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Little info behind my game


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**Ascending Fate


In the fith year of Azrah, there was a ruler who sought destruction and havok, his name was Alkan. Alkan began a crusade to conqure all of the Kingdoms in Azrahzan. Until he came apon the hidden town of Kordan. Kordan held a long lost tome of the Gods, this tome held many mysterious secrets. Alkan stole this tome and ended his crusade to conqure Azrahzan and withdrew into the kingdoms he had already conqured .

Many years had passed before any sign other than Alkans already conqured Kingdoms had been seen, till one day a boy and his father had been hunting far too close to the forgotton Kingdoms and Alkan appeared infront of them. Alkan had been contorted into something that no longer resembled human. He held the tome in his hands, the boy and his father ran from Alkan, Alkan whispered a chant and monsters appeared out of thin air, Alkan ordered the monsters after the boy. But the boy and his father was not fast enough to escape , The father turned around to fight the monsters off, but was not strong enough to hold them back alone. They pushed past the boys father and killed the boy and disappeared. Afterwards the father returned to the town Kordan wheeping about his lost son. Soon after he was escorted to the town elders.

The elders listened to the fathers story and grew pale in fear. The next day the elders told the people of Kordan the story of the tome and explained that Alkan had found the tome when he had found their town, and that he must be trying to complete his crusade by becoming an all powerful God!

One of the storys in the tome speak of this event and it is told that only those born after the event have the power to destroy the one that seeks to become a God through the way of darkness. Those born after the event will embark on a long journey full of struggle and hardship. It is also told that if no one defeats Alkan his darkness will infect Azrah and all of Azrah's creations will be infected along with Azrah.

From that day on , once a child in the town reached the age of fifteen they were sent on their journey to defeat the dark crusader Alkan.   


Azrah - The God of all creation.

Zor - The God of all endings.

Telien - The God of Tranquility.


Humans  - Humans usually are found just about anywhere, Humans are fit for almost any class.

Elf's - Elf's are fairly common, but not so much as Humans, Elf's are usually Magic Casters.

Damari - Damari are said to be direct desendants of the gods, therefore they are usually uncommon, Damari are strong warriors and assasins.
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