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Project Angels 2D side-scrolling ORPG engine v8


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**What is PA?**

>! [Project Angels](http://sidescrollorpgengine.tk/) is a 2D side-scrolling online role playing game engine (ORPG engine). Project Angel is edit version of
>! [Project Vertigo(mrmiguu)](http://mrmiguu.com/pv/)

**Chage Log:**

>! **Project Angels v8 :
>! Add Projectile Type Spell
>! Add some chages to chatbox
>! Resized screen agen**
>! **Pa v7**
>! **Fixed** directional blocking
>! **Fixed** Platform show on minimap
>! **Fixed** Weather system and npc walk from v6
>! Removed Covers From Shop,Trade,Bank
>! Chaged Screen Size
>! **Pa v6**
Add Weather System
>! Add Buff/Debuff spells
Add server side show how much players is online
>! Add server side show ip and Port
>! fix Event bug
>! –----------------------------------------------------------
**Pa v5**
Chaged Screen Size
>! GUI now looks litl bit better
>! Fixed friend system
>! Fixed Buttons
>! Add Options
>! on/ff chat
>! on/off hotbar
>! on/off hp/mp/exp menu
>! –--------------------------------------------------------
**Pa v 4**
**Fixed inertia overflow (me)**
**Fixed Spell Menu Bug (me)**
>! **Add FMOD(now you can play any sound on map mp3,mp4, ogg etc…)**
**Add Projectiles system (wabbit
**Add [Consume Give-backs](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/131295-eo-20-consume-give-backs/) (
[- Matthew -](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/user/65954-matthew/) )
>! –-------------------------------------------------------
**Pa v3**
>! Mask x1 Rendering autotiles fix!**(me)**
>! some autotiles fixes **(SantaClaus)**
>! [EO] Memory Leak-free Text Rendering **(Lighting)**
>! Exp Rate**..**
>! Npc Spells..
>! add questlog gui
>! –------------------------------------------------------
**PA v2**
>! Add face on character creation
>! Add all buttons to client side(gui now looks litl better)
>! Fixed mask1
>! Add litl and large screen
>! –-----------------------------------------------------
**PA V1**
add Event System(JC Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton )(use normal
for event system)
>! add Autotiles System(fixed)
>! add Quest System (Altar)
>! add Friend System
>! add Jump Hig System(whit items)(**MortalAngels** )(so now it works whit item Armor you can chage any other item type in code)
>! add Minimap System (ricardo i think)
>! add Working on Gui(me and eragon)
>! Fixed: Allow newly-created players' sprites to render(me)
>! **Bug Fixs:
>! >! [Bug Fix] Correcting Server Connection Error
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Correction in Time Attack in Resource
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix][EO Event Sys. + ?]Event System multiply activating
>! Started By Mortal Angels
>! [EO 2.0/2.3] ShopAction fix
>! Started By Notsu
>! [Bug Fix] Exp Bar
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Correcting error at death
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Sending Client Version to Register
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Correction in Time of Attack Npc
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Correction of error in Npc critical hit
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [EO 2.0 - Bug Fix] Item Anim
>! Started By GuardianBR
>! [Bug Fix] Fixing Errors on Trade and Bank
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! Laggy Game Trade Fix
>! Started By - Matthew
>! [Bug Fix] Correction Player Movement
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! Updating the vitals to pass the level
>! Started By iRicardo
>! Loading the Shop
>! Started By iRicardo
>! [Bug Fix] Taking the last item played on grass
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Upgrading Vitals of NPCs
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] DamageMP Error
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Updating Status To Equip Items
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Small Bug in Ban
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Heal MP in Time Spells (Buff)
>! Started By ValentineBr,Soul
>! [Bug Fix] Gold in Inventory
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! [Bug Fix] Fixing a serious error in Party
>! Started By ValentineBr
>! Cutting down network traffic from the Client (SendPlayerDir)
>! Started By Rob Janes
>! Mask x1 Rendering autotiles fix!**(me)**
>! Fixed Perm. ban from server
>! some autotiles fixes **(SantaClaus)**
>! [EO] Memory Leak-free Text Rendering **(Lighting)**
**inertia overflow (fix)(me)**
**Fixed Spell Menu Bug (me)**
Fixed friend system
>! Fixed Buttons
>! Fixed Event from v4,v5
>! **Fixed** directional blocking
>! **Fixed** Platform show on minimap
>! **Fixed** Weather system and npc walk from v6
>! **Bugs:**
>! …........none.......
>! **Features:
>! >! I will try to make
**optimized bug-free engine
>! so all ppl can make nice orpg whit vb6 or not also i will going to add all features for nice gameplay and nice 2d Side-Scrolling ORPG game..
>! **Event System
>! Autotiles System
>! Quest System
>! Projectiles System
>! FMod System
>! Friend System**
>! **Jump Hig System**
**some other features….**
>! How character should look
>! Now we have 3x type of sprites
>! Character(for characters use PA sprites)
>! Npc- for npc use a left and right sprites (you can use paint)
>! Event -for event sprite use a normal eclipse sprites
>! **Screens:**
>! >! ![](http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/1125/94461921.jpg)********
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i tryed it there aresome problems and bugs

the gui dont apper till passed over with mouse and the screen is to long to fit my computer and i have a big one so please make thats smaller and when making your caracter it shows the sprit sheet and not one sprit and the gui for like invitory does not close when u try please fix
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1\. in next update i will fix sprit sheet on making characters

2.for that gui in inventory i forgot to put on buttons code sry x.x(i will going to make it movable to next update)

