperdollOrder(9) = Equipment.Ring2 PaperdollOrder(8) = Equipment.Helmet PaperdollOrder(7) = Equipment.Hair PaperdollOrder(6) = Equipment.Boots PaperdollOrder(5) = Equipment.Gloves PaperdollOrder(4) = Equipment.Belt PaperdollOrder(3) = Equipment.Necklace PaperdollOrder(2) = Equipment.Charm PaperdollOrder(1) = Equipment.Armor ``` question: why did the hair pd is on top of helmet pd ?? pic:
  10. my code ``` ' set the paperdoll order ReDim PaperdollOrder(1 To Equipment.Equipment_Count - 1) As Long PaperdollOrder(1) = Equipment.Armor PaperdollOrder(2) = Equipment.Hair PaperdollOrder(3) = Equipment.Helmet PaperdollOrder(4) = Equipment.Belt PaperdollOrder(5) = Equipment.Boots PaperdollOrder(6) = Equipment.Gloves PaperdollOrder(7) = Equipment.Ring1 PaperdollOrder(8) = Equipment.Ring2 PaperdollOrder(9) = Equipment.Ear1 PaperdollOrder(10) = Equipment.Ear2 PaperdollOrder(11) = Equipment.Necklace PaperdollOrder(12) = Equipment.Charm PaperdollOrder(13) = Equipment.Acc1 PaperdollOrder(14) = Equipment.Acc2 PaperdollOrder(15) = Equipment.Shield PaperdollOrder(16) = Equipment.Weapon ``` question: why did the hair is on the top of helmet?? | | v
  11. i already do that , but no color is match with my inventory's bg color? or how can i change vb6 palette color?
  12. Ok so i edited my gui , i edit my inv background color and style and shop background color same as my inv bg color , but why my shop didnt show its bg color ?? can someone tell me the fix for this???pls someone help me | | | v
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