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Alpha Blending Npcs in 2.0 or 2.3


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if any credit is due anywhere it goes to robin.

In this tut you will be able to make your npcs alpha blend and turn it on and off. you can just as easily change it to work with players, or anything else for that matter. even alphaed paperdolls. i will cover a few of the things you can easily change to make this work for you.

**ALL Client Side.**

add the attached **alphablend.dll** to your **client directory**

add the attached **alphablend module** to your **client**

at the bottom of **frmmain** add


Private Sub optAlphaff_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Options.alpha = 0

' save to config.ini


' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "optMOff_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub optAlphaOn_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Options.alpha = 1

' save to config.ini


' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "optMOff_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub


in **frmmain** add a lablel and set its caption to **Alpha Blending**

in **frmmain** add a option box to the option window named **optAlphaOn**

in **frmmain** add a option box to the option window named optAlphaff

open your **config.ini** file and add **alpha= 1** to the list

search for **Private Type OptionsRec**



Sound As Byte



alpha as byte


search for **Call PutVar(fileName, "Options", "Sound", str(Options.Sound))**

below it add


Call PutVar(fileName, "Options", "Alpha", str(Options.alpha))


search for **Options.Sound = GetVar(fileName, "Options", "Sound")**

below it add


Options.alpha = GetVar(fileName, "Options", "Alpha")


at the bottom of **Public Sub LoadOptions()**



If Options.alpha = 0 Then

frmMain.optAlphaff.Value = True


frmMain.optAlphaOn.Value = True

End If


search for **Public Sub BltNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long)**

and change it to


Public Sub BltNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, alpha As Boolean)


then directly below the other dims in **sub bltnpc** add


Dim aDC, bDC As Long


now find this bit further down the same sub….**sub bltnpc**


' Proceed as normal

y = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).y * PIC_Y + MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset

End If


directly below that code add this


' render the actual sprite in alpha blend

If alpha = True Then

If Sprite = 146 Then

aDC = DDS_BackBuffer.GetDC

bDC = DDS_Character(Sprite).GetDC

If Options.alpha = 1 Then

FoxAlphaBlend aDC, ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), 32, 32, bDC, rec.Left, rec.top, 100, RGB(255, 0, 255), 1


Options.alpha = 0

FoxAlphaBlend aDC, ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), 32, 32, bDC, rec.Left, rec.top, 255, RGB(255, 0, 255), 1

End If

DDS_BackBuffer.ReleaseDC aDC

DDS_Character(Sprite).ReleaseDC bDC


Call BltSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec)

End If

End If

at the bottom comment out or delete this line


Call BltSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec)


next find this bit of code in **moddirectdraw7**


' Npcs

For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex

If MapNpc(i).y = y Then

Call BltNpc(i)

End If



change to this


' Npcs

For i = 1 To Npc_HighIndex

If MapNpc(i).y = y Then

Call BltNpc(i, True)

End If



ok thats it. now on to the explaining bits.


'render the actual sprite in alpha blend

If alpha = True Then

'this here can be replaced by a case select if you wanted, in this case i set my ghost to sprite number 146 via the npc editor. so if its that sprite, it will be alpha blended.

If Sprite = 146 Then

aDC = DDS_BackBuffer.GetDC

bDC = DDS_Character(Sprite).GetDC

If Options.alpha = 1 Then

'these 32, 32 numbers are the sprites frame size, set it to your sprites frames size, a player sprite is 32, 48 standard i belive.

' the 100 in this line is the level of alpha being applied. in the latter its 255\. 255 = max

FoxAlphaBlend aDC, ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), 32, 32, bDC, rec.Left, rec.top, 100, RGB(255, 0, 255), 1


Options.alpha = 0

' the rgb stuff is the color used for the alpha blending, its set to the stock purple magenta color that eo sprites are backed against.

FoxAlphaBlend aDC, ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), 32, 32, bDC, rec.Left, rec.top, 255, RGB(255, 0, 255), 1

End If

DDS_BackBuffer.ReleaseDC aDC

DDS_Character(Sprite).ReleaseDC bDC


'down here we do the normal calling of the sprite.

Call BltSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec)

End If

End If

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> Why you maked it as ON/OFF value, why you do not saved it as value from 0 to 255 and then make scrollbar for setting it in NPC editor and then read from it and not just check if its highter than 0 then alphablend it at specific value

im sure you could. why dont you post your edit?
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I made a quick edit that only requires one check box.

Delete the label, **optAlphaOn**, and **optAlphaff**.

Add one check box, name it chkAlpha.

Replace the frmMain code with:

Private Sub chkAlpha_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Options.alpha = 0

' save to config.ini


' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "optMOff_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub

At the bottom of **Public Sub LoadOptions()**, replace

If Options.alpha = 0 Then

frmMain.optAlphaff.Value = True


frmMain.optAlphaOn.Value = True

End If

frmMain.optAlphaff.Value = Options.alpha = 0

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