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Everything posted by lexkymbeth

  1. You have to recreate it in dx8 since it was coded in dx7 I did it on my main computer. when I get home (4-5 days) if no one else figures it out I will post a tut
  2. My fault I do not explain things very well :S
  3. > I won't even comment on your "exact same syntax" comment… but I want you to know how derp the above is. You do realize that the placement of curly brackets is ENTIRELY up to personal preference, right? -- rendering your example useless. Not really sure why you thought that was a good representation of the two languages. O.o? Yea I know that wasn't the point of my post they look very similar any way you put it. More examples: ``` for(int i=1; i
  4. ``` void doSomething() { // Java } ``` ``` void doSomething() { // C# } ``` Java would be more easier to [multiplatform](https://www.java.com/en/about/) since it runs on almost every platform, even your TV (if its a newer TV) runs java O.o Once you learn one the other one is extremely easy to learn since the syntax is almost exactly the same. [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms836794.aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms836794.aspx) @Chief microsoft was 'Influenced' by java. The syntax of java was created in 95 while c# appeared in 2000 with the same exact syntax.
  5. > Ok bugs: when u go to edit it in item editor after build, as soon as u change exp multiplier from 0 to 1 label changes to multiplier time and when u set it to 1 min and consume it, it lasts like 5 secs 1m = 60000ms so it ticks every one minute it should not last 5 seconds ``` If Tick > LastUpdateExpMod Then UpdateExpMod LastUpdateExpMod = GetTickCount + 60000 End If ``` Only ticks every 60000ms Did you change this number? –--------------------------------------------------------- Once you create the item and consume it, it gives you an exp buff for a set amount of time and a set amount of multiplier.
  6. **Server & Client** in **Private Type PlayerRec** add ``` ExpMultiplier as Long ExpMultiplierTime as Long ``` in **Private Type ItemRec** add ``` addExpMultiplier As Long addExpMultiplierTime As Long ``` **Server** in **Sub ServerLoop** dim ``` Dim LastUpdateExpMod As Long ``` in **Sub ServerLoop** after the if statement **If Tick > LastUpdateSavePlayers Then** ``` If Tick > LastUpdateExpMod Then UpdateExpMod LastUpdateExpMod = GetTickCount + 60000 End If ``` in **modServerLoop** add ``` Private Sub UpdateExpMod() Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then If Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime = Player(i).ExpMultiplierTime - 1 End If End If Next End Sub ``` in **sub GivePlayerEXP** add after **' give the exp** ``` If Player(index).ExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then exp = exp * Player(index).ExpMultiplier End If ``` in **sub UseItem** add after the if statement **If Item(itemnum).AddEXP > 0 Then** ``` If Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplierTime > 0 Then Player(index).ExpMultiplierTime = Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplierTime Player(index).ExpMultiplier = Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplier SendActionMsg GetPlayerMap(index), "x" & Item(itemnum).addExpMultiplier & " EXP", White, ACTIONMSG_SCROLL, GetPlayerX(index) * 32, GetPlayerY(index) * 32 End If ``` **Client** in **frmEditor_Item** in frame **fraVitals **create two labels (lblExpTime "Multiplier Time: 0", lblExpMultiplier "Exp Multiplier: 0") and two scrlbars (scrlMultiplierTime,scrlMultiplier) ![](http://puu.sh/aEWbm/821e0f7982.png) x2 click **scrlMultiplierTime** input ``` ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler lblExpTime.Caption = "Multiplier Time: " & scrlMultiplierTime.Value Item(EditorIndex).addExpMultiplierTime = scrlMultiplierTime.Value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "scrlMultiplierTime_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub ``` x2 click **scrlMultiplier** input ``` ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler lblExpMultiplier.Caption = "Exp Multiplier: " & scrlMultiplier.Value Item(EditorIndex).addExpMultiplier = scrlMultiplier.Value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "scrlMultiplier_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub ``` In **sub ItemEditorInit** in the if statement **If frmEditor_Item.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_CONSUME Then** under **frmEditor_Item.chkInstant.Value = .instaCast** add ``` frmEditor_Item.scrlMultiplier.Value = .addExpMultiplier frmEditor_Item.scrlMultiplierTime.Value = .addExpMultiplierTime ``` **I may have forgot something, I coded the additions then did the tutorial if something is missing and it's not working please post something!**
  7. > Umm Credits xD, didn't you use Juiced's network Edited main post
  8. Server network/Database core done. Client is next I will get around to it some time. ![](http://puu.sh/azZ5r/ef7879b154.png)
  9. Open up CMD (Command Prompt) Type ipconfig and find your IPv4 Address. Put use that to connect to
  10. It is because the map has to sync, if you map is big then the file size will also be big causing it to take some time.
