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Everything posted by iSnow

  1. SnowStorm you're banned because you present yourself as a troll.
  2. 8593 different items I looted at the riots.
  3. Because there isn't a flavor pi so it's a square pi. Why does fire burn?
  4. I play Crystalshire, just feels fun. I haven't played many Eclipse games in my run.
  5. Hmm, I usually prefer something of a Freelance, because when dungeons, raids and such come along usually I'm more for rewards and leveling than the story, however a decent backstory is pretty much needed. Grinding or technique? I find technique to work best, especially when in dungeons and such, where you're in a party with your mates. Although almost all the time I find grinding alongside it, basically they both are alongside each other, however too much grinding bores me. Required quests are pretty much required. It moves you along and brings you to specific places to do things. PK and PvE work fine alongside eachother, I enjoy PK better however. I just wish more ORPGs made PK more rewarding. Class skills are fundamental in my opinion, it makes classes different and just….makes people need to party up with other people of different classes. Those are my thoughts on the topics you already you already suggested.
  6. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    Man Stephan, that's some good logic you got there. On another note, I might lock this topic, I've got some ideas gathered now in my head.
  7. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    @Aeri: > I think you should change all the cool stuff's names to Aeri, because everything awesome that has ever happened/existed was called Aeri. > > On a much less serious note, I'd expand on the history of the Shroud and build them more gradually into the storyline, giving them a solid back story (Perhaps a history written in blood on the skin of the dead warrior they found). > > I'd also stick to the 'generic MMORPG storyline' everyone seems to slate. They've worked well over the years. There's really no such thing as an original RPG nowadays, everything's been done over and over again. > > Focus on a style for the writing and then weave this into gameplay/graphics, make it sunny and optimistic or dark and evil. People respond better to games when they have a solid tone to them, it makes them able to focus on the game much easier :) That's some pretty helpful stuff there, thanks for the tips.
  8. iSnow

    You Laugh You Lose

    @Spork: > ![](http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn130/melaelleth/LOTR/LOTR.gif) I lost at this one XD
  9. Because you didn't give them anything to chew on while typing. Why is pirating illegal?
  10. iSnow


    @MeteorRain: > How can I use autotiles in EO As Robin said, you can't. CS:DE does it, but I take you're very new to this, so I wouldn't try it yet.
  11. iSnow

    [EO] How to add Signs?

    You can create a character sprite where instead of a person, it is a sign, and place it down with NPC Avoid tiles surrounding it. Easy way, but there are obviously ways to code this in.
  12. Use Origins. ES and EE and very buggy, and no longer really supported. Besides most of the features you listed are in Source Tutorials.
  13. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    @Robin: > It's a generic scenario which most MMOs stick to. > > What do you need input on? I've already been told about story. Just ideas if anyone has any. In retrospect the title I have for the topic transmits the wrong message, must change it a bit.
  14. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    @Jungle: > Well still, the "concept" is lacking originality. Just because everyone's first game tends to be a learning experience doesnt mean that it has to suck. A lpt of game concepts have no been explored upon yet because people just copy others. Here is a list of themes that haven't been used in Eclipse: > 1) Underwater > 2) Futuristic > 3) Egyptian > 4) etc… > > People just dont have any originality anymore. You are on to something Jungle. I guess it's just because I need more time to think. Although I plan on something of good quality, I will need originality. I'll be doing some thinking and coming up with ideas.
  15. I will go for Moderator, none of my projects are anything that shed any light, so I can be of some help.
  16. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    @Mastermind: > So, you're next to make shitty generic ORPG?, well good luck. Doesn't really help anyone. Besides, everyone's first ORPG isn't anything special in most cases. Just part of experience. Not all, but most. Regardless, I didn't post this in 'Eclipse Projects' because this is a concept, with some work put into it to form a sort of structure. This is a concept.
  17. iSnow

    VB6 .exe problem.

