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Everything posted by Likestodraw

  1. @NamelessSoul- I'm not doing a particular style. I tried to 'imitate' Relly's work, but it developed into a completely different style. I am thinking about making the mushrooms a little smaller. I knew nothing was quite done to scale, and I'll try and re-adjust sizes for the next mockup. I don't know about the roots; I was debating whether or not to make them. The 'black small things' were brown mushrooms. I have recolored them so they should look more like mushrooms. @Cichol- After looking at the last mockup, I noticed that things looked very flat. I will try to shade for the next mockup, though I warn you that I suck at shading. Anyways, enjoy the next mockup, introducing new path and water tiles, with edited brown mushroom tiles. **Mockup v2** ![](http://hostings.mahtava.allalla.com/images/images/map2ckc.png)
  2. Likestodraw

    EO 3.0?

    I believe they are, but your tilesets won't be. You'll have to convert the background to alpha and save each of them as PNGs.
  3. Originally, I was trying to follow Relly's style of tiles (the Sleepy Studios projects), but it developed into something quite different that I like equally. What do you think of it? **Mockup v1** ![](http://hostings.mahtava.allalla.com/images/images/map2.png)
  4. Yeah, it is. Windows search doesn't even have extensions. It's practically useless without those.
  5. I think he means only allowing one client to be open.
  6. I didn't even know that there was a tutorial for that. Links?
  7. Very neat. Windows has this function (search) already, but it sucks. I'll have to use this some time.
  8. Yeah, water tiles would look good. Even better: UNDERwater tiles.
  9. Yeah, I wanted a Minecraft server as well. Maybe allow up to two servers to be hosted on personal request with dPoints? Also, DP seems to be down now.
  10. I know there's something like that in Mirage Realms. You could see how they do it by downloading Robin's bundle.
  11. You'll eventually find the event editor to be QUITE useful, and can EASILY replace friendly NPCs.
  12. Is there any simple way I could go ahead and port EO to VB.NET on my own, then?
  13. Well at this point I'm struggling to decide whether to use it to host my game or make the Classic server I've wanted to make for so long. If I do decide to use if for a Minecraft server, I'll have to go with 800Craft. I'll go post there and give you the link.
  14. Oh I meant what Minecraft server software? Such as 800craft, fCraft, etc.
  15. Does anybody have a fresh copy? The last download link was broken.
  16. @Vus- Same here. @Zananok- Why have you disabled registration? I NEED to get this server hosting. Also a quick question- How many servers are you allowed to install, and what software do Minecraft servers use?
  17. @Chief: > Theres also no such thing as a slime. Your logic makes no sense, there. The ratio doesn't need to be realistic, its a fantasy game. I know that, it's just that it looks really wide compared to ANYTHING in the mockup.
  18. Most people around here don't have an explanation for why they named a particular thing whatever they named it. Often they just name it that because a) someone else did, or b) It sounds like what someone else named the exact same thing
  19. To do any customization that doesn't have to do with modifying the existing GUI files, adding new graphics, and adding new content, you will need VB6\. Also a word of advice for the Q & A board here- don't ask for people do things for you (code for you, make a new GUI, create a new system, etc), because people will just rant about it. I'm sure that if you know a little about VB6 (and it seems like you have a decent amount of knowledge on it), it couldn't be too hard.
  20. It would help if we knew if you modded it, if there's a runtime error, and what version of Origins.
  21. Would you like to have me back as a mapper? I'm currently waiting to map for another game (Alpha or something already has a mapper, must wait for that to end and next phase to come out), and I could definitely map for Warfront again.
  22. Will you speak English? Are you asking where to get them, how to add them, how to edit them, how to make them, what software to make them, or what software was used to make them?
  23. There's plenty of tutorials for things like that out there. Don't be afraid to use the search bar. The search bar is your friend.
  24. Grr. I guess I could sign up if I get really bored. *Sigh*
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