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About [Advanced doors, keys, and switches]


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I added [this system](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/121870-eo-advanced-doors-keys-and-switches-v-30/) but didnt work, and I paste everything, I review all the code like 4 times and its _all right_

But when I click on **"cmdADoor"** button on the Admin Panel (that button allows you to see the **"frmEditor_Doors"**) nothing appears ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png)

Somebody haved the same trouble? Can you help me?

>! ![](http://i34.tinypic.com/2d8hmoy.jpg)

>! ```
Private Sub cmdADoor_Click()
>! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out
>! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
>! If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_DEVELOPER Then
>! Exit Sub
>! End If
>! SendRequestEditdoors
>! ' Error handler
>! Exit Sub
>! errorhandler:
>! HandleError "cmdADoor_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
>! Err.Clear
>! Exit Sub
>! End Sub

Thx for reading ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
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> Have you named the button in properties? "CmdADoor"
> Right click the button click properties, its the top box.

Yeah ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png)

> …But when I click on **"cmdADoor"** button on the Admin Panel…
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> Follow the packet and make sure that its sent, and received by the client, and that the server-sided packet is sent, and received by the server.

No offense to the original post, but if he doesn't know why it's happening I don't think he'd know what to do as far as packets. Probably a better idea if he sent the folder to one of us, or paste the packet details here to have someone see if there's an error.

If I'm wrong about any of this feel free to tell me off, otherwise just make a post if you don't know how to track the packet down and see if there's miscommunication.
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> No offense to the original post, but if he doesn't know why it's happening I don't think he'd know what to do as far as packets. Probably a better idea if he sent the folder to one of us, or paste the packet details here to have someone see if there's an error.
> If I'm wrong about any of this feel free to tell me off, otherwise just make a post if you don't know how to track the packet down and see if there's miscommunication.

True, but I'm just trying to give him a chance to learn.
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I think I have to learn someday xD so, I´ll post the codes that I think are the packets of client that sent to the server

>! ```
>! ' Packets sent by server to client
>! Public Enum ServerPackets
>! SAlertMsg = 1