    @Robin: > Woulda saved you a lot of trouble if you bothered to read the tutorial on installing vb6. Guess so Robin. A stupidity on my part because I read it >.< But forgot about that. Anyway, Thanks Robin and Soul.
  18. iSnow

    ORPG Concept

    Well, I've been using Eclipse and such for some time, and I've had an idea for an ORPG. I've been thinking about it, and I would like input on my idea and if you would try it out. A name for the project was Isle Online. May change it, but that's not important, let me get on with this. Well, here it goes. **Story** Somewhere, hidden in the sea, there are two islands, Haven, and Mysteria. We humans lived on Haven, but never set foot on Mysteria. It was said anyone who went there, never returned. Nobody really knew why this happened, it was shrouded in mystery. There were five cities across the island of Haven, and one central government. At some point the government got the best warrior they could find on the entire island, the fighter named Rome. He set off to explore Mysteria, and try to set a base for a colony on the island. Unfortunately, he was never heard of again. Months later, a body was found, with a sentence etched into the skull of the body. It read; "The Shroud will not be disturbed." Who were the Shroud? Soon enough demons set foot on the shores of Haven, claiming to be the race of Mysteria, The Shroud. Soon enough, the shores of Haven were populated by these demons. People needed some sort of hero. And then there is you. (From here on, this portion is what you will do in gameplay.) You wake up in some forest. How did you get there? You don't know. Hell, you don't remember exactly who you are. All you know is you're in a forest in Haven, and you've got a weapon. You meet in an inexplicably large family, who refreshes you on what you can do, and gives you instructions to one of the five towns of Haven. From there, you travel the five towns, help citizens, and protect Haven from Mysteria. Who knows, you may be the one to travel to Mysteria and send the Shroud back to where they came from. This the story, which supports why Haven has a problem with the Shroud anyway. **Proposed Classes and Gameplay** Classes - Warrior - High defense, uses axes, swords, and other large weapons. Uses few actual Spells, but has many armor options. Not very agile, and less than stellar intellect but average willpower. Mage - High intellect and willpower, although just average Strength, Defense and Agility. Largest selection of spells of them all. Uses wands as weapons. Great casters, spells focus on Area-Of-Effect Damage. Cleric - High intellect and Willpower like the mage, but higher Willpower than Intellect due to their belief in holy forces. Average in other stats. Difference between Cleric and Mage is that Cleric focuses on healing others and themselves, with less focus on actual attacks. Uses staffs for weapons. Marksman - The only class to have projectile weapons as the main weapon, high agility and attack. Low defense but average in the other stats. Uses weapons ranging from Pistols, Rifles and Shotguns. Marksmen don't use many spells, but spells they use focus on short range spells to give the Marksman room to shoot. Some gameplay ideas I wanted to use were some of the obvious modifications like the Hotbar Fix, Possibly the Real Defense system. I would also add quests and such. I may use a custom version of EO for this. **Other Info** - I planned on either using RMVX, or possibly drawing my own graphics, or even RMXP if it becomes a last resort if my graphics don't work well or I can't find enough RMVX material to work it out. - I want to focus on Dungeons and PvE Combat, with certain areas for PvP. -Unless I use some custom version with a large GUI modification (i.e. XpandZone) I will most likely be making a custom GUI. I'd like some feedback on the plan, and if anyone around here would give it a try. Any ideas for this would be gladly taken into consideration. The best way for me to show my skill with Eclipse is to present something. If this plan comes together I will present much more on this. There is just a story and some other information. Well go on, comment.
  19. iSnow

    VB6 .exe problem.

    @Soul: > You're not using Enterprise or Professional editions. The Portable edition will not work. Thanks Soul, clears that up for me.
  20. iSnow

    VB6 .exe problem.

    Ok, well after downloading Robin's History Bundle (Kudos Robin) I would like to make an EXE for some of the packages he included. Using my VB6 I try to make the .exe but the button is greyed out and I cannot make the EXE. I'm running Windows 7, I will try to do it with my Vista PC but with my 7 it just won't work. Anybody know why I can't, and how I might fix it?
  21. Captain Wabbit did this, look for it in the Source tutorials.
  22. Not to ruin anything, but Captain Wabbit made this just now.
  23. iSnow

    Cake Versus Pie

    The cake is a lie. Felt like putting that out there.
  24. I'll be using these, they are possibly the best modern tilesets I've ever seen.
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