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Everything posted by XerShade

  1. Page: https://eclipseorigins.com/usercp.php?action=usergroups MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. **SQL Error:** ``` 1055 - Expression #6 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'eclipse.l.canmanagerequests' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by ``` **Query:** ``` SELECT g.title, g.gid, g.type, COUNT(DISTINCT u.uid) AS users, COUNT(DISTINCT j.rid) AS joinrequests, l.canmanagerequests, l.canmanagemembers, l.caninvitemembers FROM mybb_groupleaders l LEFT JOIN mybb_usergroups g ON(g.gid=l.gid) LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON(((CONCAT(',', u.additionalgroups, ',') LIKE CONCAT('%,', g.gid, ',%')) OR u.usergroup = g.gid)) LEFT JOIN mybb_joinrequests j ON(j.gid=g.gid AND j.uid != 0) WHERE l.uid='44597' GROUP BY l.gid ``` Please contact the MyBB Group for technical support.
  2. Dedicated Server > VPS > Self hosted. That order hasen't been faulted to date.
  3. This is simple math. Change the functions for getting NPC stats to something like this: ``` Function GetNpcHP(NpcNum) GetNpcHP = Npc(NpcNum).BaseHP + (Npc(NpcNum).Level * Npc(NpcNum).HPGrowth) End Function ``` You will need to add the growth stats and possibly the functions, but this is how you would achieve what you want logically.
  4. XerShade

    New engine

    Currently doing so in my spare time.
  5. XerShade


    In Visual Basic 6, not really an alternative. In C#/VB.Net, yes the socket class or lidgren. Seeing as how there arn't really any plans to have the engine ported to .net in the near future as it would require a complete re-write let's go with: Yes Winsock is the best, and no there are no alternatives that arn't wrappers of WinSock (wrappers are slower by the way).
  6. XerShade

    Yuko banned.

