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Everything posted by Alerd

  1. Add this into modGameLogic: ``` Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long ``` Add this on top of Sub Main(): ``` Call MultiClient ``` Add this sub into modGameLogic: ``` Sub MultiClient() Dim GameClient As Long Dim OldAppName As String OldAppName = App.Title App.Title = "" GameClient = FindWindow(vbNullString, OldAppName) App.Title = OldAppName If App.PrevInstance = True Or GameClient 0 Then Call MsgBox("Client already running!", vbExclamation, "Error") End End If End Sub ```
  2. Alerd

    Length character

    Refresh? :< PLEASE HELP
  3. Thanx for tutorial this email system a free of bug?
  4. Alerd

    Resize Game

    Yea , i use miracle classic by Beam
  5. Alerd

    Resize Game

    Hi is there anyone able to help me through team Viever? I have no power .. a few hours longer'm trying to change it but it is always the same thing .. that is, everything is too big or too small .. Please help: <
  6. Alerd

    Drop from npc

    I try add this tut and i can't attack monster i delete account , map and npc :<
  7. Alerd

    Grid in Map

    Welcome to today's tutorial will show you how to make a grid on the map First go to client > frmEditor_Map and Create Checkbox (chkGrid) double-click and type``` ShowGrid = chkGrid.Value ``` Next Go to the ModGlobals and we add ``` Public ShowGrid As Byte ``` Next Search``` Public Sub BltDirection(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) ``` We add the ``` If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler ``` this ``` ' render grid rec.top = 24 rec.Left = 0 rec.Right = rec.Left + 32 rec.Bottom = rec.top + 32 Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX(X * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(Y * PIC_Y), DDS_Direction, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) ``` Next go to modDirectDraw7 add this ``` Public Sub BltGrid(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT ' render grid rec.top = 24 rec.Left = 0 rec.Right = rec.Left + 32 rec.Bottom = rec.top + 32 Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX(X * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(Y * PIC_Y), DDS_Direction, rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End Sub ``` In modDirectDraw7 search ``` ' blit out a square at mouse cursor If InMapEditor Then If frmEditor_Map.optBlock.Value = True Then For X = TileView.Left To TileView.Right For Y = TileView.top To TileView.Bottom If IsValidMapPoint(X, Y) Then Call BltDirection(X, Y) End If Next Next End If Call BltTileOutline End If ``` add the ``` If ShowGrid Then For X = TileView.Left To TileView.Right For Y = TileView.top To TileView.Bottom If IsValidMapPoint(X, Y) Then Call BltGrid(X, Y) End If Next Next End If ``` Srry for my bad English
  8. Alerd

    Drop from npc

    Except that when I drop it always 1 0.0
  9. Alerd

    Drop from npc

    No i use standart drop same in eo 2.0
  10. Alerd

    Drop from npc

    I try Matthew and dont work :<
  11. Alerd

    Drop from npc

    Hi, I have a problem with Drop npc you see is only the number 1 = 100%, I can not throw that type "," no "."
  12. Alerd

    Iphone Game

    Noob iphone go to android
  13. Alerd

    Limit the backpack

    Thank you and I look forward to FIX:>
  14. Alerd

    Limit the backpack

    Im talk about inventory ;d = backpack ;D Im use Miracle Classic by Beam Fresh Copy eo 2.0 have same bug
  15. Alerd

    Limit the backpack

    Hello anyone know if you see online is the fix in place in the backpack? when you're trying to buy something in a shop and I have a backpack full information pops up that is full but you can still buy items
  16. Hello all and so I have a small graphical bug in the trade … I had to move something in the rendering, but I do not know what: < [![](http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3600/tradebugo.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/tradebugo.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
  17. Alerd

    Length character

    Thanks for your help That's the problem hat I'm not ``` chat as String * 60 ```
  18. Alerd

    Length character

    Welcome you see how to do that character length in txtbox limit was 60
  19. It was necessary to replace Engine_BltFast to DirectX7.Engine_BltFast There is no more error but no map does not display: <
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