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Everything posted by unknown

  1. Yep. There will also be some particle effects that give off light on maps and a trinket that increases light/ player sight. Enemies _could_ have a very weak light surrounding them
  2. Added a lighting system.. Map visibility can be configured from a map variable. >! Lighting system 5/1/2012 [![](http://i.imgur.com/y5npgl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/y5npg.png)
  3. We would like to work with someone who's excited about the idea and the work we've done not the money. We are willing to pay for exceptionally good art.
  4. We're not making any money from the game directly. Ideally, we want a pixel artist who is motivated to make an awesome game for free (we're all working for free). If you're a really good pixel artist and you can show me then PM me a price and we can negotiate.
  5. **Problem?** Hello, we're looking for some pixel art help with our game [Troglodytes](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,79755.0.html) We have a good portion of the game completed. We're beginning to add content, particle effects, trinkets and finishing up the different AI types. Our game is built in Java from the ground up using Slick. Maps are made using [Tiled](http://www.mapeditor.org/). The graphics are not made by us, they're open source graphics found at [The Mana World](http://www.themanaworld.org). We'd like the graphics and the UI to have more of a caveman-like feel.. We're not necessarily asking you to create _every_ graphical element in game, rather just help us out with the look and feel of the game. **Some tiles, a better UI, a more caveman like looking guy, a better menu screen all of these things would help.** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSVyZFCYG-E **What do you get for helping us?** * Show off your graphics in an awesome custom game. Put it on your resume! * Contribute to an open source project. Use our code after we're done to make your own game! * Work with a team of enthusiastic programmers hellbent on creating the best game possible. * Our game is nearing completion, you can instantly see your work in action. * If we like your work, we may pay you.
  6. We're only going to use GPL/ open source graphics, or graphics made specifically for us because we don't want to steal. So that means our other option is an artist. It's unfair to ask an artist to help with a project that doesn't have an engine or much completed with it. We've talked about having an artist spruce up things in the end.
  7. So you think the graphics should be better? It's using graphics from [http://www.themanaworld.org](http://www.themanaworld.org) we're releasing the game as open source under GPL. Graphics probably won't be amazing because we're programmers not artists.
  8. What would you suggest? That's very un useful criticism.
  9. Eta is sooner than June 1st Today we added polymorph trinkets, and made it so that enemies retain state when going from map to map. A polymorph trinket is just a sprite change with some enhanced stats. Here's a video of our trinket system working.. The UI isn't done, you'll be able to switch between multiple trinkets displayed at the bottom. >! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPf0YMQaKsI
  10. Yeah they did. We're working on a lighting engine. Most of the game will be played within caves so we'll have maggots, bats, etc within the caves with a random dinosaur thrown in. We're also finishing up a trinket system which are objects the player can pick up and use. For example we have a Yeti trinket which the player can pick up, use and turn into a Yeti (causing their health and damage to be more). You can only use one trinket at a time, but you can carry lots of them.
  11. Yep it will have perma death. Thanks everyone! Here's another screenshot with our map editor [tiled](http://www.mapeditor.org).. It should give you an idea of how awesome our engine is. >! [![](http://i.imgur.com/9pKQLl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/9pKQL.png)
  12. I accidently deleted this topic… whoops.. Here's a video of the completed Troglodytes game. I will be releasing the finished game in a few days/weeks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiR1Bedfn6k
  13. Sorry for the semi-necro post I just wanted to know.. Is this still happening?
  14. @xXwArIoXx66: > Looks really cool, got online. You should be able to change your name, /who, everything you said, maybe channels? /create channel namehere? Yea I agree with everything you said. Channels would be sweet. We could potentially have tabs at the top with different channels. It crashed a few times.. I think it's something socket.io is doing.. I'm going to try to reproduce & fix tonight @Mr.: > A downloadable client for a web chat… Sounds rather silly :P It can be useful.. I have a friend who can't use the web version at work (it's blocked or something). **Features to be rolled out tonight** /who Welcome Message Sending JSON objects instead of delimitating on ,'s Thanks to everyone who is testing, it really helps.
  15. Sweet. Simple but useable :cheesy: .. much like my web app
  16. Thanks! Interesting error.. I have not tested it in IE much, it looks like it's that strange error where socket.io connects twice. I'll look into it.. Maybe jQuery is calling the page load event twice? It helps that people test because that's a difficult thing to produce.
  17. Good you're actually reading my post. Chat doesn't sound too interesting, I know. I hope THIS chat is a little more interesting and here's why: It uses.. **NodeJS** This is an incredibly cool and fast technology. The server and client are written in javascript. The server uses chrome's V8 javascript engine for interpreting the code.. If you're even the least bit interested in web applications check out this [incredibly cool technology](http://nodejs.org/) **Socket.IO** Websockets are the future of realtime web applications. They're real connections, none of this ajax BS (they're fast). Unfortunately websockets aren't everywhere *glares at IE*. Socket.IO is a library that will use websockets if they exist and fall back to another method if they do not. This means it works in IE. Yay! So what does this all mean? It's **FAST** also my css is sexy [Try it out for yourself]( [![](http://I.imgur.com/ni2iN.png)](http://imgur.com/ni2iN) **Future features** - Open ID for accounts - Mongo DB for admin privileges - Lots of commands and random shit **Known bugs** - Sometimes it connects twice with two different methods causing strange results.. It's fairly rare, if you encounter this problem please post and I can look at your log. - It's crashed a few times.. I think it has to do with XHR Multipart. So if you're on a kindle, please don't connect :P
  18. @Kreator: > Have you heard of the game [Dungeons of Fayte?](http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=10372.0) > I think it's combat system (both for ranged and melee), is flawless. It's collision-based hits, the knock-backs, combined with the movement speeds, enemy AI, and so forth makes it both smooth, fun and strategically challenging in some more difficult areas. If it were to able to be recreated in an mmorpg environment, I think it would really be something. I dream of developing some sort of 8-bit game with a combat system identical to this. Just reading over the description/ looking at screenshots it looks very interesting! I think I'll try it out later tonight.. That style in an MMORPG would be awesome, and exactly what I'm hoping this project could be.
  19. unknown

