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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. Yes actually, you can contact him on here through the username "Sinnix803" Sincerely, Growlith1223
  2. The current owner is Sinnix803, I am merely a programmer for Sinnix. Sincerely, Growlith1223
  3. Bump, am still looking for work, I do work for fairly cheap but I can assure you, I am a pretty decent coder. I've also completed what Sinnix803 has asked of me.
  4. At the moment, I currently do not know if there is a team/company name(I work for Voltisoft but being freelance, I can technically work for anyone). We would like to see some examples as to what you can bring to the table! As for your project, I am sorry to hear that you are pausing your project for disclosed issues(?) however we'd be glad to see some examples of anyone's work at anytime possible. Sincerely, Growlith1223
  5. Hi Ryzon, I am Growlith1223, the Lead Programmer of this project. To answer your questions, our project is known as Dusk Reborn: Story of Eldrum. there is about 5 people within the team if I remember correctly, Including myself and Sinnix. There are 3 others which 1 does maps/dungeons, another does item development, and the other does NPC development. We CURRENTLY need a second mapper for helping out with creating a world where players can enjoy playing with or even against other players. We hope to get a test world done before we start to release the game to the public however so anyone who is qualified to take on this task will be greatly appreciated! What we have planned for the project is we hope to create a project in which anyone, new or even experienced can enjoy the simplicity of said game. Sincerely, Growlith1223
  6. ![](http://www.minerwars.com/ForumUploads/20101115002739_181_necropost.png)
  7. Thanks mate for vouching! :) i'll be updating the original post soon to show some of my new work! hopefully with some gifs of things working too~
  8. You might want to fix either your title or your sprites, the character sprites you have provided are not, at all, pokemon mystery dungeon and are in fact, sprites from pokemon soul silver and heart gold. other than that, thank you for contributing to the community!
  9. > I should just rename this "Shoutbox Shenanigans and Stuff Growl Says" Indeed you should.
  10. I've seen a lot of his work and i can say, he does a pretty damn good job
  11. I'm in practically half of them.
  12. bump bump bump bumpity bump bump. i have returned and am now looking for work in my free time.
  13. COMMAND PROMPT!!!!!`1111!!!1!11ONEONEON1!!!11!! no but seriously, it looks pretty cool lol
  14. If i had to say, it would have to be Game Maker purely because it's a solid engine and allows any game to be either simple or even complex because of that scripting system can practically do anything you want it to do(and yes, even an internet connection for a server and client). I've tried it a lot, i love the scripting system a lot due to the fact it's so easy to create anything(mostly due to knowing the language). btw if anyone needs help with scripts in game maker, feel free to message me lol
  15. i am jelly of this thread a lot. mostly because my "room" cannot physically be called a room. i live in like the farthest corner of the living room. :I
  16. Never heard of it, Looks neat though, i might give it a try. Add me on skype and we can chat on there about it
  17. Justin, your Reservoir doesn't look screwed down lol. Going to guess it's a GTX 780 with a i7 4790k???
  18. it's a Gaming pad. Razer Tartarus Gaming Keypad from what i see.
  19. It was more than just Dr.House, there were countless members who were banned SPECIFICALLY for stating what's wrong with the community now.
  20. I didn't say he was trying to fuck him self over with doing this, im simply stating that he made a bad decision, and it lead to a huge decrease in members, leading to hate, leading to no one helping. You're not the only one who's trying to help the community and amish out.
  21. Oh no, i didn't miss his point, i knew what his point was. there's a difference in knowing and disagreeing.
  22. You never see the silver limits being met because everyone ends up buying Gold because of so little of everything. The 20 versions crashing all the time is part of the joy of being open source, People make spin-offs and they continue to work on it. Keep in mind, keeping the source to yourselves only hurts you as the community itself can't do anything about the errors. the only way to fix errors is to contact one of like 2 developers working on EO 4/V, and even then, it takes a while for them to get back to you, Open source breaks that limit, allowing ANYONE to help anyone. I like that there's going to be a new engine(EclipseV) but i feel it's going to go in the wrong path. I don't think anyone has called you greedy. more just over-pricey. The number of registered free versions generally mean nothing. that number doesn't mean how many are actually being worked on. just means in general how many have been registered, Meaning, more than likely, half of that, if not more, is just people checking it out and then just not using it. Now if you said that was the number of free versions that are registered AND being worked on then yea, there's some significance to that number. not trying to degrade, just trying to make a point, just because you have something doesn't mean it actually is there. The criticism being made half the time are not personal attacks in any way, They were simply stating(in their opinion) how the community has fallen. and it is somewhat true, the community has fallen immensely, and as you can see, people are leaving even more. The take take take thing…You seem to misunderstand, yes, some of us just take take take, but you're generalizing too much, not everyone is the same. There are those who have given and given and given, and what have they gotten? the same thing, people just take take take. Yes, i agree to an extent with this but it's not the same with everyone. Sincerely, Growlith1223
  23. if i remember correctly it goes through tile 1 row 1, tile 2 row 1, tile 3 row 1, etc. i may be wrong on that however
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