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Everything posted by Abyssrayel

  1. I'll answer you if you send me a private message. Posting here will not get anything done for you.
  2. I just read my own post, I found it very descriptive on explaining exactly what I wanted to say. Down to the last point. Also, that "and and" you are referring to is to show a separate though as its the beginning of a sentence and, "and" can't properly start a sentence so I use the Symbol twice to represent that. (Grammar Nazi…)
  3. > No, isn't enough, I don't even know what is that, an image with a 3D character and a fire background. > > Did you made that character? Dude going full retard is never a good thing… My comment was directed at the poster of this threads signature, not mine. How much sleep are you running on? && I meant I'd send them a message if I had any more problems with my graphics & needed some help. I don't understand how your post is relevant to this thread, or why my signature is relevant to it either. && to answer your question, no. It's from a game called Dekaron. (one of the best MMORPGs ever created & highly unknown to the gaming community)
  4. Send me a private message and I will answer any & all beginner questions directly. I unofficially handle FaQ/ How-To Guides/ Creative Support for the new Eclipse Origins 4.0+ Game Engine.
  5. There's a specific folder for character creation. Learn where your game elements are located if you are going to build a game, it helps.
  6. His signature isn't enough??? I'll send you a message soon, if I run into any more snags with my graphics.
  7. I make my own audio tracks 5x that length in less time that you want me to pay you per hour… && they sound exactly how I want. I also do my own sound recording/ modification; there's no reason for a price that high for so little. Aspiring artist or not.. don't quit your day job.
  8. When we talk more about this. got Skype? send me your name in a message, or telling me how we can best communicate.
  9. I'm an amazing mapper, just check out some simple examples in my game's teaser post (located in my signature for easy access) and I know how to create the entire inner workings of a game in minutes. items, skills, quests, events, etc.
  10. A Custom Beta Template for EO 4.0+ should be being uploaded soon to try and help new users of the engine get acquainted with it's features & possibilities. (I can not upload it myself sadly) **Template Features** -Made For Reference, Learning Purposes & Inspiration -Quality Editor Lists (Really, Just Look) - Generalized Names + Basic Statistics = Easily Changeable; Reference/ Create New Techniques -Generalized Basic Story - Quality Events With Basic Principals Already Made For You; Reference/ Create New Techniques -Six Basic Classes - Reference + Build Upon -Proportionally Laid-Out/ Connected Maps - A Basic Stronghold + Forest/ Labyrinth (I wasn't about to build this awesome labyrinth no one would ever want to change. There's work to be done, use your imagination) + Extra Unconnected Maps That Help Spur Imagination -Events Everywhere - Too Many Events; Search & Study With Map Editor + Plenty To Make; Go Wild -I'm Sorry..? - Lack Of Time For GFX (Two Grass Shades + Two Rock Shades + Crappy Sprite + Random NPC) - Events Scattered Everywhere With No Indication Where They Are; Use Map Editor, Nothing Is Broken **_~*("Mushrooms" Event - "Forest" Map - Top Left Corner - Progresses Story Into Stronghold)*~_**
  11. Lol, would you redo all the pieces of my Face Creator? XD
  12. ~Game Controls~ Movement - Arrow Keys/ Left Mouse-Click/ W, A, S, D Attack/ Interact/ Pick-Up Item - E/ Right Mouse-Click Target/ Un-Target - Left Mouse-Click Follower Target/ Un-Target - SHIFT + Left Mouse-Click Skills - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, = Run/ Walk - SHIFT (Hold) Open Chat/ Send Message - ENTER Chat Commands - Open Chat, Type "/help", Send Message Hide/ Show Chat/ Menu - F5/ F6 Hide/ Show Status/ Skill Bar - F7/ F8 Hide/ Show GUI - CTRL Exit Game - ESC *With a space before & after "~Game Controls~" this fits perfectly in the "News" section of your Login/ Signup window.*
  13. This is a useful tutorial for those who don't know a single thing about how a GUI renders. Don't say it's easy, you had to learn how to walk just like the rest of us.
