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Everything posted by Ezemel

  1. King Seb got slapped by a slap of all the above slappes who slapped others with a slap.
  2. That's a relief :D Can't wait for this engine, I've been looking for years with no luck, until now. It's good to see someone finally making an engine that is not in VB6
  3. > Tbh, it's too early for a kickstarter. Ya should have a lot of progress to convince people to help you finish it. > > Not to start it. So True !
  4. Sadly no :P Been busy. Looks like you've got better at art, that's good, keep doing that :D
  5. No offense, but you didn't convince me. You seemed rather bored/drunk, and that combined with the small gameplay sneak peak you presented, wich was very simple and boring, nothing too hard to make even for a 10 yo kid. It's like I would ask here in a thread who can give me 2000$ so I will be able to open my website to host a small game. Would you help me? I guess not. Work more on the presentation and of course the game, please bring something amazing. Just for fun[btw bring more energy to your video :D]
  6. Looks very good :) Long time no see
  7. Very interesting, any date[month, year] for an Alpha Release? :D
  8. Ezemel


    By noob I didn't mean the game is poorly made, I meant the game is made by some guys who obviously just started in this world of games, and won't get too far if they don't learn how to be pros. Support those who really can make great games, either indie or "giants", but don't blindly throw money just because they just started, it could encourage "bad habits"
  9. Ezemel


    One does not simply put hundred of $ to a indie game, not knowing their background. It's an Ok game, I like how simple everything is, low poly models and such, never spent money on free to play games, especially on noob made games like this one.
  10. I like the style :D Looks very good.
  11. Yes he can add the download link for it, but maybe not directly the link of his community.
  12. I will suggest not to advertise, you can get banned or thread removed.
  13. Silver is limited Gold - those limitations are gone Ask a Gold Member about how is to have the Gold version of the engine, if it's really worth paying :) Here is the link, PM some of them: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?app=members§ion=view&module=list&filter=43](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?app=members§ion=view&module=list&filter=43)
  14. VB6? :| Silver License? World has got crazy…
  15. Just copyright your graphics, if you're the owner, not rmvx/xp modifications of sprites, etc.
  16. Well you know the best what you want to do in life, good luck.
  17. Ezemel

    Tavern Mockup

    I don't like the room's colors, looks like a modern office.
  18. You can learn pixel art for your projects or if you're lucky to get hired. About logos Some of them looks bumpy, and resized looks terrible. [you should figure it out wich] Though I like the clean logo you did, the EverEmber one, looks very good, nice and simple, perfect logo. Other logos wich looks bad, have way too many FXs. One suggestion about your services. You should never say that you are free for hire, if you don't have time. >! I'm aware of the emptiness of the portofolio, but I don't have enough spare time to work and do stuff for the portofolio, I barely have time to work xD >! I'm waiting for the summer so I can start developing my pixel art skills. >! >! You're waiting for summer to develop your pixel art skills, bad idea, if you don't have a project wich will bring you some kind of profit. >! You can't say you will do it for hobby, since this thread is obviously meant for you to make some money. >! >! Studying pixel art is a long time consumable process, you should examine many styles of pixel art, observe the palette used, how many colors, how everything is connected together, etc. >! >! And the worst part, animating pixel art. >! >! Game companies make Pixel art sprites and environment from 3D models rendered to 2D, when there are way too many frames to make, it's a lot cheaper. >! Nowadays they have programmers wich will easily render everything in pixel art if they want, and for the final touch some manual work. >! >! Back in the day, when I was working for a chinese gaming company, I had to model 3D chibi people, low poly ofc. >! We didn't had the resources needed to auto render in pixel art, so after we done with animating the character, we had to Manually color everything in Pixel Art, we had certain color palettes and instructions. >! >! If you think 3D is way too complex and useless, then you are so wrong.
  19. Why you added a website example, a design that isn't even yours? [If you're the guy on ragezone named Sector, then ok, nice] If you're not, I suggest to put examples of your own work. Some logo designs are pretty good, others are just meh. About Pixel art, I suggest to not focus too much on pixel art. Try something much better in order to get money like 3D, also learn rigging and animations, you can get serious money by doing that, trust me :)
  20. Very nice :D Any chance of releasing the engine ? Tired of vb6
  21. The Logo is looking good. Sprites are nice and interesting, love the palette you chose. Background is terrible though [terrain, mountains, sky] What engine are you using? If it's custom made from scratch, what programming language you used?
  22. Go to his website, PM Thomas, and ask if he will sell it or whatever.
  23. Thank you all ! This NPC is Captain Morse, you will first meet him on his Ship, when you will start the game, later you will be able to travel the World with him. He is short, fat and grumpy sometimes. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10320254_885773318115992_7839201511910733637_n.png)
  24. It's nice that you spent time making a tutorial :) But, there are easier ways of making tilesets in just a few seconds, depending what you want to achieve.
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