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Hey, i have a question that doesnt really belong


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dont tell me to put this question in the question section of the forums because it doesnt have to do with eclispe.
so my question is =

i know that eclipse makes 2d mmo's but i really want to make a game kinda like wow. i heard they made there own program so if your know how to do that plz tell me. if u know a program i could yous to make a game like that plz tell me that also. and if i should use some other cpding language like java or c++ plz tell me. i know this kinda goes against eclipse but i really need to knwo this . i hope u dnt mind.
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Umm. lmao

You will not make the next WOW I can guarantee that 100%. You won't even get close…

You pretty much need to learn a new programming language, I prefer C++, learn how to integrate DirectX or OpenGL, setup a server/client protocol, etc etc

Even If you already had that knowledge, it would probably take you 5-6 years to create your own mmo. Not to mention that you won't have any gfx.

So give up, lol.

WOW wasn't made by one person, working for a few months. It was made by dozens of professionals, which have worked on MANY other games before, and it took them a few years.

If you really want to learn how to program games, start small. Learn C++, make a tetris game, etc.

The use of premade gfx engines like Ogre3D and Irrlicht would shorten the amount of time it would take you, however, these are not engines like eclipse. They are just code, which you must understand, and use to make your own game. It would still take a few years even if you use a premade gfx engine.

EDIT: Umm, you don't make your own programming language... you use current ones to make engines.
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Realm Crafter is a 3D MMORPG authoring tool.

Yes, you can make your own programming language but it requires C/C++ or assembly or binary, or something else low level. Scripting languages are easier though as you can make them with higher level languages.
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so java isn't a programming language?
how was C++ invented?
Did it appear out of thin air? or did someone make it as I said before
I agree with adrian about the WoW thing though
The odds of you making anything even remotely close to as good
as WoW is slim to none.
They must had at least 500 people working on WoW when you
think about it. From tech support, writers, coding, 3d modeling, etc
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C++ is a programming language dude. You don't make another programming language in c++…
You could make one in binary, but why the hell would you do that, when everybody else just uses c++ or vb or java or whatever....

And yeah you could use realmcrafter. Its only like $100\.

To make C++, you need to understand this:

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Ok. Game developers DO NOT make their own programming language. They usually use C++ and DirectX to make their games.

Making your own programming language would be useless.

And the 11010… thing I wrote is binary. You don't need to understand that if you want to make a game, but you do need to understand it if you want to make a programming language.

I'll repeat this one more time: Game programmers do not make their own programming language.

Also, its not about "believing in your self". Its about beying realistic. Do you have a few million dollars, a team of about 20 PROFESSIONALS willing to work for you to make this game?

WOW wasn't made by one guy...

And the fact that he does/doesn't understand binary wasn't my point. Also, that 1100 thing I wrote is actual binary, not just random numbers. Go on google and search for a binary converter to find out what it sais...
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> You can't make your own coding language period
> C++ is directly interpretated by the computer.
> Lol, and you have no chance at making a mmo from 0 thats even half as good as wow.

What are you talking about? Yea you can.


> Ok. Game developers DO NOT make their own programming language. They usually use C++ and DirectX to make their games.
> Making your own programming language would be useless.
> And the 11010… thing I wrote is binary. You don't need to understand that if you want to make a game, but you do need to understand it if you want to make a programming language.
> I'll repeat this one more time: Game programmers do not make their own programming language.

Wow stop you dont know what you talking about, sometimes they do sometimes..I have before.
How is it pointless? making your own language to define functions. Makes it easier
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> No its not, I just realized that others may not know.
> Anyway, how would you define functions without using an existing compiler?
> Writing your own binary or something?
> I'm not saying you're wrong, I really don't know.

I get what your saying, but all "Languages" have been based off a language before them.
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Anyway, that's not what he was asking. The point is, if you want to make a 3d mmo like wow, learn C++, directX, and then you can try.

There are two 3d mmo makers that I know of: RealmCrafter and Multiverse. Those who made wow are professionals, so even if you use premade mmo engines, you don't really have a chance.
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you cant "make" c++

you can use it, but the likelyhood of you creating a brand new language all on your own is like me trying to fit in my neighburs trousers whilst he is still wearing them, it can't be done.
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