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Everything posted by Repercussionist

  1. jka;sdlkvbnadflknakedrodeoreo;ilkjrwqfklvnbfksadfjl;ak;lsdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffjjjjjjjjjjj (I) (s)hould (p)robably (g)o (t)o (b)ed.
  2. Alph, you're banned for giving me herpes.
  3. how 2 click intrawebzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?!?#?#$B
  4. ^ Knows too much about me. < Really doesn't do drugs. v Leaves newborn babies in toilets after watching the circus.
  5. You seem to have gotten off somewhere. Since the op was 1, and Reply #1 was 2, then this post (reply #7921) should technically be 7922, but since I really don't want to find the point of digression or interrupt the existing loop: 7921
  6. Hmm.. You're right. I thought I had tried that, but now that I think about it, I only recall changing it on one side. Thanks for bringing that to my attention guys.
  7. A pretty simple feature, and my first solo edit. Any words of wisdom would be warmly welcomed. 0-Male 1-Female 2-Both CLIENT SIDE///// Open frmEditor_Item and add a HScrlBar just below the Level Req. scroll bar. Name this scrlSexReq and set the Max to 2. Create a label to the left of this scrollbar. Name it lblSexReq and set the caption to "Sex req: 0" . Next, double click your new scrollbar and add this in the selected sub: ``` ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If EditorIndex = 0 Or EditorIndex > MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Sub lblSexReq.Caption = "Sex req: " & scrlSexReq.Value Item(EditorIndex).SexReq = scrlSexReq.Value ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "scrlSexReq_Change", "frmEditor_Item", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub ``` Then in modDatabase, add this function somewhere: ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal Index As Long) As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(Index).Sex ' Error handler Exit Function errorhandler: HandleError "GetPlayerSex", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Function End Function ``` In modGameEditors, add this to ItemEditorInit (under ' Basic requirements) ``` frmEditor_Item.scrlSexReq.Value = .SexReq ``` In modTypes add this at the bottom of Private Type ItemRec ``` SexReq As Byte ``` And this under Player Rec ``` Sex As Byte ``` SERVER SIDE////// In modPlayer add this function somewhere ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long) As Long If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(index).Sex End Function ``` and also in modPlayer, find the Public Sub UseItem. You should see``` Select Case Item(itemnum).Type ```just a few lines down. Now put this code under the cases that you want the sex requirement attribute to be active on. In any case where you don't put this, the SexReq will be arbitrary. ``` ' sex requirement If Item(itemnum).SexReq < 2 And GetPlayerSex(index) Item(itemnum).SexReq Then PlayerMsg index, "You are not the right sex to equip this item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ``` And finally, in modTypes, at the bottom of Private Type ItemRec add: ``` SexReq As Byte ```
  8. @MrMiguu: > Or: [http://www.biorust.com/tutorials/detail/247/en/](http://www.biorust.com/tutorials/detail/247/en/) It's pretty obvious in this tutorial that his "cube" really doesn't have the 1:1:1 length, width, height ratio to technically be called a cube. Just sayin'.
  9. Hi guys and gals, I just recently came back to using EO and I'm having some difficulties. I installed the library files and downloaded the source, super excited to get started. I opened the server and client as .exe files, and they worked fine. I went to make some edits, and was getting errors when compiling. Thinking I might have made just a simple mistake on my part, I opened a clean source and made a simple edit. I still had problems compiling. I finally ended up getting a clean source, making NO edits, and having problems compiling. It shoots me a box saying "Couldn't load XXX file. See XXXX.log." The log file said "Line XXX: cannot load control XXX (it's giving me txtChat); license not found." Then after dismissing that box, another one instantly popped up giving me RE429\. Some people have reported RE429 being "ActiveX cannot create blah blah blah", but it was giving me **"License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in the design environment."** I'm using Vista, and if I remember correctly, last time I successfully used EO, there was another supplementary file in addition to the library files I needed, but I've not seen anything of the sort recently. Perhaps this is what I need? I chatted with some guys on the main forum page about this, but to no avail. Like I said, I have had EO working previously (I have reformatted my computer since), I do have the library files installed (the server and client are working, I'm just not compiling correctly), and I'm having the errors on a CLEAN source download. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks,
  10. Repercussionist

    Help in Saving

    Here are some things to double check. I don't really comprehend the full effect of your problem. First, make sure your server is running and loaded. Make sure you haven't changed your IP or Port, or at least that they match up. When you're logged in and you have the map editor open, draw some map and click Send in the editor. This should close the map editor. If you're using an item/NPC/resource/etc. editor, make sure to click Save in the editor. Doing this, you should be able to log out of and close your client, then log back in and see it exactly how you left it. I'm not sure what steps you're taking, so I don't really know what to tell you. As far as logging in to your account, make sure your caps lock is off? Good luck.
  11. Repercussionist

    Help in Saving

    As long as you click the Send button or Save or whatever in the editor window, everything will be saved no matter what you close out of or restart.
  12. @Qazek: > In frmEditor_NPC click on cmbBehaviour and add to list "Script" Could you perhaps show the code for this step, please? I tried to institute your edit, but to no avail. I think I may have done the quoted step incorrectly. Thanks.
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