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Everything posted by unknown

  1. Yeah, in MainFrame.java.. I'm going to update it soon so it won't keep the zips, so keep an eye out for that. Zetta's works a little differently. His will download everything in the list, every time you run it. Mine only downloads modified or non-existant files on the list.
  2. idk if your talking to me or him.. My updater can't because it checks the date last modified of the local zip file vs the last modified of the servers zip file. If it deleted the local zip file after downloading it would just continually re-download it.
  3. My version doesn't delete, because it checks the file.lastmodified vs the server.lastmodified so you don't have to keep updating the list.txt on the server you just have to upload your file. list.txt looks like ``` file1.txt file2.zip ... etc ``` as opposed to ``` file1.txt 2 file2.zip 3 ``` I'm going to update it so it does delete them and instead just keeps a list of zips.modified in a txt file on the client.
  4. Didn't know that about jogl… It looks like for mobile platforms sun is pushing JavaFX the hardest. Works on Sony Ericsson, LG, Sprint, Orange and Android. + Windows, Linux (finally), Mac.
  5. That is impressive and very clean.. I like it a lot. What is IOTools? heh. Definitely makes the code much nicer. That being said, I noticed you changed a few features to fit IOTools (like the progress indicator) which is fine it works great for your already written class. I didn't know you could show text on the progress label, that's very cool. I'm going to work on a hybrid solution between our two projects, where everything is open source. Your code is definitely a lot cleaner, and I'm going to strive for that in v2\. I still think theres a few more features that should be added. I'm going to update the main post to include yours. THIS is how great code gets developed!
  6. Updated with a short tutorial.. It might be kind of hard to follow if you don't have any java knowledge, I'll probably include a configuration file eventually.
  7. I've tested it on OSX, Windows and Linux works great in all places.
  8. @Ice: > I like it i was just saying it is easy i have integrated the 15 line code into my source edit and into my vb 2008 projects but i will not denie that it is something good i was trying to be polite about it. You could do something **like this** in 15 lines.. It obviously wouldn't be as good. You couldn't do this in 15 lines in any language, it's just not possible. Thanks for the kind words =) It was fun & interesting to make. I hope it serves a purpose to someone.
  9. Do it then… seriously. It is a little rude. Make a progress bar update with the actual status when downloading files, even in vb 2008 its not that easy. That is one of the easy features I implemented. This can do all the same things as Marsh's updater + more. All of these features could not possibly be coded in 15 lines in ANY language. Prove it.
  10. ![](http://www.openorpg.com/eclipse/updater/eclipseupdater.PNG) [Test it out](http://www.openorpg.com/eclipse/updater/EclipseUpdater.jnlp) [Download the source](http://www.openorpg.com/eclipse/updater/eclipseupdater_src.zip) I know what your probably thinking… Do we really need another updater? I was thinking the same thing before I started my project. Here are some key problems with most updaters: - BMP files take an incredibly long time to download, but its ideal to update graphics without redownloading the entire client. - There's not a lot of great ways to customize the GUI on most updaters. - A lot of updaters aren't open source, so you can't really change anything. - In most updaters you have to keep track of versions.. thats annoying, I just want to upload my files & be done with it. I spent a little time today working on a updater in Java and the results fixed all these problems. - If you create a zip file (for graphics) it will automatically extract it into a folder. - The GUI is swing, to customize it you can use Synth which takes in an XML format or better yet [Substance](http://substance.dev.net) a very good looking LAF - There's no need to keep track of versions, the list.txt file looks like ``` File1.txt File2.txt File3.zip ```When a file is modified on the server, an update is detected on the updater. - Works on every operating system. - You can update the updater using JNLP's. **How to use** So there isn't really a configuration file for this.. I may make one in the future but for now you just have to edit the code. The code edits are simple at least. **Step 1.** Get a Java IDE, to make things easier. I use netbeans but eclipse is good as well. **Step 2.** Download the source files, and create a new project. Put the files in the project, and make sure the packages are named correctly. **Step 3.** Edit Updater.java with the path to your update files Change ``` private static final String UPDATE_PATH = ""; ``` **Step 4.** Create your list.txt and news.txt files news.txt is simple, you can put anything in it.. ``` this is my news file. It's displayed in the textbox while downloading updates. ```list.txt has to contain all of your update files. Its case sensitive. ``` Client.exe GFX.zip ``` **Step 5.** Upload your update files along with news.txt and list.txt to your web directory. **Step 6.** Build and distribute. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Zetta made an updater based off of this (a couple posts down), and I'm in the progress of rewriting mine to include some of it's awesome features. Download his updater [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=56101.0;attach=12461)
  11. Very nice, looks like it can save a lot of writing.
  12. Congrats! Maybe one day if I work hard I won't be a Newb ;)…
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