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Programmer help


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Hey guys, I need some help with two systems in my game that aren't quite working as they should.

First up is my guild system, after a guild is created and a player logs in, the server crashes.

Secondly, I need help with my hunger/thirst system- where would I put the code to make a player die when vitals.Hunger =< 0 ?

Let me know if you need screenshots and of what, etc.
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I can't replicate the server crashing right now- I will make a note of it next time it happens/if it happens.

Now I just have two problems with the grey area on my client and the hunger/thirst not killing the player at 0.

* * *

Private Sub HandlePlayerHp(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
Buffer.WriteBytes Data()
Player(MyIndex).MaxVital(Vitals.HP) = Buffer.ReadLong
Call SetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP, Buffer.ReadLong)

If GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) > 0 Then
'frmMain.lblHP.Caption = Int(GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) * 100) & "%"
frmMain.lblHP.Caption = GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) & "/" & GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP)
' hp bar
frmMain.imgHPBar.width = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_Width) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / HPBar_Width)) * HPBar_Width
End If

' Error handler
Exit Sub
HandleError "HandlePlayerHP", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
Exit Sub
End Sub
Can someone highlight the code that kills the player when HP reaches 0?
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