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How would I go about redoing the layout in VB6 with stock EO 3.0? I want to make it look like CS:DE's GUI, like Eclispe Mega has done. I see it in the source, but how will i do it with the resoution, and making everything appear on the screen, transparently?
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I am going to list the work involved, not how to do it. This is meant to be a nice way of getting you to consider other options.

1\. Get all the GUI elements (as pictures) and make a new graphics folder.

2\. Write all the code to handle loading these images.

3\. Come up with a huge chunk of variables or udts to hold information on where each element should be, their size, their image, and a variable that controls visibility.

4\. Add a sub into the render graphics to draw all the visible gui elements.

5\. Rewrite all input (mouse/keyboard) code to recognize if mouse clicks are in specific elements, if a key should be used a movement vs typing in a box, etc..

6\. Remove all the old controls from the form (You should have nothing left except for picScreen (unless you draw to the form directly in DX8) and the socket.)

7\. Debug for several days. (You will be finding little bugs for AWHILE).

To achieve something like CS:DE parts 3, 4 and 5 are absolutely awful. Especially when you get into handling mouse interaction for each form and working out logistics such as word wrapping. You maybe better off ripping their GUI code and then debugging to make it work but even then it would be rough. It is my full recommendation that you use a different version of eclipse if you are trying to use a completely rendered GUI or just be sure to have your work cut out for you.
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Could I somehow rip this graphic's option from Eclispe Mega? I talked to the developer himself, and he told me that Mega wasn't really to be used as an engine, only to really be ripped from. Could I rip a rip? ._.
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> Could I somehow rip this graphic's option from Eclispe Mega? I talked to the developer himself, and he told me that Mega wasn't really to be used as an engine, only to really be ripped from. Could I rip a rip? ._.

I see no other way but using jcsinders method, just look at how other engines handle them. You'll see that most of them are similar. My advice is that you read JC Denton Denton's directions over and over again when you get lost.
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