  14. It's called the Search Box… Wow... I'd punch you IRL...
  15. Meh. I was going for it too. Never knew no one has ever had one. EDIT: I've made quite a few points decently fast since I started posting… Might only be getting closer to $200's now, but that was within a span of about 4 days.
  16. Then you donate that Ban Hammer to me ;D 'cause I'm smexier. ;P
  17. **-EXAMPLE ANSWER- (As many answers as you want; as seen)** (1 - X), (2 - C), (2 - D), (3 - B2), (3 - C) & (4 - B1) **-DETAILS- (THIS IS JUST FOR REFERENCE) (You don't have to write this)** _**(Include some details of what you imagine beside your answer if you like)**_ "(1 - X)" = "I want to play New Fantasy - Full Fantasy, RPG-Style games - Of any kind" "(3 - B2) = "I like to play Realistic; Essentially Real, RPG-Style games - In the future" **~*(Revise as many times as you want)*~**
  18. Here… Companions/ Pets: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/116108-eo-lightnings-pet-system-completely-bug-free/page__hl__%2Bclass+%2Bdescription](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/116108-eo-lightnings-pet-system-completely-bug-free/page__hl__%2Bclass+%2Bdescription) Projectile System: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127811-eo-30-dx8-only-wabbits-ranged-projectiles/page__hl__projectile](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127811-eo-30-dx8-only-wabbits-ranged-projectiles/page__hl__projectile) Have fun… ![-_-](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sleep.png)'
  19. **_Here is my simple/ quick survey as to what kind of Style/ Time Period of **_RPG_** individuals are interested in playing._** **_#1, #2, #3, #4 are Sections. - A, B, C, D are Sub-Sections._** **_Choose any "Number - Letter" combinations that you like to play or want to see._** **_Reference my -EXAMPLE ANSWER- (Sephir0th answered in a correct & acceptable fashion)_** _**#1.** New Fantasy_ - Full Fantasy (Fresh Design/ Genre; out of the box) **A** - _Current**1**/ No**2** Space/ Time_ - Things age; mortal and dying; right now/ Everything is eternal; all the time/ never **B** - _Towards Beginning1/ End2 of Space/ Time_ - The past/ The future **C** - _Multi - Space/ Time_ - Time travel/ Space travel **D** - _Repeating, but always changing Space/ Time_ - Combination/ Apparent repeats & changes of the continuum _**#2.** "Real" Fantasy_ - Classic Fantasy/ Sci-Fi (Dragons, Giants, Magic, Elves, Mechs, Etc) **A** - _Current Space/ Time_ - Things age; mortal and dying; right now **B** - _Towards Beginning**1**/ End**2** of Space/ Time_ - The past/ The future **C** - _Multi - Space/ Time_ - Time travel/ Space travel **D** - _Repeating, but always changing Space/ Time_ - Combination/ Apparent repeats & changes of the continuum _**#3.**_ _Realistic_ - Essentially real; with some quirks to keep things interesting. (Weaker Gravity, Lodes of Rare Minerals, Etc) **A** - _Current Space/ Time_ - Things age; mortal abd dying; right now **B** - _Towards Beginning**1**/ End**2** of Space/ Time_ - The past/ The future **C** - _Multi - Space/ Time_ - Time travel/ Space travel **D** - _Repeating, but always changing Space/ Time_ - Combination/ Apparent repeats & changes of the continuum _**#4.** Real_ - Made to be as real as possible. **A** - _Current Space/ Time_ - Things age; mortal and dying; right now **B** - _Towards Beginning**1**/ End**2** of Space/ Time_ - The past/ The future **C** - _Multi - Space/ Time_ - Time travel/ Space travel **D** - _Repeating, but always changing Space/ Time_ - Combination/ Apparent repeats & changes of the continuum ***ONE COMMENT PER PERSON***
  20. I like the idea that was said about having an optioon to choose one or the other. (although this would be more difficult)
  21. To put this into perspective for you Tick. You are a seed trying to ask trees how to make fruit while trying to make it yourself as a seed. Start with this Tutorial I made recently for beginers. It's simple & easy to follow, and will help you take your real first step towards your goals here. It's right here in my Signature. v v v v v
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