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Everything posted by iSKweek

  1. Turn gay, then you have nothing to worry about. But it is something people see as an issue but this is just how some people think. Nobody can say anything about it or it is a cultural hate crime though.
  2. It was a lot of fun :P The music game is the best.
  3. I just started playing again now that uni is over for the year. Add me or something. Skweek is my rsn.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fhFBPsb5rI
  5. What do you mean? Edit: oh, now I see what you mean. Yeah, I'll change that.
  6. This is just something I whipped up while bored. It is w3 validated. There is nothing exciting here, you need to add any content or pictures (of course) but there is some pointless text to show how it sits generally. I am putting this here just so people have a valid base to start form instead of using webs or any other web site generator. HTML: ``` Generic CSS template # Header/Logo/Banner ## Navigation menu [url]This is a link[/url] [url]This is a link[/url] [url]This is a link[/url] [url]This is a link[/url] [url]This is a link[/url] ## Heading textblahvlahvlahdsvlkkl ### Another heading more text and stuff, blah blah blah #### Text and a picture even more text and whatnot. Make sure everything is ok at [W3](http://validator.w3.org/) [url]![Valid CSS!](http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss)[/url] [url]Valid HTML5[/url] ``` CSS: ``` body { background-color: #999999; font-size:12px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } div#wrapper { width: 80%; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin: 50px auto 50px auto; padding: 0px; border: thin solid #000000; } div#header { padding: 15px; margin: 0px; text-align: center; } div#navigation { height: auto; width: 25%; padding: 10px; margin-top: 1px; float: left; } div#navigation a:link { text-decoration: none; } div#navigation a:visited { text-decoration: none; } div#navigation a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #FF0000; } div#navigation a:active { text-decoration: none; } div#main { margin-left: 30%; margin-top: 1px; padding: 10px; } div#footer { padding: 15px; border-top: thin solid #000000; text-align: center; } div#footer ul li{ color : #000000; background-color : transparent; display: inline; } div#footer ul li a{ color : #115EAC; background-color : transparent; text-decoration : none; } div#footer ul li a:hover{ text-decoration : underline; } ```
  7. It would be easy enough to have a different sprite sheet for each character riding a horse and then having an attribute on the map (or when you talk a certain npc or anything else really) to just change the sprite and change the speed.
  8. Applying for a degree that you are interested in and the amount of interest you will have in the work you will be doing during the degree are two completely different things. Go for something you know you will enjoy after you finish, if you are doing game development full time (or software development/computer anything) are you 100% sure you will enjoy it as much as you do now with it being a hobby?
  9. If you just make a new project and chuck it in the form load sub you should be right.
  10. I meant from memory as in I didn't know of a way to do it like that. But after some just looking it up on google I came up with this: ``` Dim file, newfile As String Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 600 file = "filename" & i & ".bmp" newfile = "filename" & (i + 72) & ".bmp" Name file As newfile Next ``` Better?
  11. I was just writing from memory. I have never done something like this before.
  12. Something like this would work. ``` Dim file As String Dim newfile As String Dim i, j As Long For i = 1 To 600 file = "insert filepath here" & i & ".bmp/.png" Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(file) j = i + 72 newfile = "insert filepath here" & j & ".bmp/.png" SavePicture Picture1, newfile Picture1.Picture = Nothing Kill file Next ```
  13. Like I said, wait 'til someone can actually confirm it. Or you could just change it and see what happens.
  14. @Pinkamina: > Somehow I knew one of these would pop up. Nonetheless, we desperately needed one of these. Just keep it updated and it'll be a great contribution. Quite a few have been created. They just don't get maintained and end up being outdated.
  15. But then it won't find the target. Edit: I could be wrong with all of this (I haven't fiddled with EO for a while now) but I'm pretty sure it works like that. Might have to wait for Robin or someone more experienced to confirm it.
  16. The loop is going through all available NPCs on the map. If it didn't exit out of the sub it would just keep selecting a new target which would be annoying.
  17. No. It is exiting the sub if a condition isn't met.
  18. I suggest removing my quest tutorial, it is in need of a lot of optimizing and Alatar's is a lot better.
  19. ByRef is the default ;) But yes, your examples are spot on.
  20. It has to do with the passing of values to the sub routine or function. ByVal is used if you want to make sure that the value stays the same throughout the destination sub/function. It is just an extra thing that is added as far as I can tell as you can still achieve the same result using ByRef or not using either. If you want examples and such this is a good link: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/vb6-tip-understanding-the-importance-of-byval-and-byref-keywords/5516744
  21. iSKweek

    Regarding C++

    cplusplus.com helped me a heap when I was learning it. The documentation on there is good and they have a pdf file which is full of tutorial goodness. I think they had a section for networking and one for graphics too, but I could be thinking of something else. Give it a read though, it is pretty good.
  22. @Peteyyy: > Tumblr is awful.
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