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  1. Just a scary, scary thought to dig into your mind: Class-required quests, all of which are coming from the same NPC? Just wondering if it's possible. Not asking you to pull a code out of nowhere. haha. P.S: Might you be able to add a feature where pressing ctrl or enter also allows you to exit the dialogue window, so that users don't have to grab their mouse for half a moment, just to go right back to their keyboards to move? [That being said, perhaps a Y/N (A/D?) to go along with the accept/decline options, as well?] P.P.S: Sorry, haha. I come up with new questions as I play with it, and I'm trying to keep from double posting. Um, I've removed everything that has to do with the flash, online players, skill log and quest log from the client. Is there anything that needs to be removed from the server so as not to cause an error?
  2. Yeah, regardless of whether I use your original modQuest coding or mine, the npc still refuses to initiate the quest, nor will it call any sort of player message. I've made sure I have every bit of coding needed for the entire quest system, and I do. I don't know what could be the problem.
  3. I'm talking about this code: ``` frmMain.picQuestWindow.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\questUI.jpg") ``` And thank you, got the checkpoint part down. :DD
  4. @iSkweek: > Just use more checkpoints. > > like: checkpoint = 0 start of quest 1 > checkpoint = 1 started quest 1 > checkpoint = 2 finished quest 1 > checkpoint = 3 start of quest 2 > > etc etc :) So, a "checkpoint" Is the case inside each case, am i right? also, sorry for so many questions. Where exactly would I put in that code you posted to add a UI to the quest boxes?
  5. The exit subs were already in the code, but I found the problem. I missed an "Else" to put before an if. Now, my only problem is getting the npc to actually activate the quest, because nothing is happening. D:
  6. I've tried adding multiple quests on top of one npc, like so: ``` Option Explicit Public Sub QuestScript(attacker, Script) Select Case Script Case 1 If Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 3 Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "I have nothing more for you.", Green) ElseIf Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 2 Then If HasItem(attacker, 4) Then Call TakeInvItem(attacker, 4, 0) Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: thanks, dude", Green) Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "You just obtained 200 Gold!", Green) Call GiveInvItem(attacker, 1, 200, True) Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 3 Else Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: I really don't know where to get one. haha.", Green) End If If Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: Now go get the other item", Green) ElseIf Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 1 Then If HasItem(attacker, 3) Then Call TakeInvItem(attacker, 3, 0) Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: Wow, I needed this. Now I can make a stronger potion! Here's your reward.", Green) Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "You just obtained 100 Gold!", Green) Call GiveInvItem(attacker, 1, 100, True) Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 2 Else Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: I believe you can get a Weird Potion by cutting down one of these trees, don't know how you obtain a Potion for it though haha.", Green) End If ElseIf Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "Angel: Hey.. Maybe you can help me, I like to get a Weird Potion? I'll reward you...", Green) Player(attacker).NPCQuest(Int(Script)).NPCQuestProgress = 1 End If Exit Sub Case 2 Exit Sub Case 3 Exit Sub Case 4 Exit Sub Case 5 Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(attacker, "There is no quest script for NPC Number " & Int(Script) & ". Check the source..", BrightRed) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ``` but when compiling, it tells me that case 2 needs a new select case, which doesn't make sense? I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong, or if piling multiple quests on one NPC is unaccpetable.. but my entire game needs to be based off the quests that one person gives you. Bleh.
  7. Is it possible to have one NPC give several quests?
  8. Excuse me if I shouldn't be asking this on this topic, but what exactly is wrong with the Hotbar, to be fixed?
  9. @NightmareX91: > Where the other buttons go. Well, yes, but it's a label. You can't quite click it… and it seems to have disappeared, once I compiled the server.
  10. How do I get the friendslist to actually show? I wasn't sure where to put the lblFriends…
  11. You failed to mention whether this was server or client side, and which mod it is in. Please edit, as this is a simple, but useful tutorial. :DD Thank you very much for this.
  12. Is this so that the players start in this position, regardless of where they saved at?
  13. Thank you. When you re-program them, are we able to simply update the client, or would we have to re-make our game?
  14. For whatever reason, I've never been able to use the door or slide options in the map attributes. Is there a certain pre-requisite, or have I messed something up in the source coding? I haven't touched anything in the coding intentionally, I know that for sure.
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