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Everything posted by Conra

  1. Conra

    2 Servers?

    I would rather have a game and divide it into chapters so i use the same game and engine but the storyline is changed. The nice thing about this could be you finish one chapter and then automatically proceed to the next without downloading a second game.
  2. Will eo support something like an 8x8 sprite??? But that will only animate the movement and not attack.
  3. Conra

    2 Servers?

    True but maybe it is for the same game but two different gameplays???
  4. Conra

    Banlist bug

    Report this under the report bugs thread. I think they might be able to help you there.
  5. Conra

    2 Servers?

    Mr sean if you look at the text based game called moonbase then you will see that each server counts as a different place but the game play is the same. This means not getting overcrowded and also more possibilities on changing the server to altar some features. Great idea man!!!
  6. Conra

    2 Servers?

    Wow i see where this is going. Can someone please help us implement this. Thanks
  7. Oh!!! Our bad. Thanks mr. Sean.
  8. I agree with jeff. It is the storyline of a single player game.
  9. I agree with jeff. It is the storyline of a single player game.
  10. I agree with jeff. It is the storyline of a single player game.
  11. @erkro1: > Double click on server.exe lol this is what i would do;)
  12. This could actually be a good idea except i have no idea what a animation timer is or where to find it. . .
  13. @sunku: > What is this topic even about??? well actually without sarcasm the thread is about planning everything you will need for your game. Proper planning will make the production so much faster because you know exactly what you want and where you want it.
  14. Conra


    Are you going to add a new button??? Because if you are i would suggest replacing the font on the other buttons to make it custom and to make your extra button exactly the same.
  15. Ok. Well i did my way and searched for the files one by one from the list in the windows directory and made a great installer with that. Ps i did credit you because well it is truly yours.
  16. That doesn't work. Just tried it and it won't install into a temp file. Maybe look at the list of files and find them in the windows file???
  17. Nice. It works. Good work lorpo
  18. That will be great thanks man!
  19. @Craselin: Yes it will show if it is offline. Have you sorted it out yet?
  20. Answers: - Not sure about this one - The library file installer automatically installs the .dll into the Windows file directory so all you have to do is get your installer to run that installer and then install your game into the directory you wish when that is completed.
  21. Instead of making it different classes try crzyone9584's Title system which will give you similiar results. As tay bacome of a higher level they will be able to reach a higher title almost like on the forum with posts. Here is the link: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69454.0.html I hope this helps, Conra
  22. Nice banner devo!!! It looks great.
  23. In the server folder look for classes.ini and open it up with notepad. There you should be able to do what you want by swapping the names around if i understand your question correctly. If not just make your question more clear.
  24. He just said that they are still looking for the problem so they can't tell you exactly where to go fix it yet. You will have to wait a while till they do find it.
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