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  1. **X-Isle** [![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/xibanner01e.jpg)](http://www.cold-boy.com) **Back Story** The First Global Federation initiated the X-Isle project in 2252; An island in a top secret location, that had been redesigned to function as a prison. Criminals, dissidents and other undesirables were shipped off to the X-Isle en masse, sterilized and fitted with cortex bombs, to prevent procreation and escape. Although officially the prison island was presented to the outside world as a place of freedom, the inmates knew better; Several insiders managed to leak info about prison staff using prisoners as slave labourers or guinea pigs for biochemical or psy-related research in the underground structures. A massive revolt in the summer of 2265 forced the management to reconsider its methods. Now, seven years later, the X-Isle is being run by the prisoners themselves, while the island security staff runs on a skeleton crew. New prisoners are still shipped in on a daily basis, undesirables left to fend for themselves on an island full of criminals. –- So this is where they sent you. Whatever you did, it's in the past now. And because of that, the X-Isle is going to be your future. ![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/XIGUI01A.png) **Gameplay** X-Isle plays like a basic Mirage game - but one of unprecedented depth and balance. The X-Isle is a harsh and unforgiving place. Money is scarce and life is cheap. Sector Seven, the island's main city, can be overwhelming at first, but you'll soon learn to embrace its relative safety, seeing as how the entire rest of the island is a red zone (PvP area). Team up with friends and compete for resources or territory. Or, if you're the strong, silent type, most of the game's content can be tackled solo. **Features** **Classes:** All players start out as the prisoner class. Different class trainers can be found throughout the island and players are free to switch classes at will. Each class has its own specific special ability - many of these are unique in an online RPG. XI classes include: Mercenary; Engineer; Medic; Assassin; Agent; Hacker; Psycho and more! **Gangs:** Team up with friends and form a gang. Gangs have access to their own chat channel, can capture territories and access special shopkeepers and rare boss spawns. X-Isle has a sturdy gang system with a preset chain of command. You'll be able to set a Gang MOTD, use gang chat, bring up a list of (online and offline) members and promote/demote/kick players whether they're online or not. **Crime Level:** Although players can engage in PvP combat almost anywhere on the island, X-Isle's unique Crime Level system limits what you can get away with. Players going on a rampage will ultimately find themselves in a prison cell. They can then either do the time or try to convince others to bust them out of jail… **Level Cap:** The XI level cap is 250, but the game doesn't end there. It's only then that you can reach every corner of the island, and access the rich endgame content. The island will be strewn with lvl 250 quests, capture territories, secrets and megabosses. **Graphics:** X-Isle mapping seemingly transcends the boundaries of Mirage-based games. Each screen is a solid composition, utilizing every mapping trick in the book. Combine this with an incredibly detailed tileset and you have a winning combination that every aspiring mapper/GFX artist should at least take a look at. **Sound:** X-Isle's music and sound effects will make you want to turn up the volume, not down. Atmospheric music, ambient sound effects, weapon specific sounds and tiny audio extras make the game world come alive. **Day-Night/Weather Cycle:** Random weather effects and a day/night cycle with day/night quests add another layer of depth. **Game World:** X-Isle features a huge island with a fully intertwined underground dungeon system. Full of secrets and hidden shortcuts, exploration is an important part of gameplay on X-Isle. With hundreds of different pieces of equipment, over two dozen dungeons - each with several quests attached to it -, a class system that doesn't restrict player choice, carefully balanced PvE and PvP and countless secrets and little extras, reaching the endgame content will take months. ![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/XI04.png) **Project Information** X-Isle is the brainchild of State, creator of State of Conflict (PlayerWorlds) and State of Conflict: Insurrection (PlayerWorlds). XI has had a long development period, originally starting out on the XR engine in 2006, but later moved to XtremeWorlds, where it is now the engine's flagship game. **(_Please don't judge the game too harshly because it runs on XtremeWorlds. X-Isle is a true labor of love and a prime example of what can be achieved, even with a limited engine._)** All major lvl 1-249 content is complete and with 25+ dungeons, 80+ quests and continued support from the XI staff, the game provides a powerful roleplaying environment and will keep even the most hardcore players busy for ages. **Planned Features** Gang HQs for rent; Revised party system; More classes; More capture systems; Megabosses; Many more features. **Limited Time Offer!** **From Nov 8th until Nov 18th, any character lvl 10 or higher will receive a unique exp boost accessory. So pick up the game now and get a running start!** ![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013L.png)![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013B.PNG) ![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013D.png)![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013E.png) ![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013A.PNG)![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/XI2013H.png) > This is a cropped version of the full map of the Sector 7 city. To view Sector 7 in it's full size glory, simply click on the picture. ***WARNING the full size map of Sector 7 is an extremely large picture!*** > > [![](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/S7C01.png)](http://www.cold-boy.com/images/screenshots/S7F01.png) [**->X-Isle Download
  2. It has pretty nice trees but it's pretty lacking in elements. It's good though.
  3. 17 And I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know of madness and folly: I perceived that this also was a chasing after the wind. 18 For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow. **Ecclesiastes 1:17-18** King James Version (KJV)
  4. I support this project and it might be one of the (not to say the only((so far!)) games I could actually see myself playing from Eclipse.. It shows there is alot of talent involved in this game, the good ideas and philosophies at the right places, and commitment to quality. I'm only starting to discover the project, but amongst other things I find the approach it takes on the leveling curve very good, and I must be honest.. I grew up on Final Fantasy and I can deffinitely feel many thematic and conceptual influences, well rendered and hopefully well adapted for an online game. Seems it intends to have it's level cap at 99 (hehe) but have an "Honors" system beyond that point. Depending on the size of the game and the actual amount of playtime players are expected to spend before reaching the cap, it may need alot of end game content ultimately however.
  5. > ^ Obviously didn't understand the reference. Nope. Marshy Dearest Dearest!
  6. You should edit your first post and put your version 2.0 of the second logo up there, because I think people are still rating the unfinished version that's still in your first post.
  7. I find that pretty good. But ideally it shouldn't be on a white background, or you should try adding a background element.
  8. Second one, but I would change the emblem to a background more encompassing of the title.
  9. It depends, but while saying art is art, do you believe the work of emerging, struggling young artists should be exposed in galleries next to toddler drawings and given the same attention? As far as I know nobody publishes all the short fictions everyone in the educational system has to write each grade in their language/writing classes, yet they are writings and short stories the same as any of a publishing novelist. It's really really just my personal opinion however, there's no cause to argue over this. ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//happy.png)
  10. The London Symphony sounds like a one-man trumpet? ![:huh:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//huh.png)
  11. I assume there is no script and the entire spell-checking/correcting has to be done in-game?
  12. Now for your next step, movement animations(Or rather movement sprites)! I don't see alot of difference from the first one (besides the angle of course), still decent work for a first time. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
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