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Everything posted by Joost

  1. Joost

    Poor Lady :/

    350k for a few years of abuse, wonder if it was worth it
  2. Some of the If statements seem a bit pointless, like checking MapNpc(MapNum).NPC(mapNpcNum).IsPet = YES every time. As an example of what I mean, here's how I would do it (pretty much the exact same code except i deleted things :P) ``` petowner = MapNpc(MapNum).NPC(mapNpcNum).PetData.Owner If MapNpc(MapNum).NPC(mapNpcNum).IsPet = YES Then If attacker = petowner Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "You can not attack your own pet.", BrightRed) Exit Function End If If Not Map(GetPlayerMap(attacker)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "This is a safe zone! You can not attack another player's pet.", BrightRed) Exit Function End If If GetPlayerAccess(petowner) > ADMIN_MONITOR Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "You cannot attack " & GetPlayerName(petowner) & "'s pet!", BrightRed) Exit Function End If If GetPlayerAccess(attacker) > ADMIN_MONITOR Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Admins cannot attack another player's pet.", BrightBlue) Exit Function End If If GetPlayerLevel(petowner) < 10 Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, GetPlayerName(petowner) & " is below level 10, you cannot attack this player's pet yet!", BrightRed) Exit Function End If If GetPlayerLevel(attacker) < 10 Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "You are below level 10, you cannot attack another player with a pet yet!", BrightRed) Exit Function End If End If ```
  3. Joost

    Nintendo 64

    pokemon snap, conker's bad fur day, super smash brothers, mario 64, the zelda games, banjo kazooie, perfect dark. I think those are the games I enjoyed most.
  4. A friendly warning, if you intend on making the money back from the game you will probably get a cease & desist letter at some point. Even as a free pokemon game you'll get one of those sooner or later, but if you actually intend on making money from it you might get more than just a cease & desist letter.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxruBcUCVu4 That is pro trolling. (for those who dont know Carmac (or his persona in these videos Uszat), he is one of the main admins at IEM, huge e-sport events and is a great guy) and what he does is pretend his english is shit and interviews players confusing the fuck out of them.
  6. If you want to adjust speed, I think you have to increase it by 4\. Walking is 4, running is 8, and if you want something even faster I think you'd have to go with 12\. Otherwise shit gets fucked up.
  7. Joost

