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Everything posted by iSKweek

  1. Robin's game looks as amazing as it does because he (unlike some people) put a decent amount of brain power into the mapping. He also has a DX8 graphics engine which helps :P
  2. @Lavos: > With Robins coding style? Heck, It might take a while to figure things out if your completely new. What is wrong with Robin's coding style? But back on topic… I personally don't think it would be too hard, you could just have a hard coded list of quest names, or store them in a file, that gets read and checked against a set of checkpoint values for each quest, then the names are used and can either have a status next to them (completed, started, not started) or coloured differently to show progress.
  3. That would be the library files unless I am mistaken, just get them to run the installer.
  4. It should be Do Blah While something = something (the condition)
  5. iSKweek


    There are instructions for uploading files and such on the site.
  6. That isn't an updated version, it is custom. It isn't an official release.
  7. Try marsh's autoportforwarder.
  8. No problem just glad i could help :)
  9. Run your server and then use [this](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/status/index.php) to see if the port is actually open. Edit: lameass typo >.<
  10. Turning Debug on doesn't solve problems as far as I know, it just skips the part that errors and writes it to a log.
  11. Sorry again for the late replying :P It was 1amish so I had to sleep. Add it anywhere really, I would comment a section, so for example add``` ' Turns blood on/off Public BloodSwitch As Boolean ```
  12. iSKweek

    [EO] Quests

    If you don't have a copy of VB6 (or you don't want to put the effort into learning how to code) then there a few custom versions of EO that have quest editors built into them, just search in the custom versions forum. I suggest Richy's engine personally.
  13. In the options picture (where it has controls for sound etc) just add a checkbox like I described above and add the code. It *should* do the job, but the code was just improvised so give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
  14. Woah. I only just noticed that too :O
  15. They have 3d looking sprites and stuff already. 3D DS is just stupid in general.
  16. iSKweek

    How to?

    Press the enter key when you are standing on the item.
  17. iSKweek

    How to?

    Wait. Never mind, I misread the question.
  18. Just change the sub that handles to game chat to add a picture above the character when they speak. I am not 100% how to do it, but just have a look at how the player names are handled and that should get you started.
  19. iSKweek

    How to?

    Config.ini It is under "Game_Name=Eclipse Origins" Just change the Eclipse Origins part.
  20. Sorry for the super late reply :P In modGlobals add "Public BloodSwitch as Boolean" Then have a checkbox in the options screen with the code``` If Check1.Value = 0 Then BloodSwitch = True Else: BloodSwitch = False End If ``` Then in modDirectDraw7 public sub BltBlood add a check to see if bloodswitch = false, if so exit the sub eg;``` If BloodSwitch = False Then Exit Sub ``` This is just random code so it may need some slight adjusting. If you have any problems let me know. This is all client side btw.
  21. No problem, glad I could help.
  22. Awesome and good luck! I was trying to do something with puzzles I think, I got loaded up with uni work though so I had to leave it. Try that maybe?
  23. You need to get (or make) a paperdoll sheet for it and then tell EO to use it in the item editor.
  24. I feel rather stupid for not adding this in the first place :P Great work though :)
  25. If you decide to use the quest system in the post above could you give me some feedback please? I can also attempt to add in new quest types if you want them.
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