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Big Dreams…


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Hello, I am just a simple gamer, wanting to create my own and have a chance at small-time success in a MMORPG, but that is besides the point. Does anyone remember the games like Ultima Online or Old Runescape? The games that would make you stay up all night, either questing with friends or slaying dragons or all the other typical stuff us gamers usually do in an MMORPG. Those were the days, simple late nights of one hand on my keyboard, my other hand on my mouse, and a 1.5 liter of Dr. Pepper nearby; just for those short thirst breaks. Those were basically a large part of my life, I was basically one of "those kids", but this isn't a sob story, as I knew that I was a gamer kid and I was proud of it.

I loved MMORPGs. I really did.

But getting onto my original point. You just don't see those today, and even if you do, it's usually a pay-for-play or the fans are ignorant and idiotic. Remember Runescape back before 2007? Those were fun times, the graphics were simple and easy on the eyes, the community was diverse and it didn't matter what age group you were in as you could still meet some friends. Life was good, even if there was some occasional bugs, or bots; but who cares, we're focusing on the good times.

I would want to make a good MMORPG.

With that statement, I don't "I" as a single person. I mean for anyone who ever wanted to make a simple yet fun MMORPG with easy to use systems and a community that rises steadily and kicks ass.

tl;dr: MMORPGs were good, I want to make one.
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Welcome to the community, and I agree on exactly what you're saying. It is why I started making MMOs. Companies just copy what works and don't really strive to take chances like they did a long time ago, because back then games were new and nothing was set in stone. Even though games always change, companies seem to be changing them in the wrong direction and for the wrong reasons.
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> Welcome to the community, and I agree on exactly what you're saying. It is why I started making MMOs. Companies just copy what works and don't really strive to take chances like they did a long time ago, because back then games were new and nothing was set in stone. Even though games always change, companies seem to be changing them in the wrong direction and for the wrong reasons.

I think the MMO-genre is the one genre of video games that sees the LEAST innovation and creative breakthroughs just because MMOs are seen by companies as extremely high-risk ventures.
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