>! SLoginOk
>! SNewCharClasses
>! SClassesData
>! SInGame
>! SPlayerInv
>! SPlayerInvUpdate
>! SPlayerWornEq
>! SPlayerHp
>! SPlayerMp
>! SPlayerStats
>! SPlayerData
>! SPlayerMove
>! SNpcMove
>! SPlayerDir
>! SNpcDir
>! SPlayerXY
>! SPlayerXYMap
>! SAttack
>! SNpcAttack
>! SCheckForMap
>! SMapData
>! SMapItemData
>! SMapNpcData
>! SMapDone
>! SGlobalMsg
>! SAdminMsg
>! SPlayerMsg
>! SMapMsg
>! SSpawnItem
>! SItemEditor
>! SUpdateItem
>! SREditor
>! SSpawnNpc
>! SNpcDead
>! SNpcEditor
>! SUpdateNpc
>! SMapKey
>! SEditMap
>! SShopEditor
>! SUpdateShop
>! SSpellEditor
>! SUpdateSpell
>! SSpells
>! SLeft
>! SResourceCache
>! SResourceEditor
>! SUpdateResource
>! SSendPing
>! SDoorAnimation
>! SActionMsg
>! SPlayerEXP
>! SBlood
>! SAnimationEditor
>! SUpdateAnimation
>! SAnimation
>! SMapNpcVitals
>! SCooldown
>! SClearSpellBuffer
>! SSayMsg
>! SOpenShop
>! SResetShopAction
>! SStunned
>! SMapWornEq
>! SBank
>! STrade
>! SCloseTrade
>! STradeUpdate
>! STradeStatus
>! STarget
>! SHotbar
>! SHighIndex
>! SSound
>! STradeRequest
>! SPartyInvite
>! SPartyUpdate
>! SPartyVitals
>! SHandleProjectile
>! SQuestEditor
>! SUpdateQuest
>! SPlayerQuest
>! SQuestMessage
>! SDoorsEditor
>! SUpdateDoors
>! ' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum
>! ' Packets sent by client to server
>! Public Enum ClientPackets
>! CNewAccount = 1
>! CDelAccount
>! CLogin
>! CAddChar
>! CUseChar
>! CSayMsg
>! CEmoteMsg
>! CBroadcastMsg
>! CPlayerMsg
>! CPlayerMove
>! CPlayerDir
>! CUseItem
>! CAttack
>! CUseStatPoint
>! CPlayerInfoRequest
>! CWarpMeTo
>! CWarpToMe
>! CWarpTo
>! CSetSprite
>! CGetStats
>! CRequestNewMap
>! CMapData
>! CNeedMap
>! CMapGetItem
>! CMapDropItem
>! CMapRespawn
>! CMapReport
>! CKickPlayer
>! CBanList
>! CBanDestroy
>! CBanPlayer
>! CRequestEditMap
>! CRequestEditItem
>! CSaveItem
>! CRequestEditNpc
>! CSaveNpc
>! CRequestEditShop
>! CSaveShop
>! CRequestEditSpell
>! CSaveSpell
>! CSetAccess
>! CWhosOnline
>! CSetMotd
>! CSearch
>! CSpells
>! CCast
>! CQuit
>! CSwapInvSlots
>! CRequestEditResource
>! CSaveResource
>! CCheckPing
>! CUnequip
>! CRequestPlayerData
>! CRequestItems
>! CRequestNPCS
>! CRequestResources
>! CSpawnItem
>! CRequestEditAnimation
>! CSaveAnimation
>! CRequestAnimations
>! CRequestSpells
>! CRequestShops
>! CRequestLevelUp
>! CForgetSpell
>! CCloseShop
>! CBuyItem
>! CSellItem
>! CChangeBankSlots
>! CDepositItem
>! CWithdrawItem
>! CCloseBank
>! CAdminWarp
>! CTradeRequest
>! CAcceptTrade
>! CDeclineTrade
>! CTradeItem
>! CUntradeItem
>! CHotbarChange
>! CHotbarUse
>! CSwapSpellSlots
>! CAcceptTradeRequest
>! CDeclineTradeRequest
>! CPartyRequest
>! CAcceptParty
>! CDeclineParty
>! CPartyLeave
>! CProjecTileAttack
>! CRequestEditQuest
>! CSaveQuest
>! CRequestQuests
>! CPlayerHandleQuest
>! CQuestLogUpdate
>! CSaveDoor
>! CRequestDoors
>! CRequestEditDoors
>! ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum
>! ```

