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Everything posted by ÃËœÂÃËœÂÃËœÂ

  1. Snatching kids from the streets. Been needing more mappingmonkeys.
  2. Doesn't look very nice :/ looks like something created when someone has nothing else to do.
  3. I've modified robin's updater into my game, as seperate program. If you lauch the client, it first checks lauches the updater, if there is no update, it lets you in the game, by clicking a button on the updater. You cannot play until you've updated. Besides, this DOESN'T work, because it will not let you overwrite your client.exe as the program is running.
  4. Niko, brother :D what happen? You vanished when me and you were working on Lands Of Orderia, that's the screenshot me and you we're working on. Anyways, if you like Post-Nuclear game, let me know, i've gotten alot better, so do you, i have 4 people in a team including me. Project is moving fast and smooth. Let me know if we can join once again.
  5. I don't think so, atleast not anytime soon. Later on, when the game get's fully developed, we'll have a "Donation" system, and if game is good enough people will donate/buy game money with real money, then ofcourse all admins will be payed.
  6. @Siliv: > Tell me more sounds interesting ;). Well, right now, the host is down, which means our forum is down. Currently we're moving to Origins, everything that we did, we're moving to origins. We already have 4 staff members that are online every single day, and they are commited to the project just as everyone else. There are alot of features such as "PDA", like a computer ever player has, where you can check your radiation level, messages, missions(quests) and add friends. We'll be adding features to the PDA as well as the game progresses. Since the game is post-nuclear, it's not like any other one out there. We have lots of wastelands to explore, missions to complete, collect items that you can build into new weapons. There are currently 4 classes: Soldier, Engineer, Medic and Korsair. Soldier carries heavy weapons and he has lot's of stamina. Engineer has energy weapons, that are the most powerful weapons in the game, they do alot of damage, but they are expensive and they take longer time to recharge than soldiers. Medic is a class that can heal/kill/buff and use other skills that none other class has. Korsair's class in a hard to explain class, but Korsair also means "Pirate", but in the game, korsairs are murderers. You are not able to get the korsair's class from the beggining of the game, you'll have to complete a quest at level 10 or after. Korsairs can use almost any weapon, it's like a combination of soldier and engineer. Korsair's do not get radiated and they do not pay in subway. There's alot more but i cannot write it, will take days (: Tell me what you think.
  7. Web-site looks.. way too white. I got lost right away.
  8. I listened to the first song and it's not that bad for a garage band.
  9. Pretty Good. Let me know if you like Post Nuclear Games, then we might put you to a good use.
  10. If you have factions, and they fight eachother, their HP bars will not update, this is how to fix: Find this: ``` ' Can the npc attack the npc? If CanNpcAttackNpc(MapNum, x, Target) Then Damage = CLng(Npc(NpcNum).Stat(Stats.strength)) - CLng(Npc(Target).Stat(Stats.endurance)) If Damage < 1 Then Damage = 1 Call NpcAttackNpc(MapNum, x, Target, Damage) ``` Right after: ``` Call NpcAttackNpc(MapNum, x, Target, Damage) ``` Add this: ``` SendMapNpcVitals MapNum, Target ``` === Please add this to the main post.
  11. that's good that there's no realese date. Don't make one.
  12. I see project is moving fast. That's good hope to see it out very soon.
  13. Nice, donate to eclise, 399$
  14. Robin you're getting married any time soon?
  15. Well, for people that don't want to see that "Received Connection" message every 10 seconds and spam the heck out of the server, might want to use this.
  16. INFO If you have Touch Of Death forum's status checker, and for example, you put it in your signature, everytime someone loads the page with your post/thread, like mine for example, I get "Received connection from" And the same with termination. If you want to hide that & save your self from spam, this is for you. *I don't know if this is the same with Origins, but if it is, then you can use it too. Let's get to work 1) Open your server in VB6. 2) Find: ``` Sub SocketConnected(ByVal Index As Long) ``` 3) Right Under : ``` If Not IsBanned(GetPlayerIP(Index)) Then ``` Post: ``` If GetPlayerIP(Index) "" Then Call TextAdd(frmServer.txtText(0), "Received connection from " & GetPlayerIP(Index) & ".", True) End If ``` 4) Find : ``` Sub CloseSocket(ByVal Index As Long) ``` Replace: ``` Call TextAdd(frmServer.txtText(0), "Connection from " & GetPlayerIP(Index) & " has been terminated.", True ``` With: ``` If GetPlayerIP(Index) "" Then Call TextAdd(frmServer.txtText(0), "Connection from " & GetPlayerIP(Index) & " has been terminated.", True) End If ``` Done Easy fix, hopefully someone will find it useful.
  17. For those who unsure if this works or not in ES, since this topic died a while ago, I just tested it in the ES 1.3, and it fixed the errors like it should. Definatly recommend.
  18. You really hate your life since you want to be him?
  19. You need to be really good at vb6 first of all. Read tutorials, mess around with the source.
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