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  1. Hey Richy, I hosted the Modification(S) Nova 2.6 in direct link. If you want to add to topic, be free xD: http://sevenwars.webs.com/Engines/Modification(S)%202.6%20Nova.rar Yeah, the host is from Webs, muohahaha. (Sorry my bad english, I'm brazilian)
  2. Thank you very much Sekaru. *-*
  3. @Lightning: > So you're gonna set the exp rate to 0%? O_O No. Example: If scrlExpRate value is 0, the exp rate will be normal. If value is 1, the exp rate will be double. But I changed the tutorial, so it's okay now. xD
  4. @Lightning: > ``` > lblExpRate.Caption = "Rate: " & CStr(scrlExpRate.Value) & "00%" > ``` '-' But if the value is 0, so 000% will be confused. '-' And when the valor is 1, it will show 100%, but the rate will be 2x. 100% is the normal, 200% is double. Or I'm wrong? O_O **Edit:** Tutorial edited! Now, the tutorial is good and sample.
  5. Well, the other topic of experience rate don't check for player level up and some parts are missing… so, here I go! This system is more amplified, because the caption of our label of exp rate is "100%", and not "1x", so the codes are more extended. **Sorry my bad english, I'm brazilian. Okay? '-'** **Server ~ Side** Create in any place: - Label - HScroll - Command Button With this properties: - Label name: lblExpRate - Label caption: "Rate: 1x" - Scroll name: scrlExpRate - Scroll max: 9 - Command button name: cmdExpRate Click twice in the scroll and add this code: ``` lblExpRate.Caption = "Rate: " & scrlExpRate.Vaue + 1 & "x" ``` Click twice in cmdExpRate and add: ``` Dim ExpRate As Long ExpRate = frmServer.scrlExpRate.value If frmServer.scrlExpRate.value > 0 Then Call GlobalMsg("Experience rate event start! The rate of experience is " & frmServer.scrlExpRate.value + 1 & "x!", Yellow) Call TextAdd("The experience rate has been changed to " & frmServer.scrlExpRate.value + 1 & "x!") Call SaveAllPlayersOnline Else MsgBox ("Please, change the exp rate to a correct value.") End If ``` Now go to modCombat and search for: ``` Public Sub PlayerAttackNpc ``` Below: ``` Dim exp As Long ``` Add``` Dim ExpRate As Long ``` Now search for: ``` ' Calculate exp to give attacker ``` Replace the line below by: ``` ExpRate = frmServer.scrlExpRate.value + 1 exp = (Npc(npcNum).exp * ExpRate) ``` That's all. **Sorry my bad english, I'm brazilian. Again! XD**
  6. You forgot: We need to do: "Dim EXPRATE As Long" at start of Public Sub PlayerAttackNpc (Sorry bad english I'm brazilian) Or I'm crazy? '-'
