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Everything posted by Coyote

  1. Well it was problem for me too.I got it fixed after some time.Did tutorial for that while ago http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/thread-474.html?highlight=pet+summon
  2. Hey, Anyone remember how to fix receiving game data freeze on old EO? Thanks
  3. I made something like that for someone…Cant remember who anyway just base yourself on PlayerWarp sub and if you want portal to be drawed then it will be a little more complicated...Anyway this should not be hard if you are familiar with vb6
  4. Bump! Doing features cheap , fast.
  5. Selling out this engine - cheap! PM ME!
  6. Lol error is so stupid. It is looking for player , hid index = intrade and intrade = 0 so there is the error. Player index cant be 0. So just put If TempPlayer(index).InTrade > 0 and error is solved! Hope this helps
  7. Hello Eclipse, I'm looking for someone who can make me a logo for free. If you have free time and you are creative please pm me. Of course after you make ma a logo you can always count on me with coding stuff ;) Have a good day.
  8. Can you run any .exe program in it or it has special ones?
  9. Hello Eclipse, I'm making a new pokemon mmo (DX8 Engine based) that is going to be released this year. So I as developer dont have time to do everything by myself. Thats why I'm looking for team that can help me. What I need is a skilled person who knows what he is doing. 3 x Moderators 2 x Pixel Artists 1 x Story Writer Screenshot from the game : [GIF is laggy but not the game] ![](https://i.gyazo.com/bd8caf9bfa56deab7c18527f619241a8.gif) PM ME!
  10. The solution: Open up image in paint and save it as bmp.
  11. @'Matt': > It's okay. If they shut him down, he'll just respawn. Made my day lol
  12. Check if there is compiled version of engine, it there is then just run it as administrator.Hope this fix your problem:D
  13. Its actually super easy. Do this on both client and server: modEnumerations add a new packet like STest Server Only: in modServerTCP add new sub Sub SendTestData(byval index as long) dim buffer as clsbuffer set buffer = new clsbuffer buffer.writelong STest buffer.writelong LONGYOUWANTTOWRITE buffer.writestring STRINGYOUWANTTOWRITE Sendatato index,buffer.toarray() set buffer = nothing End sub Now on client side go to modHandleData and take a look to other subs and you will figure it out. Its super easy.
  14. Can be available on GitHub - Open Source free for everyone. Please read the thread to find more about it!
  15. BUMP! In a good mood!
  16. Hello eclipse xD Was bored so I made this tutorial. Super easy and simple myBB login tutorial for Vb.net. Things that you will need for this: 1.Vb.net 2.myBBLogin.dll - [myBBLogin.dll Download](https://www.mediafire.com/?3nohyxay1z48zb5) 3.A brain Steps: 1\. So Create a project 2.Make a one button - Text: "Login" , Name: "btnLogin" 3.Make 2 textboxes - Name one "txtUsername" and other "txtPassword" 4.Double click on form to open Form_Load sub 5.Paste this in Form_Load sub ``` txtPassword.UseSystemPasswordChar = True ```6.Go to Project ->Add reference -> Browse and find myBBLogin ,load it. 7.On the top of all code add ``` Imports myBBLogin ```8.Below``` Public Class Form1 ```or whatever your form is named add: ``` Public Const myweb As String = "freemmorpgmaker.com" ```- or whatever your myBB page link is 9.Double click on btnLogin and paste this: ``` Dim wrkr As New HTTPWorker() Dim myBBForum As New myBB("http://" & myweb & "/member.php?action=login", txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text) If wrkr.login(myBBForum) Then 'Logged in , do something MsgBox("Logged in!") Else 'Failed MsgBox("Login failed,please try again!") End If ``` Tadaaa , your myBB login is done! If you follow code up below you should be able to login with your Eclipse Origins acc. :D Enjoy coding and have a good day xD
  17. Have you added some new features to the engine recently? If not screenshot items info and compare item with gold or something. :D
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