>! ```
>! Public Enum ServerPackets
>! SAlertMsg = 1
>! SLoginOk
>! SNewCharClasses
>! SClassesData
>! SInGame
>! SPlayerInv
>! SPlayerInvUpdate
>! SPlayerWornEq
>! SPlayerHp
>! SPlayerMp
>! SPlayerStats
>! SPlayerData
>! SPlayerMove
>! SNpcMove
>! SPlayerDir
>! SNpcDir
>! SPlayerXY
>! SPlayerXYMap
>! SAttack
>! SNpcAttack
>! SCheckForMap
>! SMapData
>! SMapItemData
>! SMapNpcData
>! SMapDone
>! SGlobalMsg
>! SAdminMsg
>! SPlayerMsg
>! SMapMsg
>! SSpawnItem
>! SItemEditor
>! SUpdateItem
>! SREditor
>! SSpawnNpc
>! SNpcDead
>! SNpcEditor
>! SUpdateNpc
>! SMapKey
>! SEditMap
>! SShopEditor
>! SUpdateShop
>! SSpellEditor
>! SUpdateSpell
>! SSpells
>! SLeft
>! SResourceCache
>! SResourceEditor
>! SUpdateResource
>! SSendPing
>! SDoorAnimation
>! SActionMsg
>! SPlayerEXP
>! SBlood
>! SAnimationEditor
>! SUpdateAnimation
>! SAnimation
>! SMapNpcVitals
>! SCooldown
>! SClearSpellBuffer
>! SSayMsg
>! SOpenShop
>! SResetShopAction
>! SStunned
>! SMapWornEq
>! SBank
>! STrade
>! SCloseTrade
>! STradeUpdate
>! STradeStatus
>! STarget
>! SHotbar
>! SHighIndex
>! SSound
>! STradeRequest
>! SPartyInvite
>! SPartyUpdate
>! SPartyVitals
>! SHandleProjectile
>! SQuestEditor
>! SUpdateQuest
>! SPlayerQuest
>! SQuestMessage
>! SSpawnEvent
>! SEventMove
>! SEventDir
>! SEventChat
>! SEventStart
>! SEventEnd
>! SPlayBGM
>! SPlaySound
>! SFadeoutBGM
>! SStopSound
>! SSwitchesAndVariables
>! SMapEventData
>! SDoorsEditor
>! SUpdateDoors
>! ' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum
>! ' Packets sent by client to server
>! Public Enum ClientPackets
>! CNewAccount = 1
>! CDelAccount
>! CLogin
>! CAddChar
>! CUseChar
>! CSayMsg
>! CEmoteMsg
>! CBroadcastMsg
>! CPlayerMsg
>! CPlayerMove
>! CPlayerDir
>! CUseItem
>! CAttack
>! CUseStatPoint
>! CPlayerInfoRequest
>! CWarpMeTo
>! CWarpToMe
>! CWarpTo
>! CSetSprite
>! CGetStats
>! CRequestNewMap
>! CMapData
>! CNeedMap
>! CMapGetItem
>! CMapDropItem
>! CMapRespawn
>! CMapReport
>! CKickPlayer
>! CBanList
>! CBanDestroy
>! CBanPlayer
>! CRequestEditMap
>! CRequestEditItem
>! CSaveItem
>! CRequestEditNpc
>! CSaveNpc
>! CRequestEditShop
>! CSaveShop
>! CRequestEditSpell
>! CSaveSpell
>! CSetAccess
>! CWhosOnline
>! CSetMotd
>! CSearch
>! CSpells
>! CCast
>! CQuit
>! CSwapInvSlots
>! CRequestEditResource
>! CSaveResource
>! CCheckPing
>! CUnequip
>! CRequestPlayerData
>! CRequestItems
>! CRequestNPCS
>! CRequestResources
>! CSpawnItem
>! CRequestEditAnimation
>! CSaveAnimation
>! CRequestAnimations
>! CRequestSpells
>! CRequestShops
>! CRequestLevelUp
>! CForgetSpell
>! CCloseShop
>! CBuyItem
>! CSellItem
>! CChangeBankSlots
>! CDepositItem
>! CWithdrawItem
>! CCloseBank
>! CAdminWarp
>! CTradeRequest
>! CAcceptTrade
>! CDeclineTrade
>! CTradeItem
>! CUntradeItem
>! CHotbarChange
>! CHotbarUse
>! CSwapSpellSlots
>! CAcceptTradeRequest
>! CDeclineTradeRequest
>! CPartyRequest
>! CAcceptParty
>! CDeclineParty
>! CPartyLeave
>! CProjecTileAttack
>! CRequestEditQuest
>! CSaveQuest
>! CRequestQuests
>! CPlayerHandleQuest
>! CQuestLogUpdate
>! CEventChatReply
>! CEvent
>! CSwitchesAndVariables
>! CRequestSwitchesAndVariables
>! CSaveDoor
>! CRequestDoors
>! CRequestEditDoors
>! ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum
>! ```

