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  1. And how do i do that :)? i know all of that i just cant find out how to make it said the info :Z hoe do i do that the index will be the player ?
  2. @Lightning: > O_o No.. > > ``` > Dim plvl As Long > Dim index as long > plvl = Player(index).Level > > frmMain.lblPlevel.caption = plvl > > ``` > Or, alternatively: > > ``` > frmMain.lblPlevel.caption = Player(index).Level > ``` @Lightning: > O_o No.. > > ``` > Dim plvl As Long > Dim index as long > plvl = Player(index).Level > > frmMain.lblPlevel.caption = plvl > > ``` > Or, alternatively: > > ``` > frmMain.lblPlevel.caption = Player(index).Level > ``` umm.. read the first post, you just copy pasted what i said doesnt work :O
  3. LOL ?? Wait but its giving me an error: expected expression:O
  4. I want to Declare vars that hold some player data, like level, stats and stuff. Iv'e tried using : in the sub "UpdateDescWindow" (ye i know.. i need this to check whether the LevelReq of an item is bigger then the player level.) ``` Dim plvl As Long Dim index as long plvl = Player(index).Level frmMain.lblPlevel = plvl ``` also with Player(index).Stat Anyone :Z
  5. @greendixy: > good day not my first time with this engine but first post with this nickname cant remember my old one my question is.. is there a way to calculate an item and your armor to show if it would give better stats or worse stats before equiping the item/armor like if my armor as +4 str and the item has +6 str it will show in green a +2 great work works well That easy to :) just need to add a check whether the Equipped item Stats is grater and then "-" it and update the label:) ill update the script if ill have time :)
  6. there is ofc, lol only adding an "IF" at the start :) will update ! Edit: Update~
  7. [![](http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6504/screenyw.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85/screenyw.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
  8. Very very very easy edit for you who want to make the PicItemDesc More detailed and don't know how. Words of motivation- Well, I am just like most of you; no extreme knowledge in programming, or have a bit of orientation in the source, but still iv'e mange to make my own add-on! How? First, Youtube(vb6 tut) Second, I read most of the source to gain more experience with it. Last, Iv'e applied everything that I know and FOCUS on making that feature. LOL If it will make even just one of you motivated it's worth it:D V3! Show Items Requirement Stats and mark with red when player doesn't have enough of them. Show level (Mark as well) V2 Showing DMG, ATS, Stats to Weapons, Armors, Helmet and Shield only. Show Item Type. Cancel the Window on Currency. known-bugs: None Client-Side only and EO 2.0 OFC… First, find you PicItemDesc, you can do that by expanding the frmMain borders. In default is on the bottom left. Next, add 11 labels, lblItemspeed lblItemStat lblItemPrice lblItemDMG lblItemType Update: lbllvl_req lblstr_req lblend_req lblint_req lblagi_req lblwill_req Edit the properties as you like and position it as you want. Now search for: ``` Public Sub UpdateDescWindow ``` Replace the whole Sub with: ``` Public Sub UpdateDescWindow(ByVal itemnum As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) Dim i As Long Dim FirstLetter As String * 1 Dim Name As String Dim ATS As Double ATS = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Speed) / 1000 Dim DMG As Long DMG = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Data2) 'stat add Dim STR As Long STR = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Add_Stat(1)) Dim ENDu As Long ENDu = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Add_Stat(2)) Dim AGI As Long AGI = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Add_Stat(4)) Dim INTe As Long INTe = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Add_Stat(3)) Dim WILL As Long WILL = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Add_Stat(5)) 'stat req Dim STRq As Long STRq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(1)) Dim ENDuq As Long ENDuq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(2)) Dim AGIq As Long AGIq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(4)) Dim INTeq As Long INTeq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(3)) Dim WILLq As Long WILLq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Stat_Req(5)) Dim LVLq As Long LVLq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).LevelReq) Dim CLASSq As Long CLASSq = Trim$(Item(itemnum).ClassReq) 'player stats Dim Index As Long Dim plvl As Long Dim pstr As Long Dim pend As Long Dim pint As Long Dim pagi As Long Dim pwill As Long Dim pclass As Long pclass = Player(MyIndex).Class plvl = Player(MyIndex).Level pstr = Player(MyIndex).Stat(1) pend = Player(MyIndex).Stat(2) pint = Player(MyIndex).Stat(3) pagi = Player(MyIndex).Stat(4) pwill = Player(MyIndex).Stat(5) 'no DescWindow for currency If Trim$(Item(itemnum).Type) = 7 Then Exit Sub End If ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler FirstLetter = LCase$(Left$(Trim$(Item(itemnum).Name), 1)) If FirstLetter = "$" Then Name = (Mid$(Trim$(Item(itemnum).Name), 2, Len(Trim$(Item(itemnum).Name)) - 1)) Else Name = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Name) End If ' check for off-screen If y + frmMain.picItemDesc.height > frmMain.ScaleHeight Then y = frmMain.ScaleHeight - frmMain.picItemDesc.height End If ' set z-order frmMain.picItemDesc.ZOrder (0) With frmMain .picItemDesc.top = y .picItemDesc.Left = x .picItemDesc.Visible = True If LastItemDesc = itemnum Then Exit Sub ' exit out after setting x + y so we don't reset values ' set the name Select Case Item(itemnum).Rarity Case 0 ' white .