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Everything posted by abhi2011

  1. There was a part like that? Srry i missed it. Thx Edit: Now i get another error "Variable Not defined" When I changed ".Top = EqTop"
  2. Hey i cant unequip anything!!! Plzz help!
  3. I never knew he did it! That is y i said it!
  4. How do you know his parent's will help him? You his father? And it is his choice. If he wants he will buy a domain and website host or he will use a free domain. – Abhijeet Ever-ember staff
  5. First try a free programmer for hire or join a project gain popularity then become a paid programmer. That is the only way! U can gain popularity in like 3mnths or so
  6. abhi2011

    [EO] Access

    Thx for the accesses
  7. Hey uses a free domain because he can't pay. And will mostly pay later and I was also wondering y he was using the WoW template. Will send a PM saiyan that to change the web-site host. P.S y buy a website host server when you can save for a VPS!!?? – Abhijeet Everember Staff
  8. Do u mean the "Eclipse Origins" in the Main Menu and Game? If so then go to "Client\data files\config.ini" and edit the Eclipse Origins to whatever you want in "Game Name = Eclipse Origins"!
  9. abhi2011


    U mean in the Main Menu? That is easy. Get an image editor. Go to "\data files\graphics\gui\menu\" In client folder and edit credits pic.
  10. I Am downloading Team-Speak now after team speak ill download Ventrilo and check whether ur server is working Crest god of toothpaste
  11. Robin or Rory can most probs help with MySQL.
  12. abhi2011

    VB6 Issues

    @ Soul During VB6 installation there is a restart after installation of JVM (Java Virtual Machine) That is what he meant. After reboot the setup will automatically continue. If not just start the setup again. It'll work without the need to install JVM (cuz it is already installed)
  13. U have some skills! how did u make it?
  14. abhi2011

    Mute Player!

    @Justn: > I think this one is better than the other one =) > > why not post in source tutorials? Soz this is my first tut so i dont knoe where to add and stuff! Hope someone moves (or can I?)
  15. abhi2011

    Mute Player!

    @GoldSide: > what's different? In the Roldiicks tut there is a command button! So i thought of y using a cmd button and y not use a right click option. That is why i made it and i also give full credit to him and Robin and I take none myself
  16. abhi2011

    Mute Player!

    i already added that there is already another one xcpt that there is a command button insted of a menu
  17. abhi2011

    Mute Player!

    Hey Guys this is my first tutorial. I know that there is a Mute player already but that one is the the form of a Command Button. So here is how to make a right click option. ~~~SERVER SIDE ONLY~~~ Go to server.vbp and in the server form (frmserver) press 'ctrl+E'. This should bring up the menu editor. Now choose a spot to add the Mute option. It should have that '….' thing before the caption. You should not add it you have to press enter on either of the give captions. Then type the name as 'mnuMute' and caption as whatever you want. Now the coding. Open the code of frmserver and find ``` Sub mnuDisconnectPlayer_Click() ```After the end sub before ``` Sub mnuBanPlayer_click() ```Add this ``` Sub mnuMute_Click() Dim Name As String Name = frmServer.lvwInfo.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) If Not Name = "Not Playing" Then Call ToggleMute(FindPlayer(Name)) End If End Sub ``` In modDatabase after ``` Public Sub LoadOptions() ```Add End Sub ``` Public Sub ToggleMute(ByVal index As Long) ' exit out for rte9 If index MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub ' toggle the player's mute If Player(index).isMuted = 1 Then Player(index).isMuted = 0 ' Let them know PlayerMsg index, "You have been unmuted and can now talk in global.", BrightGreen TextAdd GetPlayerName(index) & " has been unmuted." Else Player(index).isMuted = 1 ' Let them know PlayerMsg index, "You have been muted and can no longer talk in global.", BrightRed TextAdd GetPlayerName(index) & " has been muted." End If ' save the player SavePlayer index End Sub ``` In modHandleData find ``` Private Sub HandleBroadcastMsg(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) ``` In the sub there will be ``` msg = Buffer.ReadString ```Under that add ``` If Player(index).isMuted Then PlayerMsg index, "You have been muted and cannot talk in global.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ``` In modTypes in 'Public Sub PlayerRec' just before End Type below ``` Dir As Byte ```Add ``` isMuted As Byte ``` Well that is it! Also the mute will work only in Global! Ill find a way to mute in Map too! Credits: Riiicardo for showing me the tut ;) Robin:For making it – abhi2011
  18. I need help! In server side, i go to the 'HandleUseItem' sub. I find 'Set Buffer = Nothing' below "' get inventory slot number" I can't find 'End Select' in the sub. Above the 'End Sub' I can only see a 'UseItem Index, invNum' so i just add 'Case…...' below 'Dim Item1 As Long, Item2, Result' But when i try to compile it give the following error Compile Error: Case without case select. Wat should I do plzz help!? :sad:
  19. i need seroius help. I did all u told me to. In the server side but when i try to compile it tells. Compile Error Sub or Function not defined. http://i40.tinypic.com/dbib6o.jpg Here is the link of the pic. Plzz help!!!
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