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Everything posted by Gohan

  1. Try mangafox. They have the same variety as onemanga and they're still up.
  2. @Anna: > and I really dispise the system where you play as a pre-made "character". Lemme guess… You played halfway through the prologue and quit? After you play through the prologue and then talk to Tieve at the Inn you can then customize your character. You can pick different hair, eye color, skin color, and height control. The customization is limited though, keep in mind this is beta. However the armor comes in a wide variety of colors so just check the marketplace and buy some different colored armor for more customization. (However atm the mailboxes are broken so the marketplace is useless and players are unable to trade with one another)
  3. I agree the America that we know is crumbling away in front of us. However I disagree that America is dying. America is full of expensive crap that aren't necessities. I think if most of it were abandoned or sold in order to save money America would be much better off. And tbh I blame it all on the scientists and inventors Technology -> Laziness -> Debt
  4. Anime: DBZ Zoids G Gundam Manga: Mahou Sensei Negima @Lollicat: > Anime is for fags. Rofl I bet you never even watched anime > Manga is for people with no friends. So is the internet, and yet here you are.
  5. I think I figured out a way to have Project Vertigo Origins have a different frame count for each sprite but I'm not entirely sure it would work. ``` If SpriteNumber = 1 Then Public Const FRAMES_STANDING As Integer = 1 Public Const FRAMES_WALKING As Integer = 7 Public Const FRAMES_RUNNING As Integer = 7 Public Const FRAMES_ATTACKING As Integer = 6 Public Const FRAMES_JUMPING As Integer = 1 Public Const FRAMES_FALLING As Integer = 1 Public Const FRAMES_LENGTH As Long = 500 Public attackspeed As Long Public pCheck As Long End If ```Then repeat for each sprite number. I'm certain that isn't the command for getting a player's sprite number in Origins but you get the gist of it. Would it work?
  6. @Lollicat: > 1\. Look at picture > 2\. Become blind > 3\. ??? > 4\. PROFIT! Lol My eyes hurt
  7. Gohan

    Stats on lvl up?

    You should already have some class templates. Open them up in notepad, it's obvious where you change the starting stats. They should be in \Server\Classes folder
  8. Well I doubt there's a way to disable the effects of Print Screen button while the client is active :/
  9. Nope I'm just pointing out that it's fun to smash stuff ;D I'm level 17
  10. @Black★Gold: > Can't wait till guilds guys. ^^ Same. On a side note, if you reach level 28 and need something to do, you could always give into your human nature and run through Hoarfrost Hollow, destroying all those little Kobold settlements. Smashing stuff is fun ;D
  11. @Soul: > Eh. Like Stephan once said, Encryption is like locking a door in a room without walls. If someone really wants your 2D graphics and .mid music, they'll get it. But is it possible to repeatedly encrypt something? Like if you had to decrypt a folder and then it gives you another encrypted folder, and another and another etc etc… Even if they wanted it, a lot of people would get annoyed and quit.
  12. k pm me when you get on. I'm GohanX. Make sure you go to channel 163
  13. @Bobosk: > And just how good is this game anyways? lol It's awesome! Best combat system I've ever seen in an MMO. In what other MMO can you kick your opponent in the face, throw them into a pit, break their spine over your knee, hit them over their head their own weapons, throw them against other opponents and kill all of them like that, kill them with their own booby traps, throw a spear in their face, tie them down and stab them to death, throw bombs at them, and then when you need to rest build a campfire to get buffs and heal.
  14. Gohan

    Site Errors

    Oh it's finally fixed? I've had 502 for the past 12 hours, thank god it's fixed. I hope it stays fixed.
  15. I get one every other week, usually from newbs who don't know how to port forward. Why do they pm me in the first place :huh:
  16. Lol… it's a salute EDIT: Here's a chat I thought was rather funny ![](http://i753.photobucket.com/albums/xx171/GohanX_Album/funny.png)
  17. @Black★Gold: > You got good. >.> Why thank you. Oh btw :O Victory! http://i753.photobucket.com/albums/xx171/GohanX_Album/victory.png Lol he bleedin ;D http://i753.photobucket.com/albums/xx171/GohanX_Album/2010_09_23_0000.jpg
  18. Twice I was soloing Gnoll Cheiftain, twice I was beating him, and twice my brother was dicking around with the internet and I got disconnected. So now twice I am going to punch his face in. But anyways… yeah turns out Gnoll Chieftain is entirely soloable. My strategy: Click if you want to see my strategy, don't if you want to try and figure out the strategy yourself. >! Completely fill up on spears before departure. Keep your distance but stay in front of him waiting until he slams his hammer down. Not spinning, slamming. At that point throw a spear in his face. He'll start flailing around leaving you open for 1 slam attack. When you run out of spears he should be down to 2 bars. At that point make sure you stay just a little to the right of him but ahead of him so you can react when he starts swinging his hammer. When he finishes his attack is your opening. Do the Normal Attack > Slam combination attack to deal damage. After that immediately press Dodge to slide out of range or he will kick you in your face. Repeat that process until he dies.
  19. @Miguu: > Other dynamic mapping features? Not sure what that implies. A lot. For example. A Spring tile. If you jump on it then you automatically jump twice you max jumping height or more. Ice tiles so you slide across. I could think of more but I have other things on my mind right now.
  20. Sorry that took so long… I was enthralled in the game XD
  21. Check out this finish :P http://i753.photobucket.com/albums/xx171/GohanX_Album/finish.png
  22. Play some forum games and get lots of credits, then buy it from here http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=shop;do=buy It's illegal to just download VB6 and it's not supposed to be discussed here.
  23. @Miguu: > Funny you mention that. I was considering having each player have their own personal frame settings (maybe the frames are assigned to sprites as a SpriteRec in the modTypes). I see. You were already thinking about it. Well for the sake of knowledge, would it be that simple or is there more to it?
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