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) Case 1 ' green .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(117, 198, 92) Case 2 ' blue .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(103, 140, 224) Case 3 ' maroon .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(205, 34, 0) Case 4 ' purple .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(193, 104, 204) Case 5 ' orange .lblItemName.ForeColor = RGB(217, 150, 64) End Select ' set captions .lblItemName.Caption = Name .lblItemDesc.Caption = Trim$(Item(itemnum).Desc) .lblprice.Caption = "Price: " & Trim$(Item(itemnum).Price) .lblstat.Caption = "No Stats." .lblDMG = "Have no damage." .lblItemSpeed.Caption = "" 'to do class ----> .lblclass_req.Caption = Class(MyClass).Name ' Item Type Select Case Item(itemnum).Type Case 0 ' None .lblItemType.Caption = "ETC" Case 1 ' Weapon .lblItemType.Caption = "Weapon" .lblItemSpeed.Caption = ATS & "s" .lblstat.Caption = "STR: +" & STR & vbCrLf & "END: +" & ENDu & vbCrLf & "INT: +" & INTe & vbCrLf & "AGI: +" & AGI & vbCrLf & "WILL: +" & WILL .lblDMG = "Damage: " & DMG Case 2 ' Armor .lblItemType.Caption = "Armor" .lblItemSpeed.Caption = "" .lblstat.Caption = "STR: +" & STR & vbCrLf & "END: +" & ENDu & vbCrLf & "INT: +" & INTe & vbCrLf & "AGI: +" & AGI & vbCrLf & "WILL: +" & WILL .lblDMG = "" 'show armor Case 3 ' Helmet .lblItemType.Caption = "Helmet" .lblItemSpeed.Caption = "" .lblstat.Caption = "STR: +" & STR & vbCrLf & "END: +" & ENDu & vbCrLf & "INT: +" & INTe & vbCrLf & "AGI: +" & AGI & vbCrLf & "WILL: +" & WILL .lblDMG = "" 'show armor Case 4 ' Shield .lblItemType.Caption = "Shield" .lblItemSpeed.Caption = "" .lblstat.Caption = "STR: +" & STR & vbCrLf & "END: +" & ENDu & vbCrLf & "INT: +" & INTe & vbCrLf & "AGI: +" & AGI & vbCrLf & "WILL: +" & WILL .lblDMG = "" 'show armor Case 5 ' orange .lblItemType.Caption = "Consume" Case 6 ' orange .lblItemType.Caption = "Key" Case 7 ' orange .lblItemType.Caption = "Currency" Case 8 ' orange .lblItemType.Caption = "Spell Scroll" End Select 'is player meets REq: If plvl < LVLq Then .lbllvl_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lbllvl_req.Caption = "Level: " & LVLq Else .lbllvl_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lbllvl_req.Caption = "Level: " & LVLq End If If pstr < STRq Then .lblSTR_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lblSTR_req.Caption = "Str: " & STRq Else .lblSTR_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lblSTR_req.Caption = "Str: " & STRq End If If pend < ENDuq Then .lblEND_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lblEND_req.Caption = "End: " & ENDuq Else .lblEND_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lblEND_req.Caption = "End: " & ENDuq End If If pagi < AGIq Then .lblagi_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lblagi_req.Caption = "Agi: " & AGIq Else .lblagi_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lblagi_req.Caption = "Agi: " & AGIq End If If pint < INTeq Then .lblINT_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lblINT_req.Caption = "Int: " & INTeq Else .lblINT_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lblINT_req.Caption = "Int: " & INTeq End If If pwill < WILLq Then .lblWILL_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) .lblWILL_req.Caption = "Will: " & WILLq Else .lblWILL_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .lblWILL_req.Caption = "Will: " & WILLq End If ' If pclass = CLASSq Then ' .lblclass_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' Else ' .lblclass_req.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' End If 'Trim$(Item(itemnum).data1) 'to do spell Details ' render the item BltItemDesc itemnum End With ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "UpdateDescWindow", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` (The code is a one big mess i know… soz!) And sample as that compile and you done :) To do:(v4) Class Requirement. Show Consume and spell details. Final result: [![](http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/7391/screenyv3.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/825/screenyv3.png/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us) here is the GUI: [![](http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/8382/descriptionitem.jpg)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/descriptionitem.jpg/) Uploaded with [ImageShack.us](http://imageshack.us)
  9. xppxdd

    Playing online.

    @Annahstas: > We don't need to know your ip. OK just check the questions: > 1\. Did you use 7001 0r 4000 port? > 2\. Did you go to portforward.com and port your router correctly? > 3\. Did you get the correct ip from ipchicken.com or whats my ip on Google search? > 4\. Did you put your correct ip in the .config notepad file? > 5\. If you changed your port did you do it in the server file as well? > 6\. Is your fire wall open?
  10. I cant attack NPCs 0.0 why? XD
  11. fixed, in scrlDrop value was 0 and needed to be 1:) thnx every one !
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