    Code redeem

    Yes. There are multiple ways to achieve this I'll start from simplest and move to most complex. **Modify the forum to send you a message when the player gets a code, you can then 'activate' the redeem code** This has the advantage of being easy but the disadvantage of limited scalability. IE: 100 players would take a lot of administration **Host the forum and game on the same server, modifying the forum to update the game activating the redeem code** A little more complex, but at least it's automated.. The main disadvantage here is hosting the webserver and game on the same box.. which may or may not be possible for you. **Update EO to use MySQL, and connect it with your forum's database. When a user reaches 10 posts it will be reflected in the shared database.** This is by and far the _best_ solution but also probably the most difficult.
  20. Snipped from EO ``` Public Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByRef Msg() As Byte, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Public Function GetAddress(FunAddr As Long) As Long GetAddress = FunAddr End Function ``` Example ``` CallWindowProc GetAddress(MyFunc), 1, "Hello World!", 0, 0) Public Function MyFunc(Param as string) MsgBox(param) End Function ```
  21. HTML5 is a very cool technology, and what I believe to be the future of rich content on the web (which is a major reason why I'm developing in it). For anyone that cares, I have still been working on Asteroids a bit in my free time.. I've done the following since posting it - Made shooting more accurate and graphically pleasing - Better rock splitting calculation - Actual FPS calculation - Major refactoring; the ability to easily add color the different elements and customize difficulty - Huge speed & memory enhancements Right now I'm working on - Different shaped asteroids - Slowing down the ship firing speed to a reasonable rate - Making the game difficulty consistent regardless of window size - Adding levels or maybe spawning more rocks as time goes on - High scores It's a fun little project, so I'll continue to work on it when I have time
  22. @Kreator: > Interesting. I'm familiar with your work. I'm not quite aware of your skill-level though. Fill me in, I'm really curious what you can do. (: > > As forementioned, I'm keen to work on something small (at least to start off with, so that an initial release isn't incredibly long away), fun to develop, yet polished and fluid. I'll explain a little about myself. I'm a 21 year old Computer Science major. Along with school I work as an intern writing Java code for a large company whose primary product is software. As far as languages, I'm experienced in the following: Java, C++, .NET, VB6, ASP, VBScript, Python, PHP, Javascript (HTML 5 specifically), COBOL (lol), Cocoa/Objective C, NodeJS (a cool technology) My work with Eclipse is somewhat limited… 5 years ago I worked with Odyssey source code which is similar to Eclipse/Mirage. I just recently installed VB6 again to help out with an Eclipse project. Like many coders, I'm somewhat of a perfectionist so a lot of my uncompleted work is gathering dust on my HD. I feel confident that I possess the skills necessary to code whatever is decided. Small is good.. I think many people dream too big and never accomplish what they set out to do.
  23. I'm interested (programmer).. I'm always looking to make cool things, and I think you probably have some great ideas.. I don't want to use EO but whatever, I just want to make something awesome.
  24. I understand your point.. I guess I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing (and for the good of any future data transformations you may have to do).
  25. @SamuGames: > If I want to keep adding extra variables onto a player account, I can do it without the necessity of wiping accounts . EO by default requires you to wipe accounts as it Save the Player Array according to the Type that was defined when the player account was created, and then tries to Load the player data according to the current .bin file which will utlimately either result in a Subscript Error or see the wrong data for each variable. Using WriteVar/GetVar is a tad slower, but avoids this method. It's just 'programmer' preference. They're stored as .dat files but can be edited the same method an INI file could. If you're going to use something other than Binary use XML or JSON.. INI may be 'simple' but it is **severely** limited
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