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Everything posted by gamesucker

  1. LittleBigPlanet Infamous (twice) Minecraft Mario Cart Batman:Arkham Asylum
  2. Well, because this thread lost it's point, I'm going to go ahead and post a child abuse picture. ![](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:bIKCffEWvhCg-M:http://peoplecorporation.org/post_images/1621_Playground_Kids.jpg&t=1)
  3. @Alphonse: > @Batman:Flash games lol, never recommend crappy flash games to a gamer xD ![](http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/flash_games.png)
  4. @uılɐpuǝʍƃ: > of course I didnt mean that literally. > > really tho…. how often do you stay with a long game. Unless you dont have any real life commitments by the time you get around to finishing a really long game some other game will come by and and take you away from the one you were currently playing. Or if you do decide to go back to it after playing something else you'll forget where you were in the story or what you were doign. I usually stick to one game at a time. Right now that happens to be Minecraft. Before that it was Haven and Hearth. Before that it was Little Big planet. Before that it was Kryce-Online. That's not to say I didn't play other games in-between those, but those were just the games I played the most.
  5. @uılɐpuǝʍƃ: > bleh…. I like real games. I hope you didn't mean that literally. I personally like long games, as I can always go back to it and there will be new stuff awaiting me.
  6. Minecraft,-tick tock parody (By InspirationR) >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW-AJa_HucI&feature=player_embedded#!
  7. Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. @☺☻☺: > "The Bible warns us against cuttings in our flesh in Leviticus 19:28 which says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." It's a really big sin. You obviously haven't read the whole book, or you'd know that you don't have to follow old testament commandments. (Even I knew that, I'm a strong agnostic, not a christian. )
  8. If only Kryce was still online… But I really can't complain. I learned java as soon as it shut down.
  9. @JS1: > It's basically a smaller, free version of WinRAR. > > -JS1 They're both small. If you don't have room for winrar, you have too much stuff on your computer. And winrar is free as well.
  10. @JS1: > 7-zip is open source, easy to use, and it's a fairly small download. Use it. > > -JS1 7-zip looks like a dubbed-down version of Winrar.
  11. @Zоmbie: > [C++ Wikibook](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C%2B%2B_Programming) > [LazyFoo.net SDL tutorials](http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php) (GREAT for game dev) > [Creating a game engine in C++ with SDL at GPWiki.](http://gpwiki.org/index.php/C:SDL_tutorials#C.2B.2B) > > Hope these helped. > > Batman simply told you about an IDE which is for programming, not learning a language… The IDE has a step-by-step tutorial. Plus I linked to the recourse page, which contains tutorials. anyways, I'd go with the LazyFoo tutorial, it's geared more to what you want to learn. (I learned of three new sites today, and I just woke up. XD)
  12. Oh. XD They don't make money directly from this site.
  13. @Absolute: > If you mean the tree should be taller, I was going for the Legend of Zelda view of the tree. ya, I meant that you should make the tree taller/wider at the top. or make the base smaller.
  14. Well, not being a pixel artist myself, I can only point out what I think is wrong, but I can't tell you how to fix em. :( -You should hold off on sharing until you've got more tiles done. -The thing of leaves at the top doesn't extend out far enough. -the tree doesn't mach the ground.
  15. seuhj sexy elephant under hairy jackass.
  16. I highly recommend [Winrar](http://www.rarlab.com/).
  17. Well there's this site called [eclipse](http://www.eclipse.org/)… It has an [IDE](http://www.eclipse.org/home/categories/index.php?category=ide&tab=start)… Some [application frameworks](http://www.eclipse.org/home/categories/index.php?category=frameworks)… A [modeling program](http://www.eclipse.org/home/categories/index.php?category=modeling&tab=start)… A ton of [useful tutorials/resources](http://www.eclipse.org/resources/)… And a whole bunch of other neat stuff. I hope that helps. :)
  18. I would never get my nipples pierced, simply because my mother had spent hours upon hours during car rides explaining to me all the types of infections you can get because of piercings like that. (she's a clinical lab scientist.) Thank god I have my own car now. -.-
  19. @DrNova: > So we can identify, and put down the pie lovers. OOH OOH! I freaking **_LOVE PIE!_**
  20. @Marsh: > You can't necro a sticky. Espically if its full of hatred for pie. wait… this is still a sticky?! _WHY?!?_
  21. @Robin: > @Batman: > > > is it just me, or does Shakespeare's writing a bit convoluted? > > America! Fuck yeah! oh shut up. I think it might be my distaste for conceits.
  22. Off topic:nice post count robin On topic(-ish): is it just me, or does Shakespeare's writing a bit convoluted?
  23. I falcon punch people who necropost ;-d
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