    PNG Tileset

    there are ways to send .png files w/ the client i think but in the end they still need to be converted to .bmp before anything cool happens with directx.
  8. I'd perhaps switch MP and HP around, seems like the MP bar'd be easier to keep track of during fights atm.
  9. Are you sure you deleted your maps? Sorry for giving the obv answer, but I can't see how anything else could be broken solely for you. (PS, making a converter isn't terribly difficult and there have been lots of people who made map converters for other stuff. I'm sure you can find a way around it w/ some research)
  10. I don't think you have to make a game similar to WoW to succeed, but looking at by far the most successful MMORPG when trying to make your own seems like the smart thing to do, even if you hate it.
  11. @Stein: > to me there is also zero reason to do it your way. I'm not listing advantages, I'm saying you're needlessly being an asshat for saying "OMG MY WAY IZ DEH ONLEH GEWD WAY U GUYZZ SUCKZ0R". Yeah no, none of your arguments really made me say "Yeah, that's true in every situation". You're spouting nonsense based on a SIMPLE system. But take it out of your simple mind and bring it up to a larger more complex scale. Will it really work well to do it your way? Why waste so much storage space in an inventory slot when you can only use the data assigned you NEED? e.g.: > > ``` > Player(Index).Char(i).Ammo(1).Num = AmmoFrost > Player(Index).Char(i).Ammo(1).val > ```In which 1 is the ammo slot and well, only a number and value are stored. Which are linked to a database full of effects and other things. WITHOUT needing to waste a whole inventory slot of memory. > > Again, your way of thinking works but it is not necessarily the best way because it is simple yet effective. There are many ways that lead to the end result, and depending on your needs you will adjust your system. > > Now I know you'll come up with a bullshit answer to this. But whatever, learn your datatypes and stop wasting memory when it is totaly unnecessary. In contrary to Pony I have some respect for you since you seem to have an ok idea what you're talking about. > Why waste so much storage space in an inventory slot when you can only use the data assigned you NEED? e.g. By that logic you might want to move potions, swords, keys, pretty much everything from the inv editor to custom variables. Yes it'd save less variables, absolutely, but would it be improvement overall? So yeah, I'm sober now so I'll be a bit more polite but I still stand 100% by my way, and I really really can't think of any advantages besides saving those variables, and by that logic every itemtype wastes space. (Plus, most "useless" variables on items can be used for spell procs, damage things, crit chance, animations, you got literally everything you could possibly need for a bullet system.)
  12. stein's "advantage" isnt really an advantage since you can use hidden inv slots. You could even make a bullet editor and just save it as Item with the variables from the bullet editor and work from there if you insist on having a bullet editor. There is just absolutely 0 reason to do it ur way. I am going to stop arguing now since it's useless. Because you have to specifically design a lot of other shit as well to function properly.
  13. how do you buy bullets? how do you sell them? how do you trade them? ur way would again offer the exact same as my system, except mine runs faster and is easier. name 1 advantage to ur system and I'll be convinced.
  14. Even if you dont want to display the bullet in the inventory, you can still use the inventory code for it and just put bullets in slots players cant see. That way the player has 0 idea that the bullets are in his inv but it works perfect and easy.
  15. that is the point you choose to argue with? give me one thing ur way can do better than my way. 1 thing
  16. you still dont get it, using ur way has 0 advantages, u've given 0, i told you why my system is better, it is less lines of code, it will run better, it allows as many diff bullets as you want, it gives you a shitload of different options, it can handle buying/trading, it doesnt require new accounts, people can carry however much ammo they want. my way is better. i may be a bastard but i am 100% right.
  17. B-But I love you :[
  18. I'm mildly attracted to people of the same gender and have a very strange love for shoelaces tied around someone's genitalia.
  19. Lol, are you a moron? If they want more than 1 bullet type they can create more than 1 bullet items. It would work 100% perfect w/o modifications, with as many different bullets as you want. All that has to be done is finding the bullet in inv and taking it away when shooting. Any bullet data you want you can store in the itemrec. Do you really not understand basic programming? BTW, so far u've given 0 actual arguments and instead say stupid shit like my way'd only work for 1 bullet, which again gives me the impression you don't know how to program and are just saying something you heard someone else say./
  20. Dynamic what? What could you possibly need that you cant use the item data for? Because I think you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about all I'm going to do is post the ItemRec so you can see how much easier + perfect it is to use that. Trying to argue with retards is a waste of my time. ``` Private Type ItemRec name As String * NAME_LENGTH Desc As String * 255 Sound As String * NAME_LENGTH Pic As Long Type As Byte Data1 As Long Data2 As Long Data3 As Long ClassReq As Long AccessReq As Long LevelReq As Long Mastery As Byte price As Long Add_Stat(1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1) As Byte Rarity As Byte Speed As Long Handed As Long BindType As Byte Stat_Req(1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1) As Byte Animation As Long Paperdoll As Long AddHP As Long AddMP As Long AddEXP As Long CastSpell As Long instaCast As Byte End Type ``` PS, if you actually think doing complicated stuff for no reason at all (0) is good programming then you really should not be posting in the help section.
  21. The easy way is the best way, for all those reasons I mentioned like the shop system, like dropping bullets, like trading them. To code everything like that again for bullets with absolutely no gain other than using more data is absolutely fucking stupid. You've never even given a single reason as to why your system is better, Ill tell you why, because it's not.
  22. Actually, my way is clean well organised code. It's using the fucking inventory system that's already in there, in contrast to your way of adding a new variable, a new way to buy items and a new way to trade items. Your way is epicly retarded. I tried saying it polite, but I annoy you? Holy shit dude, your idea is the most ineffective way to do it.
  23. Depending on the reasons you're doing this it may be wise to create a compiled newb-friendly version. There're a lot more people interested in a functioning ORPG engine than some VB-project. I wouldn't suggest doing this in the current state, but considering that closed-source engines have always been more popular than opensource engines (dont ask me why, konfuze/PW compared to ES/MS as reference) it might be cool to focus a bit on that in the future. If you're just trying to add sick features I wouldn't bother w/ it though.
  24. Okay, how about if you keep track of bullets with a player(index).Bullets instead of inventory, how will a player pick up/buy/trade bullets? If you make it an item, that's not a problem. If you set up a new variable for it, you need to set up some way to buy bullets and trade them. I'm not saying your method wouldn't work, but if you want to add bullets programming-wise it'd be much simpler to do it from inv. Things like above are all things that'd have to be adjusted for your system.
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