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Everything posted by Ryujin

  1. Nice Java ORPG Engine :) First, You should never given up this engine because I'm so glad that a person invent a java online rpg engine *_* Second, I hope you can add a better movement, a simple show and hide map stats (like fps, x=location, y=location, map=name), server log4j to textarea (appender) because consoles are so mainstream and a gui?
  2. Ryujin

    [CS:DE] Fonts

    Go in the Font Folder. Edit the Font Picture (Texture)! End…-.-
  3. ``` Dim plvl As Long Dim index as long plvl = Get.Player(index).Level frmMain.lblPlevel = plvl ```
  4. Ryujin

    [VB6] Search?

    Are you stupid? Press CTRL+F for SEARCH!
  5. This is my second Tutorial. I tell you, how to can send messages in different colours. Before we beginn, we need following things: 1x ComboBox (cbColours) First, click on the ComboBox (cbColours) and search in the properties for **List** Enter the following into the list: ``` Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Brown Grey DarkGrey BrightBlue BrightGreen BrightCyan BrightRed Pink Yellow White ``` **THEN CHANGE IN THE PROPERTIES AT "STYLE" 0 TO 2** Second, search for **Private Sub Form_Load()**. Below **Call UsersOnline_Start** add **cbColours.Text = "White"** Thirdly, search for **Private Sub txtChat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)** Change this: ``` Private Sub txtChat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then If LenB(Trim$(txtChat.Text)) > 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(txtChat.Text, White) Call TextAdd("Server: " & txtChat.Text) txtChat.Text = vbNullString End If KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub ``` WITH THIS (THX to [7](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=22287)): ``` Private Sub txtChat_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then If LenB(Trim$(txtChat.Text)) > 0 Then Select Case cbColours.Text Case "Black" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Black) Case "Blue" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Blue) Case "Green" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Green) Case "Cyan" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Cyan) Case "Red" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Red) Case "Magenta" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Magenta) Case "Brown" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Brown) Case "Grey" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Grey) Case "DarkGrey" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, DarkGrey) Case "BrightBlue" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, BrightBlue) Case "BrightGreen" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, BrightGreen) Case "BrightCyan" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, BrightCyan) Case "BrightRed" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, BrightRed) Case "Pink" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Pink) Case "Yellow" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Yellow) Case "White" Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, White) Case Else Call GlobalMsg("Server: " & txtChat.Text, Black) End Select Call TextAdd("Server: " & txtChat.Text) txtChat.Text = vbNullString End If KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub ``` Done! **At the end it looks like this:** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/27388679143c496c6898ff7553ad7ae2.JPG) **Big THX to the DEVELOPERS OF ES SERVER EDIT!** **EDITED: Now is done!**
  6. Ryujin

    [EO] Count Files

    Pls delete the second post, sry
  7. Ryujin

    [EO] Count Files

    This is my first Tutorial, I tell you, how to can count the files in the orders and display on your server form. **Before we beginn, we need following things:** 1x Modul (modCounts) 1x Frame (Directory File Count) 1x Label (Accounts) **Let's begin:** You create a Modul and you give it the name **modFileCounts** And add the follow Code in the Modul: ``` Function CountAccounts() As Long Dim d As String Dim i As Long d = Dir("data\accounts\*.*") Do Until d = "" i = i + 1 d = Dir Loop frmServer.lblCountAccounts.Caption = "Accounts: " & i End Function ``` Next, you create the Frame and the Lable **Like this:** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/17037d207c2be1f634fb6f87f5892573.JPG) Now you give the new Label the name **lblCountAccounts**. Next you search in the **frmServer** for ``` Private Sub Form_Load() Call UsersOnline_Start End Sub ``` **Below you add this:** ``` Private Sub Form_Activate() Call CountAccounts End Sub ``` **And in the End it look like this:** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/df32a95962111a2f104332fab247827c.JPG) And what do this? It counts the files in the Folder of Accounts ;D When you would to count the maps you must add this in the **modFileCounts** **Below the CountAccounts Function:** ``` Function CountMaps() As Long Dim d As String Dim i As Long d = Dir("data\maps\*.*") Do Until d = "" i = i + 1 d = Dir Loop frmServer.lblCountMaps.Caption = "Maps: " & i End Function ``` Now a new Label in the Directory File Count Frame: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/8078f9f6ac7f2a9d6634cd9ae0237487.JPG) The name of the Lable is **lblCountMaps** At last you search for **Call CountAccounts** and below you add this **Call CountMaps** **In the end it look like this:** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a02df65b21b2a4ffb449c12acd7a4a1d.JPG) PS: I'm new in VB6
  8. @Domino_: > Can you fix whisper too? I think It doesnt work. :D the "!" command. ^^ Show at this Thread: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68998.0.html You can change the /p to a ! command but you must change: This: ' Player message If Left$(ChatText, 3) = "/p " Then ChatText = Mid$(ChatText, 4, Len(ChatText) - 3) To this: ' Player message If Left$(ChatText, 1) = "! " Then ChatText = Mid$(ChatText, 2, Len(ChatText) - 1) @Topic: I think this Fix for the "-" Command is not right because when you change the MyText to ChatText and wrote with - inGame a Message its cutted 1 letter. Example: You write -hello This comes out: Accountname ello We can fix this?
  9. Ryujin

    Max Level

    Check the Source Code for MAX_LEVELS and change it. You must edit on client and server side. PS: In VB6 IDE (Press CTRL+F) for the search function.
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