>! ```
>! CSaveDoor
>! CRequestDoors
>! CRequestEditDoors
>! ```
>! SDoorsEditor
>! SUpdateDoors
>! ```

Is it right? Are these?
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its good you want to learn, but without the code in client and server, the enumerations are useless, i cant follow the trail like this.

i need every piece of code, from the sub thats called when ya press the button, to the sub that handles it server side. thats why i said pack it up again xd
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> its good you want to learn, but without the code in client and server, the enumerations are useless, i cant follow the trail like this.
> i need every piece of code, from the sub thats called when ya press the button, to the sub that handles it server side. thats why i said pack it up again xd

You are my hero, I´ll do it
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k, just make sure i can login this time please?

i know your afraid of your items and other graphics, but when ya delete them, i get errors xd

so make a test account or something that doesnt error ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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> k, just make sure i can login this time please?
> i know your afraid of your items and other graphics, but when ya delete them, i get errors xd
> so make a test account or something that doesnt error ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Yeah, its Ok ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

User: Test

Passw: 1234

Its as default
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ok, found it, your enumerations are waaaaay off, server has different ones then your client.

to fix it, copy your server and client enumerations to your client, overwriting the old ones, then it works ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

>! ' Packets sent by server to client
>! Public Enum ServerPackets
>! SAlertMsg = 1
>! SLoginOk
>! SNewCharClasses
>! SClassesData
>! SInGame
>! SPlayerInv
>! SPlayerInvUpdate
>! SPlayerWornEq
>! SPlayerHp
>! SPlayerMp
>! SPlayerStats
>! SPlayerData
>! SPlayerMove
>! SNpcMove
>! SPlayerDir
>! SNpcDir
>! SPlayerXY
>! SPlayerXYMap
>! SAttack
>! SNpcAttack
>! SCheckForMap
>! SMapData
>! SMapItemData
>! SMapNpcData
>! SMapDone
>! SGlobalMsg
>! SAdminMsg
>! SPlayerMsg
>! SMapMsg
>! SSpawnItem
>! SItemEditor
>! SUpdateItem
>! SREditor
>! SSpawnNpc
>! SNpcDead
>! SNpcEditor
>! SUpdateNpc
>! SMapKey
>! SEditMap
>! SShopEditor
>! SUpdateShop
>! SSpellEditor
>! SUpdateSpell
>! SSpells
>! SLeft
>! SResourceCache
>! SResourceEditor
>! SUpdateResource
>! SSendPing
>! SDoorAnimation
>! SActionMsg
>! SPlayerEXP
>! SBlood
>! SAnimationEditor
>! SUpdateAnimation
>! SAnimation
>! SMapNpcVitals
>! SCooldown
>! SClearSpellBuffer
>! SSayMsg
>! SOpenShop
>! SResetShopAction
>! SStunned
>! SMapWornEq
>! SBank
>! STrade
>! SCloseTrade
>! STradeUpdate
>! STradeStatus
>! STarget
>! SHotbar
>! SHighIndex
>! SSound
>! STradeRequest
>! SPartyInvite
>! SPartyUpdate
>! SPartyVitals
>! SHandleProjectile
>! SQuestEditor
>! SUpdateQuest
>! SPlayerQuest
>! SQuestMessage
>! SSpawnEvent
>! SEventMove
>! SEventDir
>! SEventChat
>! SEventStart
>! SEventEnd
>! SPlayBGM
>! SPlaySound
>! SFadeoutBGM
>! SStopSound
>! SSwitchesAndVariables
>! SMapEventData
>! SDoorsEditor
>! SUpdateDoors
>! ' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum
>! ' Packets sent by client to server
>! Public Enum ClientPackets
>! CNewAccount = 1
>! CDelAccount
>! CLogin
>! CAddChar
>! CUseChar
>! CSayMsg
>! CEmoteMsg
>! CBroadcastMsg
>! CPlayerMsg
>! CPlayerMove
>! CPlayerDir
>! CUseItem
>! CAttack
>! CUseStatPoint
>! CPlayerInfoRequest
>! CWarpMeTo
>! CWarpToMe
>! CWarpTo
>! CSetSprite
>! CGetStats
>! CRequestNewMap
>! CMapData
>! CNeedMap
>! CMapGetItem
>! CMapDropItem
>! CMapRespawn
>! CMapReport
>! CKickPlayer
>! CBanList
>! CBanDestroy
>! CBanPlayer
>! CRequestEditMap
>! CRequestEditItem
>! CSaveItem
>! CRequestEditNpc
>! CSaveNpc
>! CRequestEditShop
>! CSaveShop
>! CRequestEditSpell
>! CSaveSpell
>! CSetAccess
>! CWhosOnline
>! CSetMotd
>! CSearch
>! CSpells
>! CCast
>! CQuit
>! CSwapInvSlots
>! CRequestEditResource
>! CSaveResource
>! CCheckPing
>! CUnequip
>! CRequestPlayerData
>! CRequestItems
>! CRequestNPCS
>! CRequestResources
>! CSpawnItem
>! CRequestEditAnimation
>! CSaveAnimation
>! CRequestAnimations
>! CRequestSpells
>! CRequestShops
>! CRequestLevelUp
>! CForgetSpell
>! CCloseShop
>! CBuyItem
>! CSellItem
>! CChangeBankSlots
>! CDepositItem
>! CWithdrawItem
>! CCloseBank
>! CAdminWarp
>! CTradeRequest
>! CAcceptTrade
>! CDeclineTrade
>! CTradeItem
>! CUntradeItem
>! CHotbarChange
>! CHotbarUse
>! CSwapSpellSlots
>! CAcceptTradeRequest
>! CDeclineTradeRequest
>! CPartyRequest
>! CAcceptParty
>! CDeclineParty
>! CPartyLeave
>! CProjecTileAttack
>! CRequestEditQuest
>! CSaveQuest
>! CRequestQuests
>! CPlayerHandleQuest
>! CQuestLogUpdate
>! CEventChatReply
>! CEvent
>! CSwitchesAndVariables
>! CRequestSwitchesAndVariables
>! CSaveDoor
>! CRequestDoors
>! CRequestEditDoors
>! ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
>! End Enum

those are the right ones
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