  7. How? '-' (Not the slot graphic, but yes the slot to weapon icon appear.) (Sorry my bad english I'm brazilian)
  8. When I equip a item of this new type, the item go to weapon slot, in 'Char' tab GUI. Can I make a new slot in GUI?
  9. MrMiguu, can you post a demo version (compiled if you want) to we view the progress of engine? We know about bugs, but only to we test ;) (Sorry my bad english, I'm brazilian)
  10. I translated the tutorial in portuguese (to brazilians). I'm brazilian, so, it isn't Google Tradutor, okay? ______________________________________ >! Olá, seja bem-vindo ao meu tutorial básico de pets! Quando você terminar o tutorial, você terá criado um sistema de pet básico, onde poderá aprimorar-se ainda mais nele. Antes de iniciar, tenha certeza que você possui os requerimentos: >! * Visual Basic 6 * Cliente e Servidor * Básico de programação >! **Compatível com: Eclipse Origins 2.0.0** >! ![](http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy294/Adrammelech_2009/SummonedPet.png) >! **Client~Side (Projeto do cliente)** >! Primeiramente, trabalharemos com o cliente. O que iremos realizar no sistema de pet, inclui: >! * Invocar pet * Pet atacar inimigo * Pet seguir o dono * Pet andar livremente pelo mapa * Esconder/desinvocar seu pet >! De início, vamos trabalhar com o modGameLogic. Vá ao final dos códigos e cole estes cinco subs: >! ``` Sub SpawnPet(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CSpawnPet SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing >! End Sub >! Sub PetFollow(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CPetFollowOwner SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub >! Sub PetAttack(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CPetAttackTarget SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub >! Sub PetWander(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CPetWander SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub >! Sub PetDisband(ByVal Index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CPetDisband SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` Estes são os códigos de controle do pet (já citados acima). >! Agora, abriremos o modEnumerations. >! Haverá uma lista enorme com várias variáveis iniciando com 'C'. Após: >! ``` CPartyLeave ``` Cole o seguinte código: >! ``` CSpawnPet CPetFollowOwner CPetAttackTarget CPetWander CPetDisband ``` Agora, acesse o modHandleData, e substitua todo o "Sub HandleSpawnNpc", por isto: >! ``` Private Sub HandleSpawnNpc(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim n As Long Dim Buffer As clsBuffer >! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() n = Buffer.ReadLong >! With MapNpc(n) .Num = Buffer.ReadLong .x = Buffer.ReadLong .y = Buffer.ReadLong .Dir = Buffer.ReadLong .IsPet = Buffer.ReadByte .PetData.Name = Buffer.ReadString .PetData.Owner = Buffer.ReadLong ' Client use only .XOffset = 0 .YOffset = 0 .Moving = 0 End With >! ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleSpawnNpc", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` Agora, acesse o frmMain, e crie uma nova picturebox, ou qualquer coisa, e dentro dela, adicione 5 labels, como no exemplo (em inglês) abaixo: >! ![](http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy294/Adrammelech_2009/Commands.png) >! Estes são os comandos do pet (citados no início do tutorial). Clique em cima de cada um deles, e adicione o código: >! Call Pet (Invocar pet): ``` Call SpawnPet(MyIndex) ``` Attack Target (Atacar inimigo): >! ``` Call PetAttack(MyIndex) ``` Follow Me! (Seguir o dono): >! ``` Call PetFollow(MyIndex) ``` Wander (Deixar o pet livre pelo mapa): >! ``` Call PetWander(MyIndex) ``` Disband Pet (Esconder/desinvocar pet): >! ``` Call PetDisband(MyIndex) ``` Agora, adicione o código abaixo no final do "MapNpcRec", no modTypes: >! ``` 'Pet Data IsPet As Byte PetData As PetRec ``` Abaixo de "Dir As Byte" no PlayerRec (ainda em modTypes), adicione: >! ``` Pet As PetRec ``` E adicione isto acima do "PlayerRec": >! ``` Public Type PetRec SpriteNum As Byte Name As String * 50 Owner As Long End Type ``` ______________________________________ Tomorrow I'll translate the Server~Side message, I'm tired now >.<
  11. Ok, I'll view the codes in engine. Sorry the rouble. Sorry, sorry!
  12. Lightning, I try what you say (to Shasokasis request), but it don't works. Subscript out of range in: MapNpc(PlayerMap).Npc(PetSlot).PetData.Name = GetPlayerName(index) & "'s " & Npc(**NpcNum**).Name Yes, I give the NPC a name, I created the parameter NpcNum. You know how works the GetVar and PutVar functions of EO? Example, I clicked on command button in CLIENT, so how I can put a var in the account of player? And, replace the NpcNum with a get var? Example: I clicked on command button 01\. So, the script put var '1' in "Pet =", in player's account. So, "Pet = 1". Then, when I click spawn pet, the script will get var of Pet =. If the var is 1, so will execute the script Case 1 (or spawn the NPC 1). Please, help me XD (Again, **sorry my bad english**, I'm brazilian!) (Sorry my bad english I'm brazilian)
  13. Thank you very much, n00b/Richy. So … if I'm not boring ... could give me the quest log? , X Yes, I know it was very difficult to do, but ... if you can't or will not, no problem! I just hope that my mistake of using his engine to solve it! : X (Again, sorry my english, I'm brazilian...)
  14. N00B, if I don't ask very much… Can you give me the quest/speech system? I view your Quest/Item/Tile Script System topic, but I want the quest system that are in this engine, with speech box, and don't a sample "msg". If you want, can you give me plz? *--* (Sorry my bad english...)
  15. n00b, please, help me! I have the same error as Zetasis. But the error is only in frmMain, when I try to save him… (Sorry my bad english, I'm brazilian!) Please, help me T.T I loved your engine, and I want to use '-' Ah, and the error occured in Nova and Advanced!
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