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  1. Hello people ) people how can it be avoided? I'm not clear
  2. Now the problem of how to fix) [![](http://s019.radikal.ru/i608/1204/9e/2b78bbc024dc.png)](http://www.radikal.ru)
  3. People help : While trying to install this lesson I have POPs up here is the error on the server side [![](http://s019.radikal.ru/i625/1204/2f/28f384be87b4.jpg)](http://www.radikal.ru) http://s019.radikal.ru/i625/1204/2f/28f384be87b4.jpg
  4. And what quests to create? no such button((
  5. How to make the window of a game there was more? I try but I can't(( How to make so that was a bit of a transparent chat? (( I'm also trying to make does not work( If you can download here the source code where it all is))I'm still a beginner and some do not understand) I will be glad if you give me the source code where all that I ask is already there)
  6. Well, I'm asking how to do that for example an assignment executed by and right at the same spc can be another take) that is to have one spc was for example 10 jobs
  7. Robin, help me please!) also have the same question people as you can do the quest chain?
  8. Guys help who knows how to do it) I just don't know very well VB6
  9. The first question) How to make people could buy things on the site?
  10. Thank you, there is still a question how can I do? for example purchase of let's say the avatar or weapons with the site ? how to do that immediately after buying the thing appeared in the trunk?" _____________________________________________________________________ How to do that with the death of the things left in a backpack?
  11. How to make to attack animation was the character?that is, for example swings the sword?
  12. I cannot do , that the character had to 100 level was at least 45000 thousands of lives! how to do this?
  13. how to make the lives of the game more HP? :confused:
  14. We9mak

    More lives

    People make to the 100 level was approximately 40,000 thousands of lives where in the code to correct?
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