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Everything posted by zerosavior115

  1. guys can anyone give me the line of code to edit for this i want it that the player is not allowed to attack vertically and when they stop they are automatically facing either left or right but im not disabling the up and down button so if the want to move vertically its ok but they cant attack while moving that way if get my point and also how do you change the size of the offsets??? cause when i simply change the pic_X and pic_y i cant target it exactly please help me
  2. hope someone enters a isolate tile tutorial ( if i called it right)
  3. GUYS IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE THAT THE SERVER AND CLIENT SIDE TO ONE AND IS there anyway for that instead of a player choosing a character in the register when he login the characters that are available can be played well to explaine the last one clearly heres how it goes player creates account instead of choosing character he will be directed back to the login screen when he login character list comes out ( char1 & char 2) he chooses a character ( each has its own storyline ) eg. char1 when char1 gets to a specific point( finished a quest,level up to a specific level etc..) char 3 will be unlock next time he login same thing will happen ( but may differ dough) but items and the char level of the char will be the same as before he logout if anyone got it and have spare time please help with this kinda code
  4. You know what ryoku this is a bit good but robins right we cant compleatly expect that everyone always use space in chat cause FYI there are types of chatters including them are flooders and spamers so i suggest that if your going to make a tut atleast think something that is more beneficial i myself maybe a kid but i know when something… **SUCKS!!!**
  5. @Lumiere: > IF you mean the stat points then look for this in server modPlayer, so when u lvl up u get 0 points > ``` > Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) + 3) > ``` change 3 to 0 no i meant instead of the player having free choice to which stat to raise the character`s stat automatically rise whenever it level up eg. lvl1 = str,int,agi,will,end = 1 when he levels up instead of me having free choice to which stat to raise, his stats are raised by an amount( I assigned) so then when he reach lvl 2 his stats will automatically be like this lvl2 = str,int,agi,will,end = 5
  6. ahmm lightning can you explaine this more briefly i cant understand the need of this why cant i just create an NPC with demonly strength….???
  7. does anyone know how to do this everytime a character lvls up his stats automatically raises up to an amount i assigned its like disabling that add-stats-when-you-level-up thing if anyone understand
  8. Great tut! but how can i change the possition of the minimap so that instead of it being in the top right corner its instead in the top left corner??
  9. I guess its okay to have a pokemon game but i promise you that even how many people like pokemon so much is how many people who have created and have the same plan as you so i would suggest that you create something more unique well as for that battle system your talking about i think i got some idea on how to do that….
  10. Great….. but is it possible to do this in a picMap instead of a form??
  11. @Lumiere: > That's not Turn Based,so what exactly you want is : > When map attribute is "Battle" and you encounter an enemie,you will be transffered to a side view map fighting with that enemie,no turn based? yes and also in the battle scene only one enemy is present and it will auto target it once the battle start
  12. to be really specific itll be like an online version of the final fantasy dissidia if youve played it
  13. **_NOTE: PLEASE DONT ANSWER WITH "LEARN TO CODE" PLEASE ANSWER IF YOU KNOW OR HAS AN IDEA TO HOW TO DO IT THANK YOU.._** does anyone know how program it so that when the map attribute ( safe or none) is Map then the game format is EO but when the map attribute is Battle its format is PVO an example would be when Im in the world map the game format would be like EO but when i engage an enemy it would shift into a side-scrolling game type if you get my point if anyone has a code,have an idea,knows which line to change add onwhere what kind of statement or anything even if not the complete code but where what sub mod project will i put a code to make this happen anything please answer thanks
  14. @Rob: > Sounds like you are clicking on the RichTextBox (txtChat) where messages are written, try clicking on the txtMyChat box, the smaller one where you would write messages. Make sure you added the flag to the txtMyChat. > > An easy fix to your issue would be on the txtChat Click event, add > ``` > ChatFocus=True > txtMyChat.setFocus > ``` i have same problem can you be more specific to what to remove,replace,add to fix this problem
  15. if you know how please answer anyone know how to make a game that have some similarities in final fantasy 6 like -when you click a button ( menu ) in the frmMain the other ones comes out like the buttons for the i nventory,quests,status, -when you attack a monster it will battle shift like in FF6 -party system similar to FF6 ( but only 3 players ) -no gender choices in the character creation screen thats all please answer
  16. @DimenXion: > [You mean change the picScreen size?](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67409.0.html) hmm…. sorta like that but i meant its look not only the background pic but the whole system like the button locations and stuff
  17. Hi!! how come everytime i compile an error come out and its always pointing out the .Socket i dont know what i did wrong so please can someone help me? here the screenshot
  18. Creating a GUI w/ buttons and screen code for EO buttons are not on the same file as the GUI itself. You will have to make buttons seperately you can do edit this with many programs, photoshop, paint, Gimp, etc. if you don't know what a GUI is it's a graphic user interface and you can edit the images in the GUI folder of EO. no i mean to change its format instead it being longwidth X short height i wass planing to change it into shortwidth x longheight if you get my point??
  19. Oh my god you finally created something that can be understood please create more tutorials like this
  20. @Zopto: > http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71847.0.html > Here hawe pet system,quest system etc…. WOAh…... :sad: didnt work oh so close :embarrassed:
  21. Hey Guys..! is it possible to have all in-game features like the quest system,pet system,projectile etc. in a single game and when i say all i mean all including those fullscreen gui,auto target everything that is in http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,75901.0.html if anyone had already done all of this can you give me ur source edit hope i explained it correctly tnx…
  22. @Justn: > This part where it shows frame4 = true is what makes it pop up so make sure its named frame4 or change it in this code :) > ``` > If frmEditor_Item.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then > frmEditor_Item.Frame4.Visible = True > ``` where do i add that??? gonna try it hope it works…
  23. @jcsnider: > He added the modules to the src folder but never added them to the project, I fixed it through teamviewer. Issue Resolved :D HEY HOW do i add it to the project??? NEED HELP ASAP
  24. Hey mr wambit i folled the steps correctly but when i create a new weapon the frame i created dont appear is there any way around this w/o downloading the Projectile.zip thing please help me
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