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Everything posted by Craselin

  1. Nice, thanks for that! Really easy to install and very helpful
  2. Hey everyone, Recently I made this grass tile >! Lone tile ![](http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/2328/oldgrass.png) 4x4 with Tiles ![](http://img807.imageshack.us/img807/7928/oldgrass4x4.png) I got a lot of bad response for these, I recall someone described them as finger-painting from a three year old. Another response was simply (word for word) "Vomit…" So I then decided to remake it from scratch and this is what I got >! Lone tile ![](http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2219/grassb.png) Multiple of tile ![](http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/1404/grass4x4.png) So truthfully, have I improved? If so, is my improved work any good or is it just better than the "finger-painting vomit" I would be very thankful for any opinions given, Kind regards, Craselin EDIT: Forgot to mention, please don't steal any tiles.
  3. Awesome! Can't wait! I had never thought of anything like this before, it will save people LOADS of time!
  4. Craselin


    Incase this helps, it works for me aswell
  5. Sorry :S. I did try google but I couldn't find it (i probably wasn't searching the right thing). I also just realised that this ``` If TabDown Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED ```May affect other players aswell. So, (and the reason im asking is because my computer isn't running VB at the moment for some reason) would this work? Go to modGameLogic in the client and add this to the bottom (?) ``` ' Check to see if the tab key is being held If TabDown Then CheckDirection = True Exit Function ```Then in modConstants in the client find ``` Public Const VK_CONTROL As Long = &H11 ```Underneath that add ``` Public Const VK_TAB = &H9 ``` Once again I'm really sorry about the hassle.. :-S
  6. Sorry for the quadruple post but I really need help with this :S
  7. Nice, I like it, I will use this for sure. I just wanted to get something straight. If you stand on the floor it gets a crack in it, if you stand on it again it breaks?
  8. Sorry I'm not saying this is bad or anything I was just asking: What does it do exactly? (i win a fail for newbiness)
  9. Sorry for the triple post but does anyone know what I should edit? I don't know what to put at the end of the key constants thing and I'm not sure if the tabdown thing is right
  10. Okay, this is as far as i got I know i would have to do something here (modConstants, client) ``` ' Key constants Public Const VK_UP As Long = &H26 Public Const VK_DOWN As Long = &H28 Public Const VK_LEFT As Long = &H25 Public Const VK_RIGHT As Long = &H27 Public Const VK_SHIFT As Long = &H10 Public Const VK_RETURN As Long = &HD Public Const VK_CONTROL As Long = &H11 ```like adding this ``` Public Const VK_TAB As Long = ??? ```but im not to sure about this (modGameLogic, client) ``` If TabDown Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED ``` Well I tried -.-" any more help would be highly appreciated Thanks, Craselin
  11. Okay, I think I see what you mean, thanks for the help. I'll give it a try
  12. BUMP, I still need help please. Maybe theres a way to make is so when you hold tab temporary blocks are put around you then when you let go they go away?
  13. I am aware that it's meant to go there and that I can find movement etc there but I still have no idea what to do.
  14. Hey everyone, I was wondering how i would make it so if you hold down tab and press an arrow key, instead of moving that direction you just face that direction? Thanks in advance, Craselin
  15. @QWERTYUIoP: > Set it to a Shopkeeper. > > EDIT: With the source? No idea, sorry. I think he wants an NPC that moves around but when spoken to stops moving. I suppose you would find the code the allows then NPC to move then somehow make a check to see if someone is talking to it
  16. Craselin

    Map Moral

    @Robin: > Add a new constant and a new item to the dropdown menu. In the death subs check if they should lose anything in the arena. Ignore Helladen, he's talking out of his arse. Yeah, that's the problem I go okay until the checking if they lose anything bit, I really need help with this bit because I'm completely stuck. I want to make it so they don't lose exp or drop items on death. Thanks Robin :) PS: Helladen, thanks for your reply but i think robin is right, he created eclipse origins so… yeah.
  17. Craselin

    Map Moral

    Hey everyone, I was wondering how I would add an arena moral to maps. And for those of you who think I haven't tried I have and I wasn't able to do it. (I swear I was so close DX) Thanks in advance, Craselin
  18. Okay, it's not great but it's better than nothing :)
  19. The only way to fix it would be to edit the image, I can try doing it for you. Would you like just the word bank? (centred ofc)
  20. @Erkro1: > Are you sure lblSpeech is a label? I'm pretty sure it was but I just ended up using the premade one, thanks for the help anyway :)
  21. I get this error when compiling ``` Compile error: Method or data member not found ``` It then highlights the following frmMain.lblSpeech.**Caption** = "" & msg & ""
  22. thanks very much for the info, i will look into it and tell you how it goes. :cheesy:
  23. No worries! KH fans must look out for eachother :cheesy:
  24. Wow, thanks for the very detailed answer. Very helpful. So would I try doing something along these lines If playerstatus=PlayerKiller then pkcountdown=900,000 esle ignore previous? And for the timer something like this if timer ticks then pkcountdown - 1 else if pkcountdown = 0 then remove PK status? else ignore previous? I'm really not to sure what the commands are etc so this is just to see if i have then general idea right. Kind regards, Craselin
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