    Did she take any Eclipse Worlds file with her? If so tell her to delete them or I will DMCA her as I coded the majority of that engine for Helladen back in the day before he took over full control of it.
  7. ![](http://freemmorpgmaker.com/attachment.php?aid=58) [attachment=58]
  8. **Warning: This is an extremely early version of the program. Features will be missing and bugs will more than likely exist. I am not liable if this does not work as intended.** So I have spent the better part of the last week working on a application updater that could not only update application files but also itself. The result of my work is the SimplyUpdater. The goal for this updater was to be as simple a possible for non-coders and still be as functional as other advanced updaters. I will be tracking issues and feature requests over on the gitlab for this project, see below, so please do not post bugs or feature requests in this topic. **GitLab: **[https://gitlab.com/XerShade/SimplyUpdater](https://gitlab.com/XerShade/SimplyUpdater) **Download: **[http://uploads.xershade.ca/projects/SimplyUpdater/SimplyUpdater.](http://uploads.xershade.ca/projects/SimplyUpdater/SimplyUpdater. -XerShade
  9. @'AcidTumbleweed': > @'daxterxx': > > > That error was pretty cool i guess… > > He was showing off module dependencies. The font module required the sfml renderer module. When he commented out the sfml module, the font module threw an exception, so what you saw was actually intended. Guilty as charged, was showing off how you can check for dependencies in modules. This will probably be used later for more complex things like sending game data over the network and stuff.
  10. So I made a quick little video showing off the early stages of the modular framework of the Xeris engine I am coding. The tests in this video were to show off module loading, and module dependency worked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtQpTREZ0hI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtQpTREZ0hI
  11. **Download the file here: **[http://www.xershade.ca/files/file/1-ips-connect-for-net/](http://www.xershade.ca/files/file/1-ips-connect-for-net/) **Download the source code here: **[http://www.xershade.ca/files/file/2-ips-connect-for-net-source-code/](http://www.xershade.ca/files/file/2-ips-connect-for-net-source-code/) This little library allows .NET applications to create an IPS Connect slave application allowing user login validation and management from an existing IPS application. To use this simply create a reference to the library "XS.IPSConnect.dll" then create a new slave application object by using the following code: ``` ipsSlave ips = new ipsSlave("yourmasterurl", "yourmasterkey"); ``` Please note that the master key is optional but you will **not** be able to register or change accounts on the master application without it. You can then use the following methods to interact with the master application, **.Login()**, **.Register()**, **.Change()**. Each returns a response object that you can then use to view and use the data returned in the response. Final note, this is simply a request-response API and does not offer account data storage of **any kind** nor will it ever do this.
  12. > No, Netgore is probably far better than Mavra. The problem is that the generic library is not of that much help, and limits the programmer typically in a not so good of way. When you make an engine specialized for a specific purpose, it allows the developers that want a game in that direction an easier starting point rather than a bunch of functions that they have to learn. > > You can have a few programmers use your engine or a couple thousand developers. You make your mind up on that one, I wont. You can also have a few thousand "developers" think they know what they are doing when they do not. Developers come up with the ideas that us "few" programmers then have to design, create, test, fix, and every thing else. Developers only provide the inspiration, the programmers are what really bring games and other programs to life. In total I would say the ratios of game development is 60% programmers, 35% artists and 5% developers as without the other two your "developments" will NEVER come to fruition.
  13. Here is the exp code, some little idiot moved it on me so i had to look for it in all the files. It is in modCommands.bas ``` Function GetPlayerNextLevel(ByVal index As Long) As Long GetPlayerNextLevel = (50 / 3) * ((GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1) ^ 3 - (6 * (GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1) ^ 2) + 17 * (GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1) - 12) End Function ``` You want to change that function to this. ``` Function GetPlayerNextLevel(ByVal index As Long) As Long GetPlayerNextLevel = (GetPlayerLevel(index) * 100) End Function ```
  14. In mod combat all the functions for vitals are there. This is the one your looking for for hp mods. ``` Function GetPlayerMaxVital(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) As Long If index > Player_HighIndex Or index < 1 Then Exit Function Select Case Vital Case HP Select Case Class(GetPlayerClass(index)).CombatTree Case 1 ' Melee GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Endurance) / 3)) * 15 + 135 Case 2 ' Range GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Endurance) / 3)) * 10 + 100 Case 3 ' Magic GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Endurance) / 3)) * 5 + 75 End Select Case MP Select Case Class(GetPlayerClass(index)).CombatTree Case 1 ' Melee GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Intelligence) / 3)) * 5 + 75 Case 2 ' Range GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Intelligence) / 3)) * 10 + 100 Case 3 ' Magic GetPlayerMaxVital = ((GetPlayerLevel(index) / 2) + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Intelligence) / 3)) * 15 + 135 End Select End Select End Function ``` Here is an example of how you can make a char start with 10 of a stat then level it up with str etc. ``` GetPlayerMaxVital = 10 + (Account(index).Chars(GetPlayerChar(index)).Stat(Stats.Strength)) * 2 The last number is how much each point of str increases your hp by. ```
  15. Give me a few minutes to look at the code, if your using eclipse worlds I coded most of that in my early coding days so I can figure it out.
  16. Oh just wanted to show you guys how wrong you are by pointing out one of the mistakes I made when pixeling the gradients on the orbs. [attachment=1074:error.png] Now if you guys had taken a close look at it by blowing it up that most of you said you did you woulda noticed the errors in the patterns an automated tool wouldnèt have made.
  17. Mod please close this topic.
  18. > Still not "pixel" art. I downloaded the image and scaled it to make sure. They're too anti-aliased for me to believe you used a 1x1 pencil. Looks like you used the gradient tool and a brush to make the highlight. I honeslty don't care what you think it looks like, obviously if it looks similar it means I did a good job anti-aliasing it. No gradient tool you use for a circular gradient has a + pattern.
  19. I did to the gradients pixel by pixel. I created a sketch of the gradients with the tool to get the pallet colors I needed then pixled it.
  20. > I think he means what's the point? it's just some colored circles and you know, what is shown isn't even really "pixel ""art"". So simply because I made a small image, or made objects of circles makes it not art? Please stop with the rage festing or I can, and will, call a mod.
  21. **Post taken from: **[http://www.xershade.ca/topic/7-item-orbs/](http://www.xershade.ca/topic/7-item-orbs/) Okay seeing as they are key items for my game's plot I decided to pixel me some orbs now and get it out of the way. These were a little difficult to get the gradient on the orb correct, but what I did was I drew a gradient with the gradient tool and used that as a basis for the orb's gradient. All in all this was a little challenging, mostly getting the gradient started as it required not only contrast changes but saturation changes, but turned our rather well. **Game Sprite For Reoria:** [![post-1-0-03159200-1389313986_thumb.png](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-03159200-1389313986_thumb.png)](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-03159200-1389313986.png "orb.png - Size: 508bytes") **Recolours For Your Convienance** [![post-1-0-52260300-1389313987_thumb.png](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-52260300-1389313987_thumb.png)](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-52260300-1389313987.png "orbs.recolor.png - Size: 4.93KB") **Recolours & Contrast Changes:** [![post-1-0-85072800-1389313986_thumb.png](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-85072800-1389313986_thumb.png)](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-85072800-1389313986.png "orbs.recolor.contrast.png - Size: 20.27KB")
  22. **Post taken from: **[http://www.xershade.ca/topic/6-item-nut/](http://www.xershade.ca/topic/6-item-nut/) Well this **was** supposed to be a pair of coins but after shading it and looking at it I decided to keep it and make it a nut instead.oh just deleting the shading and restarting. Anyhow I think it turned out good so here it is. **Game Sprite For Reoria:** ![](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-40743100-1389310939_thumb.png) **Recolours For Your Convienance** ![](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-84453800-1389310521_thumb.png) **Recolours & Contrast Changes:** ![](http://www.xershade.ca/uploads/monthly_01_2014/post-1-0-32155900-1389310521_thumb.png)
  23. Alright I have a few videos of lets's plays on my youtube and thought I would make a topic abotu it. **Channel:** [http://www.youtube.com/user/Xershade?view_as=public](http://www.youtube.com/user/Xershade?view_as=public) **Let's Plays** * [Super Mario 64](http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4J7w6g9hyuO0oX0fZxwtMKpHDYo36UOD) **Video Series** * [League of Legends: Quadra Kills](http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4J7w6g9hyuPj-YyHOov7GusDWUDxjs6T)
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