  11. There is one giant light that is hardly able to be seen you can set it to any color (Day and night) Its the tint if you can see on the photos, each other light is under it (Like a street lamp at night is under the moon)
  12. If I put it on git would any other programmers help ? I don't have any motivation :s
  13. Lighting was prebuilt with the library spooker [https://github.com/indiearmory/spooker/blob/master/Source/Graphics/Lights/LightEngine.cs](https://github.com/indiearmory/spooker/blob/master/Source/Graphics/Lights/LightEngine.cs) , The light source stretches as you walk away from it, kinda like visible area of the light
  14. **This is highly unfinished! And may not ever be finished** The .exe's are different because the first one is a newer SS. Things the engine will/that do * Client (10%) * Server (5%) * Maps (100% Tiled, multilayered. placing a layer named 'Player' will draw the players on that layer) * Editors (0%) * Custom Objects (50% Signs and lights so far..) * Other things I can not think of (0%) Credits * Deathbeam for [spooker](https://github.com/deathbeam/spooker) library * Crest for [network.cs](https://github.com/DylanDodds/Juiced-Engine/blob/master/Server/Network/Network.cs) core ![](http://puu.sh/adgLR/c3c14f4f83.jpg) ![](http://puu.sh/abNdd/c3ac9f7e50.jpg)
  15. Do you have minecraft? Create plugins for bukkit (Minecraft servers) [http://bukkit.org/](http://bukkit.org/) It helps with ideas, most plugins are small but in the end could help you with other projects.
  16. 5th grade (They still have the same computers, 6 years later) Brother thought me how to mess with cmd :s the ultimate cd tray virus. Each computer was connected to another so you just would put it there and would end up going to everyone computer when they log in :S
  17. This "Unnamed Card Game", is really a mini engine with node.js right now it just puts you into a match with the first person that connects. (1vs1) Located here: [https://github.com/LexTheGreat/Unnamed-Card-Game](https://github.com/LexTheGreat/Unnamed-Card-Game) This is a Non-ruled engine. Meaning that it is not automatic and is based off user action, and card description. This was just something small I created while at school. The customization of the cards is done well, you can add/remove cards from a .json file. " _Open source TCG engine made with node/canvas_ _You need node.js! [http://nodejs.org/](http://nodejs.org/)"_ _![](http://indierising.net/filehost/images/screenshot20140408at.png)_ _![](http://indierising.net/filehost/images/screenshot20140403at.png)_
  18. **This is only client!** Since **785 (EO's Width)** is not divisible by any even number you must change the size of frmMain (800x600 is a good size) This will not be covered in this tutorial Derived from [Here](http://forums.codeguru.com/showthread.php?497248-VB6-How-Do-I-Change-The-Screen-Resolution-Only-For-My-Program), changed for easy implementation. **NOTE:** You may want to add an exit button to **frmMain** that calls **Unload Me** That is up to you to create Add the file below to your project. **frmMain**, under **Private PresentY As Long** add. ``` Public OldX As Long Public OldY As Long ``` **This next steps depends on what engine you use**, you need to fine the part where your engine starts and exits For EO 3 (Maybe others only tryed it with EO 3 so far, and with just an empty project) **modGeneral**, **GameInit**, under **frmMain.Show** add. Replace Width and Height with your current **frmMain's** res EO uses **785x****594 **THIS IS NOT DIVISIBLE by 12 you MUST change frmMain's size to be divisible by 12 (Current bit per pix) ``` frmMain.OldX = Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX frmMain.OldY = Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY ChangeResolution ReplaceWithWidth, ReplaceWithHeight frmMain.WindowState = vbMaximized ' It fixes positioning on some monitors ``` **modGeneral**, **logoutGame**, under **Dim buffer As clsBuffer, i As Long** (For neatness, it can (Maybe) be placed anywhere) add. ``` ChangeResolution frmMain.OldX, frmMain.OldY ``` Last, open **frmMain's** visual editor change **frmMain's BorderStyle** to **none**
  19. > Some screens? There isn't much to screen, just a console application > I have downloaded a (Virus) :o No?… Its an auto updater/launcher. FalsePositive maybe because it downloads files?...
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