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  1. I can help you get i trunning, PM me or something
  2. I walked out on an interview because he mentioned the training was "free" - the guy was shocked, I lold….
  3. LeaRae

    Member ages.

    22 now, 11 when I started With This Stuff. Gosh, I'm old.
  4. I think there's things to be gained from going to college immediately after high school - it might be different over there, but in the US there's a stigma if you don't go right away…
  5. I'd do one if there were a proper design document, version control, task tracking… You know, if it were professional.
  6. is there a way to see how many ants are near one of your ants? If you know where your ants are, and you know how many ants are near you ants, you could make a rough estimate of how dense the enemy ant population is. Once you form the 'gradient' of enemy ant density, you could make estimates and decisions based on it… (just pondering while knowing nothing of what you can really do)
  7. I wouldn't specialize in game development - instead, study Software Engineering which is a somewhat more "real life application" of computer science. It will open your eyes to how software is made, and then you can make anything. Also, you'd then have a degree lending it self to being team lead or a manager - and that's where you want to be. DESIGNing code instead of WRITING code :) I'd say a portfolio is the biggest thing. Get projects out there. When I apply for jobs and I show them Coloreye on the Android market or my website at http://leafexcavations.com they love that stuff! Keep the code clean, you never know when a company will say, "You look good, send me some code" - Just happened to me, luckily I had some code I felt like sharing! I am temporarily dropping out of uni right now, I'm planning to go back but not for a year at least. Who knows, if I get a great job I might not need to go back. Anyone who talks to me knows that I Know My Shit. While Mirage Source got me started, it didn't teach me development practices or how to work in a team. I'd say you should go to college/uni, if not just to learn that stuff as well as leadership and teamwork skills. As far as internships go, there are two types. There are paid internships and unpaid internships. Let's just say this: unpaid internships are for artists, not scientists or engineers. If a company tells you the internship is unpaid just walk out.
  8. Looks neat, if I wasn't moving this week I would give it a shot
  9. turns out my high school spanish classes were worth it (could read this, slowly)
  10. Yeah, moving the exit is fine. Doesn't matter a whole lot, you could remove it too but it would select a different target if there were multiples stacked. I'd restructure the method a bit, move the targetType checks before the For loops and you can eliminate having to loop that many times…
  11. @Shadowwulf: > Say I have three bow types. > Wooden, Steel, and Silver. > > Assuming we aren't using separate items and using limited ammo… > > Should all bows fire wooden arrows or should the arrow type match the bow? Silver is awfully soft, it doesn't have the tensile strength to make a bow. At least make your choices realistic; it's all about the carbon composites ;)
  12. ``` #Const a = 1 #If a = 1 Then Const b = 1 #Else Const b = 3 #End If Private Sub Form_Load() Debug.Print b End Sub ``` Swap a flag, build a release or dev version… am I rite? It's the forms that are big in the exe, so disabling the code wont see a huge size difference... but you can super easily disable the functionality... you can totally build the forms in code instead of the graphic editor, too, which drops the size of the exe considerably.
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