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Everything posted by GeminiXcasorm

  1. Windows 7 ultimate. 32 bit os. my 64 bit windows 7 corporate (desktop, broken at this point) has no issues at all. but on my laptop… i dunno.
  2. well what i was trying to say was make everything proportional. but larger. like f11 in minecraft or something like that. Also. i apologize for the attitude, i was meaning to come across as facetious. .
  3. Honestly, i've searched everywhere and haven't found a single client side edit, that makes everything stay the same, but the screen size. its ridiculous. I think someone around here would be able to come up with something like that. Right? Any tutorials or anything? well what i was trying to say was make everything proportional. but larger. like f11 in minecraft or something like that. Also. i apologize for the attitude, i was meaning to come across as facetious.
  4. I just did that. i still get the error. any other ideas? ( i have tried that before actually.) so what can i do?
  5. So basically when i start with a clean copy of eo3, and open the servers source (yes i have all the runtime files) i cant load it properly. Then when i try to compile (without making edits) it errors at Private Sub lvwInfo_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader With an error saying user type not defined
  6. YOUR SO AWESOME! one last one. server side. Private Sub lvwInfo_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader user type not defined
  7. after installing both of your runtime installers above, then having the same error pop up, i went to your previous tutorial and that fixed it. kind of. now i get another error. ![](http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg571/gemini_castorm/errorbullshit.png)
  8. 1; I LOVE YOU!…. no homo.... 2; why cant you use something like dropbox? i spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out which link wasn't an add....
  9. i cant find the Eclipse Library Installer anywhere. i Got ahold of the ELI beta, but apparently that dosnt work. Could you possibly get a link from somewhere or something?
  10. So ive downloaded visual basic 6, and all of its components from the internet, and have it working fine, but from a clean brand new source code of E.O.3 it says theres some error with the chat system and refuses to let me compile the UN EDITED source. Can someone please help me out? its also giving me some 'error during load' problems. I cant be the only one with this issue. please help?
  11. when i open the npc menu on the new update oops RUN TIME ERROR 370, INVALID PROPERTY VALUE
  12. or u could make a new bee on whatever # ur item is set to :3
  13. another idea is making a client where its full screen. same design as your larger screen in 10.7, but its the old 14 tiles by 11 tiles, just enlarged :) (i couldn't figure it out…
  14. good 2 know… i guess. i figure ill code one for myself in the near future, maybe i could post it on the custom versions page or something :3
  15. is there a python version of eclipse? id code it myself but i dont really have the time… so if anyone has one just let me know :3
  16. Hey, have you thought of a diff convo system? maby one where you can decide which face it uses? (sorry 'bout spelling)
  17. how do u edit quests? ive tryed to type in /editquest /editquests /quests and even the admin menu dosnt have a quest button…
  18. ![](http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA3NzI1ODc1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzI5NjQwNg@@._V1._SY317_CR6,0,214,317_.jpg)
  19. 8987 people have wasted there time on this game
  20. im no longer atheist, i found a god… and its u :D
  21. lawlz, id donate and mail bomb someone else… but im 17 :/
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