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Well the Act 1 Act 2 and the last act are well made.
And the story line :) Is awesome, but when Leah died I expected more -.- Not only a "What sort of hero you are neph"
This is my biggest disappointment. I loved Leah <3

I was like "NOOOOOOOO Leah!!! Don't die!! FK YOU BLIZZ! And closed the game :) Had a beer or more and launched it again =]

My character:

>! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/cdfdfb9912026b28bd346757828152fc.PNG)
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I loved the game first time and second time through. After that I came to rely on the AH more and more because of my summoner build. Cookie cutter builds emerge and you're almost forced to use the AH. Inferno mode is silly and items at that level cost so much gold or real money.


>! I agree with you Neo, what happened to Leah was wrong. The angel didn't even try to save her, just caught her on fire to reveal Diablo.
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> I loved the game first time and second time through. After that I came to rely on the AH more and more because of my summoner build. Cookie cutter builds emerge and you're almost forced to use the AH. Inferno mode is silly and items at that level cost so much gold or real money.
> **Spoiler**
> >! I agree with you Neo, what happened to Leah was wrong. The angel didn't even try to save her, just caught her on fire to reveal Diablo.

I wanted revenge and all that sweet stuff <3
but nothing :(
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I win. :P


EDIT: Primary Weapon (XBow) was ~150k on Buyout, and everything else if I remember correctly was dropped. I'd say the bottoms weren't, but I didn't spend over 100k on those, so you don't really have to go to the AH to get decent stuff. Just plough to Hell difficulty Act 3, Act 4 and Act 1 Inferno and you get some pretty decent drops. :]
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> x link=topic=82278.msg881421#msg881421 date=1344734009]
> http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Akhlis-2798/hero/3077659
> :D
> Well the game is starting to be stupid :) To hard if you ask me =]

Your build is poop then. Switch on Elective Mode and follow my build. (Go for Frost Arrow in Elemental Arrow until you get Nether Tentacles).
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