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Everything posted by Egon

  1. Egon

    Date advice

    Figure out what she likes to eat and see if there is any overlap. If she mentions something you've never heard of or had before ask her where you guys might be able to score or make it.
  2. Secret 7" is an exciting project combining music and art in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Seven bands and recording artists (Noah and The Whale, Florence + The Machine, The Cure, DJ Shadow, Ben Howard, Bombay Bicycle Club and CSS) are inviting creatives to design the artwork for a seven inch vinyl sleeve inspired by one of their songs. The project will culminate in 700 unique vinyl sleeves displayed in Idea Generation Gallery in London the week leading up to Record Store Day 2012\. On that day, each of the vinyls at the gallery will be available to purchase with all of the profits going to Teenage Cancer Trust. None of the buyers will know who created the sleeve, or even which song it's for, until they are holding it in their hands - the secret lies within.
  3. What if I bribe you with secrets - secrets having to do with Robin?
  4. Sadly you'll need a Facebook or Twitter account to vote though. Link: [http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/preview/a1174cc6f380dd52c4f7e8387cc2fdcf/378?referral=fb_wall_vote_link&refId=24](http://www.talenthouse.com/creativeinvites/preview/a1174cc6f380dd52c4f7e8387cc2fdcf/378?referral=fb_wall_vote_link&refId=24)
  5. @Anna: > [citation needed] Have ten: http://theweek.com/article/slide/221429/10-politicians-who-say-god-told-them-to-run#3
  6. America has problems with homosexuality because the hardcore Christians who live here "know" that "God hates fags". They also believe that America was founded on the Christian religion there by making them believe that America hates homosexuality. And the worst bit of all is that like 70% (or some bullshit number like that) of America is Christian. We've had, what, 44 Christian presidents elected in a row? Given that there are bound to be walls of anti-gay everywhere. Hell, we don't even have separation of church and state anymore. Our currency has "In God We Trust" on it. The government is prohibited from supporting one religion over another but yet there it is. Lets not forget the part in the Pledge of Allegiance where it says "under God". We'll keep having problems with homosexuality until America can get a handle on off of this God talk. tl;dr It's the Christian's fault.
  7. We need at least one lady and a few guys or a guy to do different male voices. I can't offer any money but I can offer some pixel items if you need some made.
  8. Egon

    It's my birthday!

    Well, you are five hours ahead of them.
  9. Egon

    It's my birthday!

    ![](http://gickr.com/results4/anim_71b9fdbd-bbeb-d814-c916-1a1212ee4312.gif) ~~At least in an hour it will be.~~ Bring me your finest Robin and scented oils.
  10. @Robin: > lul. Go read up on Majora's Mask creepypasta BEN. Watch the videos. Quite fun. I grade it D- Liked this one better.
  11. Come on, Robin. _Everyone_ knows that the GameBoy could flawlessly play '.swf's Get with the times.
  12. I demand sources because I HIGHLY doubt everything said. The GameBoy cartridge just didn't have the sheer amount of memory required or the programming.
  13. > ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lol922pALb1qzma4ho1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1311194422&Signature=bwu%2B%2BMTBuxVnQufRAx3r1ZGeM14%3D)
  14. Egon

    Arts Degree?

    @Zonova: > Lol, i meant a Literature Teacher xD Wait wait wait, should it be an ENGLISH major then? Being a teacher is a whole other thing also. I have a degree in fine art and I have to admit, after a year of trying to find a job with it I still have nothing. The best I've managed to do is volunteer at the art house and help them with their classes.
  15. Egon

    Cake Versus Pie

    Lets put them to the test, shall we? I made a cake yesterday. It was really easy and tastes damn good. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268947_10100327380659012_68132248_48433378_7607329_n.jpg) ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/262148_10100328264348092_68132248_48444090_5087857_n.jpg) Coming soon: Apple pie.
  16. MLP was good, but Mistro gets my vote.
  17. They should bring back the 4chan boards. But you know, for My Little Pony.
  18. Egon

    My GUI

    This is freaking genius. I love it. Everything is so clean. The buttons are perfect as well as the little icons. Keep it up man.
  19. I haven't played RCT3 yet. RCT2 though.. I needed to buy a new copy because I used it so much.
  20. Alright, well sometimes I get an instant messager bot. It's _always_ about porn. I just had one pop up a few minutes ago and thought that I would screw around with it. Here is the semi-funny chat. > (20:45:09 PM) skimfromukr38: hi > (20:47:12 PM) skimfromukr38: you still there hun? > (20:48:28 PM) Max: hello > (20:48:35 PM) skimfromukr38: hey :-) > (20:48:36 PM) Max: yes, i am here > (20:48:42 PM) skimfromukr38: how are you? > (20:48:50 PM) Max: terrible > (20:48:57 PM) skimfromukr38: whats up with you? > (20:49:14 PM) Max: i just lost my leg in a lawn mower accident > (20:49:20 PM) skimfromukr38: I'm playing on my cam, what are you doing? > (20:49:34 PM) Max: looking at where my leg used to be > (20:49:40 PM) skimfromukr38: thats cool hun, i just started my cam babe, about to do a show soon, want to watch free? > (20:50:12 PM) Max: what i really want is my leg back > (20:50:18 PM) skimfromukr38: Ok, it only takes a sec to register go to *removed url* and click on Join Free at the top of the page. > (20:50:24 PM) skimfromukr38: hurry!, hehe. I am dancing right now for a few of my girlfriends :) > (20:50:31 PM) skimfromukr38: I will be back in a little while, sweetie busy on cam, see you there! > (20:50:54 PM) Max: i wish i could dance still > (20:51:01 PM) skimfromukr38: Pause 1 > (20:51:12 PM) Max: excuse me?
  21. Egon

    Just showing off.

    ![](http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3042/img003bq.jpg) ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/large/237934103.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJF3XCCKACR3QDMOA&Expires=1300913780&Signature=2zotZSqFFTIvy8BR9rJnTM%2FA8WI%3D) ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/large/237936031.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJF3XCCKACR3QDMOA&Expires=1300913811&Signature=Kf08KWDzOBQ2TUcGK%2FQB%2FIolMDs%3D) ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/large/237936418.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJF3XCCKACR3QDMOA&Expires=1300913836&Signature=VWeR76lHXlzV7JtFzNPj1wEhInI%3D) ![](http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4971/img002uj.jpg)
  22. I'm pretty sure that A is just as bad as B. A GLOBAL depression that makes the 30s look like a cake walk? Everything in B will happen in A then. We're still screwed with either one we pick.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpoSS-cjUA4
  24. Just for you guys, I'll stop the apocalypse. Matthew 24:36 eh? Well I **know** that the end is tomorrow. But if it doesn't happen tomorrow then it will happen the next day. If not, then the next. So on and so forth into infinity. There, you're welcome, now the apocalypse will never come.
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