3.too loong screen? it is 1024x768 huh i will make litl one for you xD
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> 1\. in next update i will fix sprit sheet on making characters
> 2.for that gui in inventory i forgot to put on buttons code sry x.x(i will going to make it movable to next update)
> 3.too loong screen? it is 1024x768 huh i will make litl one for you xD

ok thanks and dont forget the gui only aperse when u hover over it so please fix that
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Nice release testing it now


A list of all the bugs i've found and easy features i think you'll need to add:

-You have a close button on every gui window but none of them work ![-_-](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sleep.png)

-If you hover over a gui button then it shows up ( i fixed this is 2seconds ![-_-](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sleep.png))

-And i was wondering does you're quest window has a gui because i was searching for it but didn't find when ( i was fixing you're gui bugs ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png))

-You're Quest/Friends button is not added to imgButton Sub

-You're buttons first you have a custom button then you hover and you get a basic eclipse button ![:wacko:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wacko.png)

-Maybe include a basic npc sprite because they are different from EO sprites and from player sprites

-Movable gui windows

-Fullscreen mode
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-close buttont gui is part of Eragons so i used it

-nop i didnt add quest gui yet

-You're Quest/Friends button is not added to imgButton Sub

yeai working inside so i put picture in client..but i will chage it soon when i have more time

Ok litl update

Made 2x game windows small and large

also if you using backround….your background picture mast be same size as game window

Add all gui buttons(inside client)

**Fixing(mask 1 wont work but if i chage code litl bit it work just autotiles on mask 1 dont work. on all other layers (mask2,fringe1.2,ground) they work)**

no idea why mask1 wont work whit autotiles o.O if any one can help me whit that …tnx!

**Download Link:**

PA v2

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> -close buttont gui is part of Eragons so i used it
> -nop i didnt add quest gui yet
> -You're Quest/Friends button is not added to imgButton Sub
> yeai working inside so i put picture in client..but i will chage it soon when i have more time
> Ok litl update
> Made 2x game windows small and large
> also if you using backround….your background picture mast be same size as game window
> Add all gui buttons(inside client)
> **Fixing(mask 1 wont work but if i chage code litl bit it work just autotiles on mask 1 dont work. on all other layers (mask2,fringe1.2,ground) they work)**
> no idea why mask1 wont work whit autotiles o.O if any one can help me whit that …tnx!
> **Download Link:**
> PA v2
> [http://www.sendspace.com/file/85fyny](http://www.sendspace.com/file/85fyny)

I'll take a look at the mask1 bug autotile now ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

I also had that bug in my first engine but i forgot how i fixed it there ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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No problem it was a time saver for me ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Else i had to fix all those bugs

Yeah i also think it has to do whit the mousedown thing of maps

I started fixing autotile thing ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) found following bugs till now:

in Public Sub MapEditorFillLayer() before the last end if paste:


' now cache the positions


I already tought that filling tool whas bugging whit autotile so that is fixed ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) now the mask 1 ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png).

In Private Sub HandleMapDone()



If Npc_HighIndex > MAX_MAP_NPCS Then Npc_HighIndex = MAX_MAP_NPCS



' now cache the positions


In the ok button sub of MapProperties:



Unload frmEditor_MapProperties



' Cache the shit


And a little question how did you fix the mask 1 in V2?
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>! Public Sub BltMapTile(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
>! Dim i As Long
>! Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT
>! With Map.Tile(x, y)
>! ' draw the map
>! For i = MapLayer.Ground To MapLayer.Mask2
>! If Autotile(x, y).Layer(i).renderState = RenderStateNormal Then
>! ' skip tile if tileset isn't set
>! If (.Layer(i).Tileset > 0 And .Layer(i).Tileset <= NumTileSets) And (.Layer(i).x > 0 Or .Layer(i).y > 0) Then
>! ' sort out rec
>! rec.top = .Layer(i).y * PIC_Y
>! rec.Bottom = rec.top + PIC_Y
>! rec.Left = .Layer(i).x * PIC_X
>! rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
>! ' render
>! Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), DDS_Tileset(.Layer(i).Tileset), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
>! End If
>! ElseIf Autotile(x, y).Layer(i).renderState = RenderStateAutotile Then
>! ' Draw autotiles
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), 1, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX((x * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), 2, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY((y * PIC_Y) + 16), 3, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX((x * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY((y * PIC_Y) + 16), 4, x, y
>! End If
>! Next
>! End With
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "BltMapTile", "modDirectDraw7", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub


>! Public Sub BltMapTile(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
>! Dim i As Long
>! Dim rec As DxVBLib.RECT
>! With Map.tile(x, y)
>! ' draw the map
>! For i = MapLayer.Ground To MapLayer.Mask2
>! ' skip tile if tileset isn't set
>! If (.layer(i).Tileset > 0 And .layer(i).Tileset <= NumTileSets) And (.layer(i).x > 0 Or .layer(i).y > 0) Then
>! ' sort out rec
>! rec.top = .layer(i).y * PIC_Y
>! rec.Bottom = rec.top + PIC_Y
>! rec.Left = .layer(i).x * PIC_X
>! rec.Right = rec.Left + PIC_X
>! ' render
>! Call Engine_BltFast(ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), DDS_Tileset(.layer(i).Tileset), rec, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
>! End If
>! If Autotile(x, y).layer(i).renderState = RenderStateAutotile Then
>! ' Draw autotiles
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), 1, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX((x * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY(y * PIC_Y), 2, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX(x * PIC_X), ConvertMapY((y * PIC_Y) + 16), 3, x, y
>! BltAutoTile i, ConvertMapX((x * PIC_X) + 16), ConvertMapY((y * PIC_Y) + 16), 4, x, y
>! End If
>! Next
>! End With
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "BltMapTile", "modDirectDraw7", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub

but that just fix half mask 1 so it work but autotiles wont work on mask 1….

i know it is not right way to fix it but for now that is temp. fix until i found real
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