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Everything posted by SeeingBlue

  1. The outside of your Inn should be 1 map, the inside of your Inn should be another map. Set a Warp to the second map on the doorway. This is how I done it, never messed around with doors though, sorry.
  2. SeeingBlue


    You wouldn't want the client to change other players sprites, that would only be useful to admins, but wouldn't be used in actual gameplay. For that stuff you need to be working in the server. Like telling the server to change a player's sprite when an item is used or something.
  3. Yes, they would need the font. Usually this is handled by an installer that will give your client the font.
  4. SeeingBlue


    Ok, in the code under the cmdASprite button in the picAdmin on frmMain, I found this. SendSetSprite when you right click it & check out the definition, you find that it is send information to the server. Mainly CSetSprite which is how the server knows what to do with the packet & SpriteNum which tells the server which sprite to change to. If you now go to the server & search for CSetSprite you will find what the server is doing with the data once it arrives. What you find is that it is calling 2 functions. SetPlayerSprite & SendPlayerData. The SetPlayerSprite tells the server who changed to what sprite. Then the SendPlayerData tells everyone the changes. Pretty simple once you break it down. Should be able to take this & do what you want.
  5. SeeingBlue


    I dont have the time to look now but I may take a jab at it later. In the meantime take a look at how the admin panel does this. Look at the code within the button on picAdmin that changes a players sprite & use that as an example. If you are serious, then you must familiarize yourself with the code anyways.
  6. SeeingBlue


    Is it impossible to simply change the players sprite & forget about using paperdolls?? I'm not sure what you are asking in your second question, but I'm sure both of these are going to require source editing.
  7. @Robin: > Street Cleaning Simulator is modern but totally underrated. Already has a cult following. > ![](http://i.imgur.com/jd9PK.jpg) What?? That boggles my mind. Everyone should play at least 1 open pvp, & open looting mmo. Really brings a community together.
  8. Don't flatter yourself. I don't stalk or go around looking to piss you off. I came to this thread to see if it was anything of interest and the chances of finding you here doing the usual are high… I don't care about some warning, I don't prize any forum account & if you think IP bans scare me then you are wasting time even pursuing such paths when you consider I would simply return, leeching off the community & never bothering to help. Facts are I am here to learn, I don't care to help where I can & punishing me for simply calling you out won't only solve nothing, but would not be in your best interest to remove members that at least have potential to help others & as I stated above, if you look, you will see that I have helped & still plan on continuing to help when I can. I'm also surprised you even take the time to give such a lengthy reply when you are covered up with doing your job... I do want you to know that I am not against you, I am on your side, but I will speak my mind & your insults and/or threats do not deter me.
  9. You continue, but don't be surprised when I keep calling you out on your unnecessary rudeness. Frankly I don't know why you aren't making more money off of the traffic here… Sounds much more productive than belittling possible revenue. And just for the record I do help where I feel like I can. Feel free to verify that yourself.
  10. @Ryoku: > ~~are you setting ALL the stats on the NPCs? O.o > > cause this looks like it's legit. I dont see a logic error.~~ > > @SeeingBlue, there isn't a syntax or range error. most of the time with combat its just a logic error or someone didn't fill out the NPC data correctly. > > If something doesn't work, but the game still runs its called a logic error, and they are harder to find and solve than any other error. A program can't tell when you meant for something to happen if you tell it to do something else by accident. > > * * * > > ok my mistake, there WAS a logic error, befor the 3rd End If from the bottom add "CanPlayerAttackNpc = True" I still find breakpoints very useful in tracking down logical errors as I know what I want the code to do & breakpoints show me what the code is actually doing.
  11. I'm not going to look at your code. I'm going to tell you how to fix this yourself. If you click at the beginning of a line(just off the left side of the code window) a red dot will appear & your line will be highlighted red. This will tell VB6 to pause your application when it comes across that line. It's called a breakpoint & you can see what I am talking about here: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=516268 If you do this for the line``` Public Function CanPlayerAttackNpc(ByVal attacker As Long, ByVal mapNpcNum As Long, Optional ByVal IsSpell As Boolean = False) As Boolean ```then once the program reaches this line it will pause & you can press F8 or Shift + F8(to skip diving into other subs or function) to follow the path the code takes until you find where it's not doing what it should. Also holding your mouse over variables while the application is paused will show you the values they are currently holding. This is the best way to help yourself in the future.
  12. There is a difference in guiding someone in the correct direction & being a smart ass about it. No doubt this forum is full of the same questions already answered 100 times over but much of his attitude is not necessary, regardless of how long you been helping idiots and I'm qualified to say so. It's also not necessary that he even reply if the question has already been answered & why would he since it's oh so irritating? Someone else will point OP in the right direction, he will figure it out himself, or give up. Any of these are fine options. Instead Robin would rather flex his superior intellect & common sense upon the feeble minded masses that swarm his domain. Is it possible that he is just venting misplaced frustration?
  13. Just punch her in the face when she don't listen & hopefully it will eventually "click"
  14. Your resource's sprite is allowed to be larger than 32x32 by default & the client will render it just fine. Except the resource on the map is still technically only 1 32x32 square. I've worked around this by adding a transparent resource sprite to use, but I don't believe taxing the server with 3 extra resources for 1 node is efficient. Or maybe it is.. Anyways what do you guys think? Is there a better way? & how would you go about it?
  15. Have you tried creating a new character?
  16. @csm: > Would that not be enough on it's own? There are other actions that re-enable it.
  17. SeeingBlue


    So what is this exactly? You added a 32x32 pic to display a single 32x23 image? Because I could probably use this. I am looking to use icons on on top of the picScreen.
  18. @Tauri: > He doesn't want a mouseover animation, just one that plays constantly, cycling through a few frames. > > Also, animated GUI would distract attention from the game. GUI should be minimalistic and draw your focus towards the game. I understood that. It was an example that he could possibly use to study how to do exactly what he wants.
  19. If you do a search in the source for .shopkeeper, you'll find that all it does is stop the NPC from walking.
  20. Shops have nothing to do with NPCs. You open the Shop editor & create your shop then use your map editor to place the shop on the map.
  21. If I'm not mistaken some of the buttons in EO2 or CS:DE change when you mouse over them. Might look at how that is done & should give you some kind of idea.
  22. SeeingBlue


  23. SeeingBlue


    Love it, & you can make your own? Pretty awesome, thanks…
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